Spires of the Endless Library

Waytravel to the Endless Library...

  T   he tips of the spires of the Endless Library stick out among the sands of the Almaghni Desert. Those who know what to search for can find incalculable knowledge within, but be warned, there are many who would pursue this knowledge who are unwilling to share.   Tier II Waypoint | The Iron Coin will allow anyone through. The monsters present flee instinctively should anyone of 10th level or higher arrive.  

Prerequisites: Reaching the Dungeon

Dungeon Link The Endless Library is one day's travel south from the waypoint. You must complete the following before attempting the dungeon.
  • Complete a combat encounter which includes a hostile Abjurer, Conjurer, Diviner, Enchanter, Evoker, Illusionist, or Transmuter, and complete a Harvest Challenge at the end of the encounter to recover their spellbook intact.
  • Successfully complete a difficult social/investigation skill challenge to hear rumor of the library's location
  • Successfully complete a moderate tracking skill challenge to know how to get there; each failure adds 12 hours to your journey
  • For every 24 hours you are traveling to the Endless Library (minimum of 24 hours), you must make 6d100 rolls (4 during the day, 2 at night)
  • For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random wilderness encounter !table wilderness

Desert Conditions

The Almaghni Desert is particularly dry and inhospitable, though the powerful enchantments surrounding the Endless Library hold the worst of its storms at bay. When seeking a site to rest for the night, you must succeed on a DC 14 Survival check. Failure means you benefit only from a short rest.

  • Sandstorms plague this region regularly. Roll 1d20. On an 11 or higher, a sandstorm is present; factor in the following:
  • If you do not have a tent or some other type of windscreen, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw; failure means you will benefit from a short rest only.
  • On an 19 or higher, even a tent is not sufficient and you will benefit from a short rest only.
  • Before making another survival check to find shelter, you must roll 4d100. For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random wilderness encounter. !table wilderness. Once you successfully find a campsite, this character never needs to look for another campsite in this region again. Sandstorms will still be a problem, though.
    In addition to affecting your ability to sleep, the following regional affects apply for the next twelve hours. Here is an example: If I rolled a 4d100 and the results were 67, 21, 88, 12, then the first two rolls will incorporate the regional effects. The first 6 hours, nothing happens. The next 6 hours, random wilderness encounter with these effects. The next 6 hours, nothing happens and the storm is gone. The next 6 hours, random wilderness encounter with no sandstorm effects. Combat encounters in these conditions awards a 10% bonus. The reviewing DM may also grant additional cash rewards for utilization of this system.  


Any creature in the sandstorm must make a Constitution saving throw DC 15 or be blinded until the sandstorm ends. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature cannot be blinded by the sandstorm if it’s wearing goggles or something that protects its eyes. Any check that relies on sight is made with disadvantage for the duration of the sandstorm.

Strong Winds

A strong wind imposes disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. A strong wind also extinguishes open flames, disperses fog, and makes flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible. A flying creature in a strong wind must land at the end of its turn or fall.

Extreme Heat

A creature exposed to the heat of the desert and without access to drinkable water must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour. Creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates.

Endless Library Solo Encounters

  CR 0: Homunculus
CR ⅛: Animated Book (Flying Dagger)
CR ¼: Swarm of Animated Books
CR ½: Winged Thrull
CR 1: Hypnos Magen
CR 1: Animated Chained Library
CR 2: Nothic
CR 3: Giant Mimic
CR 4: Living Bigby's Hand
CR 5: Flesh Golem
CR 6: Reduced Threat Clay Golem
CR 7: Living Cloudkill

Endless Library Special Encounters

  The following encounters appear only once. When they have been slain and their rewards taken, they do not return. Notify a DM, so that they can list the slayer.  

Researcher Thaffeseish

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 8: Mind Flayer Arcanist Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Researcher Thaffeseish   Additional Notes Regarding this Mind Flayer Arcanist
  • Clear the Endless Library Dungeon
  • Fail to locate the Hidden Chest on Floor 2 in Room 4.
  • Collect ten Tomes of Knowledge
  • Return to Floor 4, Room 6.
  • Complete a Slow Moderate Investigation Skill Challenge to reveal Thaffeseish's research laboratory.
Encounter Notes
Researcher Thaffeseish occupies a special lair. These are the defining qualities. Researcher Thaffeseish has painstakingly fashioned bridges and walkways throughout the 4th floor and concealed them with long duration illusions. All characters including Researcher Thaffeseish can safely move into the black space on the map. For a character without Truesight or a similar ability, the area is treated as difficult terrain.

Every round on Initiative count 0, a Swarm of Animated Books arrives from the column to assist Thaffeseish. If two Swarms of Animated Books are present when Initiative count 0 is reached, the swarm with the least hit points is restored to full health.

  Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Mind Flayer Arcanist" -name "Researcher Thaffeseish"
!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/LS2yTRA.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow i31:z48 -view i31:z48 -t Research|k41|m
  You start on U31.  
  • Coins: 600cp, 10,000sp, 2,400gp, 120pp
  • Gems: 1x Pearl, 4x Jade

Assistant Librarian

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 9: Clay Golem Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Assistant Librarian   Additional Notes Regarding this Clay Golem
  • Clear the Endless Library Dungeon.
  • Collect five tomes of knowledge and destroy them on Floor 6 in Room 4.
  • Each character present must spend 1 Lore.
Encounter Notes
The Assistant Librarian occupies a special lair. These are the defining qualities. The Assistant Librarian's Haste ability recharges after 3 rounds, rather than on a d6 result.

The Assistant Librarian can pass through any of the doors leading to Room A, Room B, Room C, Room D, Room E. or Room F and exit from any of the other doors at his choice. The moment the Assistant Librarian passes through a door, they teleport to the destination door of their choice.

The Assistant Librarian has a Rock attack. It may replace one of its attacks during Multiattack with this attack.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

  Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Clay Golem" -name "Assistant Librarian"
!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/34AkyHb.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33 -t Assist|x26|l
  You start on P24.  

Chief Librarian

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 10: Stone Golem Treasure Hoard Yes N/A
WANTED: Chief Librarian   Additional Notes Regarding this Stone Golem
  • Clear the Endless Library Dungeon.
  • Collect ten tomes of knowledge and destroy them on Floor 5 in Room 4.
  • Each character present must spend 2 Lore.
Encounter Notes
The Chief Librarian occupies a special lair. These are the defining qualities. The Chief Librarian's Slow ability recharges after 3 rounds, rather than on a d6 result.

The Chief Librarian can replace any of its attacks during Multiattack with the Shove action. A medium or smaller creature which fails the Strength check to oppose the Shove is Pushed 10 feet away from the Chief Librarian, instead of 5 feet.

The Chief Librarian has the Regeneration ability.
Regeneration. The Chief Librarian regains 5 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.

Map Command
!i begin
!i add 50 DM
!i madd "Stone Golem" -name "Chief Librarian"
!map -bg https://i.imgur.com/trVNk9b.png -mapsize 48x48 -options c50 -fow p16:ag33 -view p16:ag33 -t Chief|x26|l
  You start on T33.  
  • Coins: 1,000cp, 11,000sp, 1,900gp, 90pp
  • Art Objects: Tomes on the basics of Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, and Transmutation, each with illuminated leather and platinum covers with an ornate silver lock, worth 250gp each.

Natural Resources

The Endless Library contains tomes of long forgotten knowledge. To the right buyer, their value is immeasurable.
  New World Harvesting Guide

Tome of Knowledge

To the unenlightened observer, this is a simple book like any other, but between its pages lies a wealth of information on a specific subject. A collection of 10 Tomes of Knowledge of a specific subject can be collected to create a Book Lot at no additional cost. When you discover a Tome of Knowledge, roll on the Areas of Study table below to identify its subject.
Unit value: 100 gp

1d100 Area of Study Effect
01 Encyclopedia Arcana - Bardic Colleges Allows a Bard to change their subclass once
02 Encyclopedia Arcana - Sorcerous Bloodlines Allows a Sorcerer to change their subclass once
03 Encyclopedia Arcana - Warlock Patrons Allows a Warlock to change their subclass once
04 Encyclopedia Arcana - Wizard Schools Allows a Wizard to change their subclass once
05 Encyclopedia Historia - Knightly Orders Allows a Fighter to change their subclass once
06 Encyclopedia Historia - Ascetic Ways Allows a Monk to change their subclass once
07 Encyclopedia Historia - Warrior Tribes Allows a Barbarian to change their subclass once
08 Encyclopedia Historia - Monster Hunters Allows a Bloodhunter to change their subclass once
09 Encyclopedia Acumen - Thieves' Guilds Allows a Rogue to change their subclass once
10 Encyclopedia Acumen - Modern Technology Allows an Artificer to change their subclass once
11 Encyclopedia Naturata - Druidic Circles Allows a Druid to change their subclass once
12 Encyclopedia Naturata - Wardens of the Lands Allows a Ranger to change their subclass once
13 Encyclopedia Divinae - Domains of the Gods Allows a Cleric to change their subclass once
14 Encyclopedia Divinae - Oath of Moment Allows a Paladin to change their subclass once
15 Monster Manual - Lesser Aberrations Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Aberrations' Statistics
16 Monster Manual - Greater Aberrations Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Aberrations' Statistics
17 Monster Manual - Lesser Beasts Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Beasts' Statistics
18 Monster Manual - Greater Beasts Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Beasts' Statistics
19 Monster Manual - Lesser Celestials Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Celestials' Statistics
20 Monster Manual - Greater Celestials Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Celestials' Statistics
21 Monster Manual - Lesser Dragons Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Dragons' Statistics
22 Monster Manual - Greater Dragons Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Dragons' Statistics
23 Monster Manual - Lesser Elementals Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Elementals' Statistics
24 Monster Manual - Greater Elementals Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Elementals' Statistics
25 Monster Manual - Lesser Fey Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Fey' Statistics
26 Monster Manual - Greater Fey Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Fey' Statistics
27 Monster Manual - Lesser Fiends Halves Lore cost or full CR 0 to CR 4 Fiends' Statistics
28 Monster Manual - Greater Fiends Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Fiends' Statistics
29 Monster Manual - Lesser Giants Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Giants' Statistics
30 Monster Manual - Greater Giants Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Giants' Statistics
31 Monster Manual - Lesser Humanoids Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Humanoids' Statistics
32 Monster Manual - Greater Humanoids Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Humanoids' Statistics
33 Monster Manual - Lesser Monstrosities Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Monstrosities' Statistics
34 Monster Manual - Greater Monstrosities Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Monstrosities' Statistics
35 Monster Manual - Lesser Oozes Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Oozes' Statistics
36 Monster Manual - Greater Oozes Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Oozes' Statistics
37 Monster Manual - Lesser Plants Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Plant Creatures' Statistics
38 Monster Manual - Greater Plants Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Plant Creatures' Statistics
39 Monster Manual - Lesser Undead Halves Lore cost for full CR 0 to CR 4 Undead' Statistics
40 Monster Manual - Greater Undead Halves Lore cost for full CR 5 to CR 10 Undead' Statistics
41 Planar Guide - Sigil, City of Doors Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
42 Planar Guide - The Far Realm Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
43 Planar Guide - The Ethereal Plane Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
44 Planar Guide - The Shadowfell Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
45 Planar Guide - The Feywild Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
46 Planar Guide - The Astral Plane Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
47 Planar Guide - The Elemental Chaos Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
48 Planar Guide - The Abyss Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
49 Planar Guide - Acheron Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
50 Planar Guide - Arcadia Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
50 Planar Guide - The Outlands Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
51 Planar Guide - Elysium Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
52 Planar Guide - Gehenna Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
53 Planar Guide - Ysgard Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
54 Planar Guide - Hades Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
55 Planar Guide - The Beastlands Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
56 Planar Guide - Limbo Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
57 Planar Guide - The Nine Hells of Baator Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
58 Planar Guide - Mechanus Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
59 Planar Guide - Arborea Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
60 Planar Guide - Pandemonium Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
61 Planar Guide - Mount Celestia Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
62 Planar Guide - Carceri Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
63 Planar Guide - Bytopia Can be used to attune a planar fork component.
64 Legends of Toril Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
65 Legends of Oerth Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
66 Legends of Krynn Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
67 Legends of Eberron Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
68 Legends of Ravnica Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
69 Legends of Theros Magic Item for the Dream of the Blue Veil.
70 Artificer's Appendix - Minor Roll on Magic Item Table F, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
71 Artificer's Appendix - Lesser Roll on Magic Item Table G, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
72 Artificer's Appendix - Greater Roll on Magic Item Table H, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
73 Artificer's Appendix - Major Roll on Magic Item Table I, remove Lore requirement to learn of that item from Max or Quests
74 Novice's Primer for Abyssal Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
75 Novice's Primer for Celestial Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
76 Novice's Primer for Daelkyr Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
77 Novice's Primer for Deep Speech Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
78 Novice's Primer for Draconic Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
79 Novice's Primer for Dwarvish Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
80 Novice's Primer for Elvish Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
81 Novice's Primer for Giant Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
82 Novice's Primer for Gith Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
83 Novice's Primer for Gnomish Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
84 Novice's Primer for Goblin Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
85 Novice's Primer for Halfling Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
86 Novice's Primer for Infernal Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
87 Novice's Primer for Kraul Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
88 Novice's Primer for Minotaur Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
89 Novice's Primer for Orc Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
90 Novice's Primer for Primordial Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
91 Novice's Primer for Sylvan Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
92 Novice's Primer for Undercommon Reduce Downtime to Learn the Language by 5
93 Manual of Basic Health Increase your Constitution Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
94 Manual of Warm Up Exercise Increase your Strength Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
95 Manual of Ponderous Action Increase your Dexterity Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
96 Tome of Common Sense Increase your Wisdom Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
97 Tome of Simple Courtesy Increase your Charisma Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
98 Tome of General Facts Increase your Intelligence Score by 1, to a Maximum of 10. The tome then loses its magic, but regains it in a century.
99 Apprentice's Notebook Contains a Wizard's 1st level Spell Scroll
100 Acolyte's Chapbook Contains a Cleric's 1st level Spell Scroll
Discovered By
Professor Bastion Armature
Date Discovered
Location under
Included Locations

Table of Contents