Gathering Materials

How to Gather Materials

For a complete list of materials see the article Materials for Crafting  

Gathering Materials from Creatures

  This requires the !harvest command. You must input the creature type, size, and challenge rating (CR), like this: !harvest dragon large 4. This will dispense the information you need to continue your harvest attempt.   The skill check represents your knowledge in how to harvest and make use of the materials present. A failed harvest check ruins the part completely and you are unable to perform future checks on / around this corpse until you defeat another encounter.  


  After every check, successful or not, you must run the !interruption # command, where # is the number of attempted checks you have made on / around the last monster you defeated. This will determine the difficulty class (DC) of your survival check (or a DEX + relevant tool proficiency, if applicable), to determine the speed at which you harvested your part.   Creatures are attracted to the power of such locations, and as such, a failure on this interruption check results in an immediate combat encounter of the same CR rating as the last.   On a success, you are not interrupted. The DC increases after every check made on one beast.   If you defeat an interrupting creature, you may start harvesting from it anew as it's a new creature. The interruption DC resets for this creature.  

Value of Creature Parts

The value of each harvested unit goes from 1% to 50% of the experience of the creature. The harvested parts of common creatures have a value of 1% of the creature's experience, while the rarer creature's parts value is close to 50% of the creature's experience. You can determine the values of each extracted part in the following table.   Units Value
CR Creature Rarity Unit Value
3 or less Common 1% of creature exp
4-8 Uncommon 5% of creature exp
9-12 Rare 10% of creature exp
13-18 Very Rare 25% of creature exp
19+ Legendary 50% of the creature exp
  As examples, if a character harvest one unit of feathers from a hippogriff (CR 1), the value of the feather unit will be 1% of the base experience (200 exp), which is 2 gp. A unit of pseudodragon's scales is worth 5 sp (CR 1/4), and a unit of an adult blue dragon's scales is worth 3,750 gp (CR 16)  

Keeping Parts Chilled

If characters wants to keep some creature parts for later use, they need to maintain the parts in a chilled place to avoid decomposition. Check the ***Bag of Colding*** (see the end of this document) in the New Magic Items section of this supplement.  

Gathering Other Materials

  In addition to the materials a character can collect from creatures, there're plenty of other sources for gathering raw materials for crafting and other uses. These materials are divided in minerals (like orichalcum and obsidian), non-minerals (like darkwood), and plants and herbs.   Some of these materials are defined as in waypoints. They are guaranteed to be there, without issue, however you must contend with whatever environmental effects the waypoint has to gather and retrieve the resources as well as doing the appropriate challenges below.   You may, with DM permission, seek these resources outside of waypoints in your solos, however, the DM will likely give you restrictions like you must be in the proper terrain, and perhaps even a number of days travel into the terrain, etc. before finding the resource. You may seek herbs anytime as they are fairly common but you will use the !herbs.generate alias to randomly determine what herbs you find.   To gather these resources, the character must succeed at a moderate skill challenge of an appropriate level in which a Survival test, a Nature test, or an Investigation test are used to find an appropriate area. If all three are passed, or one is passed the DC by 5 or more then you gain advantage on your checks to harvest at that spot.   You then make the appropriate skill check at a DC 15 based on the kind of material you are attempting to gather. If you fail a check at a certain gathering location, you must repeat the skill challenge to track down another location. After each check whether you succeed or fail, you will perform a check for interruptions as seen under the section for harvesting creatures.  


  Minerals are earthen materials used for making armor, weapons, and when using exotic materials, those pieces of gear gain special qualities.   To extract minerals, a character must use a miner's pick and make a Strength (Athletics) check. The DC for extracting ores is always 15. On a success, the character collects a number of ore units equal to 1d4 + its Constitution modifier (minimum 1 unit). You can make a number of checks per day equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1).  

Non-Mineral Materials

There are also other materials which are not ores or gemstones, such as wood, stone, and coral that can be also used to craft weapons, armor, and other kind of items and gear.   For collecting those materials, a character needs to make a Strength (Athletics) or a Dexterity check, depending on the material (DC 15). On a success, the character collects a number of units equal to 2d4 + its Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You can make a number of checks per day equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1).   For example, if a character wants to collect some units of darkwood, he must make a Strength (Athletics) check to cut down the tree with an axe and get the material. On a success, the character collects a number of darkwood units equals to 2d4 + its Constitution modifier.  

Plants and Herbs

Plants are mostly used for creating alchemical mixtures, cooking, and in some cases for creating inks and dyes for painting and writing.   For collecting those materials, a character needs to make a Nature (Intelligence) check (DC 15). On a success, the character collects a number of units equal to 1d4 + its Intelligence modifier (minimum 1 unit). You can make a number of checks per day equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).

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