Dungeon: Endless Library

The Endless Library is a subterranean dungeon with its most distinctive characteristic being the rows of massive columnar shelves descending deep into a seemingly bottomless void, with unrailed wooden bridges and stone stairs, criss-crossing between them. Spectres and outsiders haunt this titanic archive, and legend tells of even greater beings known to peruse the ancient works housed deep within.  

Dungeon Notes

  Solo Dungeons  
NOTE: This dungeon is NOT meant to be completed in one sitting. It is composed of around 25 encounters. Please visit the above link or bug Cohor to learn how to stop your session at a particular point, effectively creating a "Save Game/Checkpoint" that you can return to in a later session.

Dungeon Encounter Summary

This dungeon is composed of 2 Easy Encounters, 7 Medium Encounters, 8 Hard Encounters, 7 Deadly Encounters, and 1 Boss Encounter.   The Endless Library is a hard dungeon. The average encounter difficulty (of 25 encounters) is hard.  

Dungeon Pre-requisites

The Endless Library is one day's travel south from the waypoint. You must complete the following before attempting the dungeon.
  • Complete a combat encounter which includes a hostile Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, or Transmuter, and complete a Harvest Challenge at the end of the encounter to recover their spellbook intact.
  • Successfully complete a difficult social/investigation skill challenge to hear rumor of the library's location
  • Successfully complete a moderate tracking skill challenge to know how to get there; each failure adds 12 hours to your journey
  • For every 24 hours you are traveling to the Endless Library (minimum of 24 hours), you must make 6d100 rolls (4 during the day, 2 at night)
  • For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random wilderness encounter !table wilderness

Dungeon Rewards

  This dungeon is under no one's jurisdiction. You receive two minor potions determined by the reviewing DM upon clearing this dungeon.   At the completion of the dungeon (all encounters complete), a DM will roll five Treasure Hoards for you and your name will be added to the Completionist List. This will count as five of your eighteen Tier II treasure hoards. You will not be able to benefit from this dungeon on this character again (you may continue to gather Tomes of Knowledge or tackle the special encounters, however).   There is a hidden chest in this dungeon. You must beat the listed DC with either a perception or investigation check. Failure the first time means you do not find it. If you wish to continue to seek for it, you must complete any combination of four hard skill challenges or hard combat encounters to try again.  

Dungeon Icons & Map Link

  Throughout the dungeon, you will encounter different terrain types. The sand colored floor is hard ground, the black is open air and dark brown indicates an enclosed room. The stairs pointing towards the black descend to a lower floor, the stairs pointing away from the black ascend to an upper floor.   You must first add a token to initiative before you can assign the map to it. !i add 0 dm -p 100  

Map Command:

The Endless Library Dungeon is composed of seven different floors. Whenever you ascend or descend a set of stairs, you will need to change the background with the appropriate url, by pasting the codes below into Discord.

Level 1

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/arqJIkB.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow s19:ad30 -view s19:ad30

Level 2

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/V8EZsqW.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50

Level 3

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/4eBAsnV.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50

Level 4

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/LS2yTRA.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50

Level 5

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/trVNk9b.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50

Level 6

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/34AkyHb.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50

Level 7

!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/1gEnuKr.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50
    Your character initially descends a ladder into the Endless Library to stand on position X23 or Y23.   You can see the entire map view by running !view reset and focus in on an area by running !view x#:y#.   You can expand your fog of war by running !map -fow x#:y#. For both of these, x is the top left corner of the area you want to view/reveal and y is the bottom right corner.  

Long Resting

  In order to long rest, you must follow the requirements listed on the Endless Library's page. Once you successfully find a campsite, this character never needs to look for another campsite in the vicinity of the dungeon again. Storms will still be a problem, though.    

Wandering Monsters

When you enter a room, these monsters may also be there. If the room is empty, there's a 50% chance the wandering monsters are present. If the room already contains a monster, there's a 10% chance the monsters are present.   As this dungeon is built for anyone between level 5 and level 10, you must use the !rEncounter command to determine what you face. You will choose monsters based off the solo encounter list on the sidebar.   These encounters show up in the following order; once they are defeated, they cannot bother you again.  
  1. Wandering Encounter 1 - Medium
  2. Wandering Encounter 2 - Hard
  3. Wandering Encounter 3 - Medium
  4. Wandering Encounter 4 - Hard
  5. Wandering Encounter 5 - Easy
  6. Wandering Encounter 6 - Hard
  7. Wandering Encounter 7 - Medium
  8. Wandering Encounter 8 - Hard
  9. Wandering Encounter 9 - Easy
  10. Wandering Encounter 10 - Hard
!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 1" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 2" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 3" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 4" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 5" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 6" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 7" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 8" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 9" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"

!tembed -title "Wandering Encounter 10" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"


  Below every room description is an embed command. You can copy and paste this into your discord solo channel to help keep track of which rooms you've entered.  

Floor 1 - Room 1

The platform has a short crumbling edge to the southwest. Stone bridges lead off to the southeast and the east

If you approached from the east, your starting position is T6.
If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is R12.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 1" -f "Description|The platform has a short crumbling edge to the southwest. Stone bridges lead off to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room14) and the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room12)." -f "If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z6." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is U18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 1 - Room 2

A stack of books leans against the central pillar with a single tome laying atop it, with its pages fluttering in a faint breeze. Stone bridges lead off to the southeast and the west

If you approached from the west, your starting position is W6.
If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AN16.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 2" -f "Description|A stack of books leans against the central pillar with a single tome laying atop it, with its pages fluttering in a faint breeze. Stone bridges lead off to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room15) and the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room11)." -f "If you approached from the west, your starting position is W6." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AN16." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 1 - Room 3

Monster: Deadly Encounter
A small wooden lectern covered in dust is attached to the east side of the column in the middle of this platform. A bridge leads from the platform to the southeast and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the northeast.

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AN16.
If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AQ28.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 3" -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|A small pile of mismatched scroll cases leans against the shelves at the center of this platform. A bridge leads from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room16) and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room21)" -f "If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is F21." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is I33." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 1 - Room 4

The ladder reaches up through a passage from a floor of pale yellow sandstone, surrounding a round column covered from floor to ceiling in shelves of books. Bridges lead from the platform to the northwest and the southeast. In every other direction, a yawning void opens up with nothing to guard against a fall into the interminable blackness. At the edge of your torchlight you can make out the outline of a stone platform similar to the one on which you stand.

If you just arrived at the library, your starting position is X23 or Y23.
If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is T16.
If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AC33.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 4" -f "Description|The ladder reaches up through a passage from a floor of pale yellow sandstone, surrounding a round column covered from floor to ceiling in shelves of books. Bridges lead from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room11) and the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room17). In every other direction, a yawning void opens up with nothing to guard against a fall into the interminable blackness. At the edge of your torchlight you can make out the outline of a stone platform similar to the one on which you stand." -f "If you just arrived at the library, your starting position is X23 or Y23." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is T16." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AC33." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 1 - Room 5

A dim bluish light suffuses this chamber, its source obvious at a glance. Blue-glowing lichen and violet-glowing moss cling to the ceiling and spread across the floor. A bridge leads from the platform to the northwest and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the southwest.

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AN16.
If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AQ28.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 5" -f "Description|A dim bluish light suffuses this chamber, its source obvious at a glance. Blue-glowing lichen and violet-glowing moss cling to the ceiling and spread across the floor. A bridge leads from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room12) and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room27)" -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AN16." -f "If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AQ28." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 1 - Room 6

Monster: Medium Encounter
A light breeze blows across the platform as you approach disturbing the layer of dust on its surface and revealing runes etched into the floor. The inscriber appears to have had a frenetic hand, and the runes cover the entire surface, but they are completely unintelligible to you. Stone bridges lead off to the northwest and the east

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is I32.
If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z42.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 6" -f "Monsters|Medium Encounter." -f "Description|A light breeze blows across the platform as you approach disturbing the layer of dust on its surface and revealing runes etched into the floor. The inscriber appears to have had a frenetic hand, and the runes cover the entire surface, but they are completely unintelligible to you. Stone bridges lead off to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room13) and the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room17)." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is I32." -f "If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z42." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48

Floor 1 - Room 7

The northeast edge of the platform is crumbling away as though it had been struck by something massive in the distant past. Stone bridges lead off to the northwest and the west

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AB31.
If you approached from the west, your starting position is W42.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 1 - Room 7" -f "Description|The northeast edge of the platform is crumbling away as though it had been struck by something massive in the distant past. Stone bridges lead off to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room14) and the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room16)." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AB31." -f "If you approached from the west, your starting position is W42." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48

Floor 2 - Room 1

The floor is strewn with the smashed remains of rotting furniture. It looks like the room once held a desk, a chest, and a chair. A bridge leads from the platform to the east and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the southwest.

If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is L10.
If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z6.

!embed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 1" -f "Description|The floor is strewn with the smashed remains of rotting furniture. It looks like the platform once held a desk, a chest, and a chair. A bridge leads from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room22) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room13)" -f "If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is L10." -f "If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z6." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 2 - Room 2

Monster: Medium Encounter
Stinking smoke wafts up from braziers made of skulls set around the edges of this platform. A bridge leads from the platform to the west and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the southeast.

If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AK10.
If you approached from the west, your starting position is W6.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 2" -f "Monsters | Medium Encounter." -f "Description|Stinking smoke wafts up from braziers made of skulls set around the edges of this platform. A bridge leads from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room21) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room35)" -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AK10." -f "If you approached from the west, your starting position is W6." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 2 - Room 3

As you approach the platform, you can make out hundreds of skulls gazing coldly back at you. They're set in niches in the shelves of the central column in a checkerboard pattern, each skull bearing a half-melted candle on its head. A bridge leads from the platform to the east and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the northeast.

If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is G21.
If you approached from the east, your starting position is R24.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 3" -f "Description|As you approach the platform, you can make out hundreds of skulls gazing coldly back at you. They're set in niches in the shelves of the central column in a checkerboard pattern, each skull bearing a half-melted candle on its head. A bridge leads from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room24) and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room31)" -f "If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is G21." -f "If you approached from the east, your starting position is R24." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 2 - Room 4

Monster: Deadly Encounter
This platform is choked with corpses. The bodies of inert flesh golems lie in tangled heaps where they died. Stone bridges lead from the platform to the west and to the east.

If you approached from the west, your starting position is P24.
If you approached from the east, your starting position is AG24.

Hidden Chest: A hidden chest is concealed within this room, requiring a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find. The chest is locked, requiring a DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check to unlock.
  • Coins: 90pp, 2,100gp, 7,000sp, 800cp
  • Gems: 4x Bloodstone, 4x Moonstone
  • Items: Roll 1d10 and consult the table below

1d8 Magic Item
1 Alchemical Compendium
2 Arcane Grimoire +2
3 Astromancy Archive
4 Atlas of Endless Horizons
5 Duplicitous Manuscript
6 Fulminating Treatise
7 Heart Weaver's Primer
8 Libram of Souls and Flesh
9 Planecaller's Codex
10 Protective Verses
!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 4" -f "Monsters | Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|This platform is choked with corpses. The bodies of inert flesh golems lie in tangled heaps where they died. Stone bridges lead from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room23) and to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room25)" -f "If you approached from the west, your starting position is P24." -f "If you approached from the east, your starting position is AG24." -f "Hidden Chest|A hidden chest is concealed in this platform. DC 20 Investigation check to locate. See World Anvil for additional details." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 2 - Room 5

Rounded green stones set in the floor form a snake's head that points in the direction of the stairs. The body of the snake flows back and toward the wall to go round about the room in ever smaller circles, creating a spiral pattern around the central column. A bridge leads from the platform to the west and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the southwest.

If you approached from the west, your starting position is AE24.
If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AQ28.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 5" -f "Description|Rounded green stones set in the floor form a snake's head that points in the direction of the stairs. The body of the snake flows back and toward the wall to go round about the room in ever smaller circles, creating a spiral pattern around the central column. A bridge leads from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room24) and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room37)" -f "If you approached from the west, your starting position is AE24." -f "If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AQ28." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 2 - Room 6

This small bare platform a large ironbound chest in addition to the shelves, which is big enough for a man to fit in. The chest sits empty and an unclasped heavy iron lock sits on the floor in front of it. The floor has a layer of undisturbed dust upon it. A set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the northwest and a bridge leads from the platform to the east.

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is L39.
If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z42.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 6" -f "Description|This small bare platform a large ironbound chest in addition to the shelves, which is big enough for a man to fit in. The chest sits empty and an unclasped heavy iron lock sits on the floor in front of it. The floor has a layer of undisturbed dust upon it. A set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room33) and a bridge leads from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room27)" -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is L39." -f "If you approached from the east, your starting position is Z42." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48


Floor 2 - Room 7

Small cages and bottles containing small animals and large insects line the shelves and carpet the floor. Each of the specimens is clearly dead. A bridge leads from the platform to the west and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the northeast.

If you approached from the west, your starting position is W42.
If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is AJ39.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 2 - Room 7" -f "Description|Small cages and bottles containing small animals and large insects line the shelves and carpet the floor. Each of the specimens is clearly dead. A bridge leads from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room26) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room15)" -f "If you approached from the west, your starting position is W42." -f "If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is AJ39." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48

Floor 3 - Room 1

Monster: Deadly Encounter
As you approach the shelves lining the central column, you can see that bloody words are written on the spines of the books in a language you cannot understand. The blood is still wet. A thick layer of dust covers the tile floor. A bridge leads from the platform to the southeast and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the southwest. Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge arcs overhead, some thirty feet above.

If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is U13.
If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is L10.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 1" -f "Monsters | Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|As you approach the shelves lining the central column, you can see that bloody words are written on the spines of the books in a language you cannot understand. The blood is still wet. A thick layer of dust covers the tile floor. A bridge leads from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room23) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room34). Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge arcs overhead, some thirty feet above." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is U13." -f "If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is L10." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 3 - Room 2

Monster: Hard Encounter
Deep gouges score the surface of the platform nearly everywhere you look, in sets of four parallel lines. A bridge leads from the platform to the southeast and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the south. Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below.

If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is W14.
If you approached from the south, your starting position is AI11.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 2" -f "Monsters | Hard Encounter." -f "Description|Deep gouges score the surface of the platform nearly everywhere you look, in sets of four parallel lines. A bridge leads from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room33) and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room45). Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is W14." -f "If you approached from the south, your starting position is AI11." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 3 - Room 3

A ring of half melted candles line the edge of the platform, ranging in height from as low as your ankles to above your waist. A bridge leads from the platform to the northeast and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the southeast. Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below.

If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is R16.
If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is F28.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 3" -f "Description|A ring of half melted candles line the edge of the platform, ranging in height from as low as your ankles to above your waist. A bridge leads from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room32) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room26). Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below." -f "If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is R16." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is F28." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 3 - Room 4

Pots hang by chains from the ceiling at various heights surrounding the central column. Long dead, withered strands of ivy trail down from the pots in fruitless search of light or water. Stone bridges lead from the platform to the northwest and to the southeast. Midway along the bridges' lengths, another bridge arcs overhead, some thirty feet above.

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is T17.
If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AC32.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 4" -f "Description|Pots hang by chains from the ceiling at various heights surrounding the central column. Long dead, withered strands of ivy trail down from the pots in fruitless search of light or water. Stone bridges lead from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room31) and to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room37). Midway along the bridges' lengths, another bridge arcs overhead, some thirty feet above." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is T17." -f "If you approached from the southeast, your starting position is AC32." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 3 - Room 5

You hear the sound of a child crying as you approach this platform. The source is out of your sight, somewhere to the north, maybe. A bridge leads from the platform to the southwest and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the northwest. Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below.

If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AE33.
If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AP21.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 5" -f "Description|You hear the sound of a child crying as you approach this platform. The source is out of your sight, somewhere to the north, maybe. A bridge leads from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room36) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room22). Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below." -f "If you approached from the southwest, your starting position is AE33." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AP21." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 3 - Room 6

An acrid stench assaults your nose as you approach this platform and find it is carpeted in rat droppings. There is no other sign of the creatures and you've not seen their leavings elsewhere in the dungeon. A bridge leads from the platform to the northwest and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the north. Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below.

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is Z36.
If you approached from the north, your starting position is N38.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 6" -f "Description|An acrid stench assaults your nose as you approach this platform and find it is carpeted in rat droppings. There is no other sign of the creatures and you've not seen their leavings elsewhere in the dungeon. A bridge leads from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room35) and a set of stone stairs leads down from the platform to the [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room43). Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge slopes underneath, some thirty feet below." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is Z36." -f "If you approached from the north, your starting position is N38." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48

Floor 3 - Room 7

Scattered bones litter the floor; skulls and femurs all broken in unusual ways. It appears someone may have been trying to use them to spell out a word or a phrase, but you can't decipher the meaning. A bridge leads from the platform to the northwest and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the northeast. Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge arcs overhead, some thirty feet above.

If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AB31.
If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is AJ39.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 3 - Room 7" -f "Description|Scattered bones litter the floor; skulls and femurs all broken in unusual ways. It appears someone may have been trying to use them to spell out a word or a phrase, but you can't decipher the meaning. A bridge leads from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room34) and a set of stone stairs leads up from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room25). Midway along the bridge's length, another bridge arcs overhead, some thirty feet above." -f "If you approached from the northwest, your starting position is AB31." -f "If you approached from the northeast, your starting position is AJ39." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48

Floor 4 - Room 1

A bridge leads from the platform to the southwest.
!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 1" -f "Description|A bridge leads from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room43)." -f "Your starting position when you approach this area is I17." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 4 - Room 2

Monster: Hard Encounter
A woman's cackling laughter is audible as you approach this platform. When you come nearer, the voice deepens, become more menacing... more inhuman. A bridge leads from the platform to the southwest.

Your starting position when you approach this area is AB18.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 2" -f "Monsters|Hard Encounter." -f "Description|A woman's cackling laughter is audible as you approach this platform. When you come nearer, the voice deepens, become more menacing... more inhuman. A bridge leads from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room44)." -f "Your starting position when you approach this area is AB18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 4 - Room 3

A dense carpet of dead insects covers the floor of this platform. The creatures appear to all have died in the act of biting and stinging one another. Stairs meet a spur leading out to the east from the platform. The stairs continue up to the south and down to the north. Off the platform, another bridge leads away to the northeast.

If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is N27.
If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is N22.
If you approached from the northeast bridge, your starting position is I16.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 3" -f "Description|A dense carpet of dead insects covers the floor of this platform. The creatures appear to all have died in the act of biting and stinging one another. Stairs meet a spur leading out to the east from the platform. The stairs continue up to the [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room36) and down to the [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room51). Off the platform, another bridge leads away to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room41)." -f "If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is N27." -f "If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is N22." -f "If you approached from the northeast bridge, your starting position is I16." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 4 - Room 4

Everywhere you turn as you approach this platform, you catch a glimpse of movement, just out of the corner of your sight. You can never clearly see the cause of it. A pair of stairs leads down from the platform to the east and to the west. Stone bridges lead away from the platform to the northeast and to the southwest.

If you approached from the eastern stairs, your starting position is AC24.
If you approached from the western stairs, your starting position is T24.
If you approached from the northeast bridge, your starting position is AC16.
If you approached from the southwest bridge, your starting position is T33.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 4" -f "Description|Everywhere you turn as you approach this platform, you catch a glimpse of movement, just out of the corner of your sight. You can never clearly see the cause of it. A pair of stairs leads down from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room55) and to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room53). Stone bridges lead away from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room42) and to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room46)." -f "If you approached from the eastern stairs, your starting position is AC24." -f "If you approached from the western stairs, your starting position is T24." -f "If you approached from the northeast bridge, your starting position is AC16." -f "If you approached from the southwest bridge, your starting position is T33." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 4 - Room 5

As you approach this platform, a circle of eight lamps burst to light, with an unearthly black flame. Stairs meet a spur leading out to the west from the platform. The stairs continue up to the north and down to the south. Off the platform, another bridge leads away to the southwest.

If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is AH22.
If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is AH27.
If you approached from the southwest bridge, your starting position is AN33.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 5" -f "Description|As you approach this platform, a circle of eight lamps burst to light, with an unearthly black flame. Stairs meet a spur leading out to the west from the platform. The stairs continue up to the [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room32) and down to the [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room57). Off the platform, another bridge leads away to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room47)." -f "If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is AH22." -f "If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is AH27." -f "If you approached from the southwest bridge, your starting position is AN33." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 4 - Room 6

Monster: Deadly Encounter
A wide blade of stone extends outward to the north from this pillar. A figure stands at the edge and turns to look at you as you approach, before vanishing into the darkness. A bridge leads from the platform to the northeast.

Your starting position when you approach this area is U31.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 6" -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|A wide blade of stone extends outward to the north from this pillar. A figure stands at the edge and turns to look at you as you approach, before vanishing into the darkness. A bridge leads from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room44)." -f "Your starting position when you approach this area is U31." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48

Floor 4 - Room 7

The sounds of rhythmic dripping can be heard as you approach this platform, and you find water falling from the ceiling into an inch deep pool on the floor. The water does not appear to drain anywhere and stubbornly refuses to fall over the edge into the abyss, though nothing blocks its passage. A bridge leads from the platform to the northeast.

Your starting position when you approach this area is AN32.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 4 - Room 7" -f "Description|The sounds of rhythmic dripping can be heard as you approach this platform, and you find water falling from the ceiling into an inch deep pool on the floor. The water does not appear to drain anywhere and stubbornly refuses to fall over the edge into the abyss, though nothing blocks its passage. A bridge leads from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room45)." -f "Your starting position when you approach this area is AN32." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48

Floor 5 - Room 1

Monster: Medium Encounter
When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of Room 2. Stairs lead up from the platform to the south and down from the platform to the east.

If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is N11.
If you approached from the eastern stairs, your starting position is S6.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 1" -f "Monsters| Medium Encounter" -f "Teleport Trap|When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of [Room 2](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room52)." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room43) and down from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room62)." -f "If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is N11." -f "If you approached from the eastern stairs, your starting position is S6." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 5 - Room 2

When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of Room 5. Stairs lead down from the platform to the southeast and a stone bridge stretches to the southwest.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AJ10.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AB18.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 2" -f "Teleport Trap|When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of [Room 5](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room55)." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room65) and down from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room54)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AJ10." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AB18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 5 - Room 3

When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of Room 1. Stairs lead up from the platform to the east and down from the platform to the northeast.

If you approached from the eastern stairs, your starting position is I24.
If you approached from the northeastern stairs, your starting position is G21.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 3" -f "Teleport Trap|When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of [Room 1](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room51)." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room44) and down from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room61)." -f "If you approached from the eastern stairs, your starting position is I24." -f "If you approached from the northeastern stairs, your starting position is G21." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 5 - Room 4

Monster: Deadly Encounter
This platform is wider in diameter than any other you have found in the library. Stone bridges lead off of it to the northeast and to the southwest.

If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is AC16.
If you approached from the southwestern bridge, your starting position is T33.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 4" -f "Monsters | Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|This platform is wider in diameter than any other you have found in the library. Stone bridges lead off of it to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room52) and to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room56)." -f "If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is AC16." -f "If you approached from the southwestern bridge, your starting position is T33." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 5 - Room 5

When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of Room 7. Stairs lead up from the platform to the west and down from the platform to the southwest.

If you approached from the western stairs, your starting position is AN24.
If you approached from the southwestern stairs, your starting position is AQ28.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 5" -f "Teleport Trap|When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of [Room 7](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room57)." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room44) and down from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room67)." -f "If you approached from the western stairs, your starting position is AN24." -f "If you approached from the southwestern stairs, your starting position is AQ28." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 5 - Room 6

When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of Room 3. Stairs lead down from the platform to the northwest and a stone bridge stretches to the northeast.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is M39.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is U31.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 6" -f "Teleport Trap|When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of [Room 3](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room53)." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room63) and a stone bridge stretches to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room54)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is M39." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is U31." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48

Floor 5 - Room 7

Monster: Hard Encounter
When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of Room 6. Stairs lead up from the platform to the north and down from the platform to the west.

If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is AI38.
If you approached from the western stairs, your starting position is AD42.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 5 - Room 7" -f "Monsters | Hard Encounter." -f "Teleport Trap|When first approaching the descending stairs of this platform, a character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw or be teleported to the descending stairs of [Room 6](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room56)." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room45) and down from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room66)." -f "If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is AI38." -f "If you approached from the western stairs, your starting position is AD42." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48

Floor 6 - Room 1

Monster: Deadly Encounter
The monster encountered here possesses the Wolf's Eye Keystone needed to drop the Wall of Force which secures the North Chamber of Room 4. Stairs lead up from the platform to the southwest and a stone bridge stretches to the southeast.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AJ10.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is U18.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 1" -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter. The monster encountered here possesses the Wolf's Eye Keystone needed to drop the Wall of Force which secures the North Chamber of Room 4." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room53) and a stone bridge stretches to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is L10." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is U18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 6 - Room 2

Stairs lead up from the platform to the west and a stone bridge stretches to the southwest.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AD6.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AB18.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 2" -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room51) and a stone bridge stretches to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AD6." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AB18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 6 - Room 3

Stairs lead up from the platform to the southeast and a stone bridge stretches to the east.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is F28.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is R24.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 3" -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room56) and a stone bridge stretches to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is F28." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is R24." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 6 - Room 4

Monster: Deadly Encounter
A series of sealed chambers sit between the hallways leading into this central hub like spokes on a wheel. The hallways lead to bridges after twenty feet. The bridges lead out to the northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, and northwest. Within the north chamber a set of stairs leads down to a branch which splits to turn either east or west. Within the south chamber a set of stairs leads down to a branch which splits to turn east or west. The north chamber is secured by a Wall of Force which can be removed by presenting the Wolf's Eye Keystone. The south chamber is secured by a Wall of Force which can be removed by presenting the Owl's Eye Keystone.

If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is X17.
If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is AC16.
If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is AG24.
If you approached from the southeastern bridge, your starting position is AC33.
If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is X32.
If you approached from the southwestern bridge, your starting position is T33.
If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is P24.
If you approached from the northwestern bridge, your starting position is T16.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 4" -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|A series of sealed chambers sit between the hallways leading into this central hub like spokes on a wheel. The hallways lead to bridges after twenty feet. The bridges lead out to the [northeast](https://bit.ly/32ex0LH), [east](https://bit.ly/3wHz7pc), [southeast](https://bit.ly/3tibCAI), [southwest](https://bit.ly/3t5nlTt), [west](https://bit.ly/3fWVzEX), and [northwest](https://bit.ly/3dOMlb4). Within the north chamber a set of stairs leads down to a branch which splits to turn either [east](https://bit.ly/2POJW8h) or [west](https://bit.ly/2RcADPJ). Within the south chamber a set of stairs leads down to a branch which splits to turn [east](https://bit.ly/3sbmnUs) or [west](https://bit.ly/39ZXvIR). The north chamber is secured by a Wall of Force which can be removed by presenting the Wolf's Eye Keystone. The south chamber is secured by a Wall of Force which can be removed by presenting the Owl's Eye Keystone." -f "If you approached from the northern stairs, your starting position is X17" -f "If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is AC16" -f "If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is AG24" -f "If you approached from the southeastern bridge, your starting position is AC33" -f "If you approached from the southern stairs, your starting position is X32" -f "If you approached from the southwestern bridge, your starting position is T33" -f "If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is P24" -f "If you approached from the northwestern bridge, your starting position is T16." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 6 - Room 5

Stairs lead up from the platform to the northwest and a stone bridge stretches to the west.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AP21.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AE24.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 5" -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room52) and a stone bridge stretches to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AP21." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AE24." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 6 - Room 6

Stairs lead up from the platform to the east and a stone bridge stretches to the northeast.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is S42.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is U31.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 6" -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room57) and a stone bridge stretches to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is S42." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is U31." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48

Floor 6 - Room 7

Monster: Medium Encounter
The monster encountered here possesses the Owl's Eye Keystone needed to drop the Wall of Force which secures the South Chamber of Room 4. Stairs lead up from the platform to the northeast and a stone bridge stretches to the northwest.

If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AK39.
If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AB31.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 6 - Room 7" -f "Monsters|Medium Encounter. The monster encountered here possesses the Owl's Eye Keystone needed to drop the Wall of Force which secures the South Chamber of Room 4." -f "Description|Stairs lead up from the platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room55) and a stone bridge stretches to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64)." -f "If you approached from the stairs, your starting position is AK39." -f "If you approached from the bridge, your starting position is AB31." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48

Floor 7 - Room 1

A young, pale girl in a plain white nightgown stands facing towards the pillar at the center of this platform. Her hair is dark and lank and conceals her face. As you approach, she steps forward and suddenly disappears within the pillar. Bridges lead away from this platform to the southeast and the east. The eastern bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the south. The other branch continues to the east.

If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is Y7.
If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is U18.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 1" -f "Description|A young, pale girl in a plain white nightgown stands facing towards the pillar at the center of this platform. Her hair is dark and lank and conceals her face. As you approach, she steps forward and suddenly disappears within the pillar. Bridges lead away from this platform to the [southeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room74) and the east. The western bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64). The other branch continues to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room72)." -f "If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is Y7" -f "If you approached from the southeastern bridge, your starting position is U18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:z18 -view i1:z18

Floor 7 - Room 2

With every step that you take as you approach this platform, you hear echoing cracks as though you are standing on a frozen lake. The stone remains intact, however. Bridges lead away from this platform to the southwest and the west. The western bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the south. The other branch continues to the west.

If you approached from the southwestern bridge, your starting position is X7.
If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is AB18.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 2" -f "Description|With every step that you take as you approach this platform, you hear echoing cracks as though you are standing on a frozen lake. The stone remains intact, however. Bridges lead away from this platform to the [southwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room74) and the west. The western bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the [south](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64). The other branch continues to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room71)." -f "If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is X7" -f "If you approached from the southwestern bridge, your starting position is AB18." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w1:an18 -view w1:an18

Floor 7 - Room 3

Monster: Boss Encounter
A bridge leads from the platform to the east.

Your starting position when you first approach this area is R24.

Boss Encounter: Teeyemai the Collection. Teeyemai is "one" creature that you fight as an enhanced encounter. Teeyemai is a conglomerate of all the creatures that compose one medium and one hard encounter for your character. For example, if a hard encounter result for your character was a CR 2, and a medium encounter result was a CR 1 and a CR ¼, then Teeyemai would be composed of a Nothic, an Animated Chain Library, and a Swarm of Animated Books. As you fill these parts of Teeyemai, that monster's contribution will no longer apply to the encounter, thus weakening Teeyemai as those parts "die".

Hidden Chest: A hidden chest is concealed within this room, requiring a DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find. The chest is locked, requiring a DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check to unlock.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 3" -f "Description|A bridge leads from the platform to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room74)." -f "Your starting position when you first approach this area is R24."

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 3" -f "Boss Encounter|Teeyemai the Collection. Teeyemai is ''one'' creature that you fight in one deadly encounter. Teeyemai is a conglomerate of all the creatures that compose one medium and one hard encounter for your character. For example, if a hard encounter result for your character was a CR 2, and a medium encounter result was a CR 1 and a CR ¼, then Teeyemai would be composed of a Nothic, an Animated Chain Library, and a Swarm of Animated Books. As you fill these parts of Teeyemai, that monster's contribution will no longer apply to the encounter, thus weakening Teeyemai as those parts ''die''." -f "Your starting position when you first approach this area is R24." -f "Hidden Chest|A hidden chest is concealed in this platform. DC 25 Investigation check to locate. See World Anvil for additional details." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<5 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow a16:r33 -view a16:r33

Floor 7 - Room 4

This platform has bridges spreading out from it towards the northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, and northwest. On closer inspection, the bridges to the southeast and southwest appear to be ghostly images without substance.

If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is AC16.
If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is AG24.
If you approached from the southeastern or southwestern bridge, and have a Passive Perception of less than 15, make a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw. The bridge was an illusion. On a successful save, return to the previous platform. On a failure, your character falls into the abyss towards certain death if they have no means to stop their fall. They may revive with the Iron Coin if they have paid for insurance. Otherwise, nothing short of True Resurrection can restore them to life, as their body falls forever.
If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is P24.
If you approached from the northwestern bridge, your starting position is T16.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 4" -f "Description|This platform has bridges spreading out from it towards the [northeast](https://bit.ly/3d4qZHy), [east](https://bit.ly/2RrCpN9), southeast, southwest, [west](https://bit.ly/3a0a5YE), and [northwest](https://bit.ly/3d5LZ0w). On closer inspection, the bridges to the southeast and southwest appear to be ghostly images without substance." -f "If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is AC16" -f "If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is AG24" -f "If you approached from the southeastern or southwestern bridge, and have a Passive Perception of less than 15, make a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw. The bridge was an illusion. On a successful save, return to the previous platform. On a failure, your character falls into the abyss towards certain death if they have no means to stop their fall. They may revive with the Iron Coin if they have paid for insurance. Otherwise, nothing short of True Resurrection can restore them to life, as their body falls forever." -f "If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is P24" -f "If you approached from the northwestern bridge, your starting position is T16." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33

Floor 7 - Room 5

Monster: Deadly Encounter
The stone of the floor ripples like water as you approach this platform, though you are still able to stand upon it. A bridge leads from the platform to the west.

Your starting position when you first approach this area is AE24.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 5" -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter." -f "Description|The stone of the floor ripples like water as you approach this platform, though you are still able to stand upon it. A bridge leads from the platform to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room74)." -f "Your starting position when you first approach this area is AE24." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<11 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow ae16:av33 -view ae16:av33


Floor 7 - Room 6

Several books are scattered through the air, hanging as though frozen in the act of being thrown from the shelves. You hear a tinny whine like something dragging the point of a fine blade across crystal. Bridges lead away from this platform to the northeast and the east. The eastern bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the north. The other branch continues to the east.

If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is Y42.
If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is U31.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 6" -f "Description|Several books are scattered through the air, hanging as though frozen in the act of being thrown from the shelves. You hear a tinny whine like something dragging the point of a fine blade across crystal. Bridges lead away from this platform to the [northeast](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room74) and the east. The western bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64). The other branch continues to the [east](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room77)." -f "If you approached from the eastern bridge, your starting position is Y42" -f "If you approached from the northeastern bridge, your starting position is U31." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48

Floor 7 - Room 7

Thick runes are carved into every possible surface of this platform, transitioning between wood, book, and stone as if they were each made of the same malleable material. The runes hurt your eyes to look at. Bridges lead away from this platform to the northwest and the west. The western bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the north. The other branch continues to the west.

If you approached from the northwestern bridge, your starting position is X42.
If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is AB31.

!tembed -title "Endless Library - Floor 7 - Room 7" -f "Description|Thick runes are carved into every possible surface of this platform, transitioning between wood, book, and stone as if they were each made of the same malleable material. The runes hurt your eyes to look at. Bridges lead away from this platform to the [northwest](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room74) and the west. The western bridge branches midway to lead up a set of stairs heading up to the [north](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room64). The other branch continues to the [west](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/new-world---dragonsmoke-archipelago-mortambo/a/dungeon3A-endless-library-landmark#room76)." -f "If you approached from the western bridge, your starting position is X42" -f "If you approached from the northwestern bridge, your starting position is AB31." {{wand=vroll("1d100")}} -f "Wandering Monster|{{wand}} - {{'That\'s a Monster! Consult WorldAnvil for the Wandering Encounter #.' if wand.total<50 else 'All clear!'}}"

Map Parameters

!map -fow w31:an48 -view w31:an48


Completionist List

Date Character Quest Link
3 June 2021 Professor Armature and Marsyas of Phrygia Quest Summary
23 July 2021 Fear Engine and Beast Quest Summary
Table of Contents