Rogues' Gallery

T   he Rogues' Gallery is an enigmatic warren of sewer tunnels, sunken passages, and forgotten rooms in an undisclosed location, leading to a mysterious gathering deep within the byzantine dungeon.  

Dungeon Notes

NOTE: This dungeon is NOT meant to be completed in one sitting. It is composed of around 10 encounters. Please visit this link or bug Cohor to learn how to stop your session at a particular point, effectively creating a "Save Game/Checkpoint" that you can return to in a later session.

Dungeon Encounter Summary

This dungeon is composed of 4 Easy Encounters, 3 Medium Encounters, 2 Hard Encounters, and 1 Deadly Encounter.   The Rogue's Gallery is a medium dungeon. The average encounter difficulty (of 10 encounters) is medium.  

Dungeon Pre-requisites

The Rogues' Gallery is near to the waypoint, but difficult to locate for anyone who doesn't already know where to look. To enter the dungeon you must complete the following tasks.
  • Your character must have a predisposition for rule breaking.
  • Successfully complete a moderate social/investigation skill challenge to learn of the dungeon's location. Success on a disguise kit tool check, a deception check, or a thieves' tools tool check counts as two successes towards this challenge.
  • If you fail the skill challenge, you may attempt it again in 24 hours, but must make 6x 1d100 (4 during the day, 2 at night) percentage checks.
  • For every roll of 25 or below, you have a random urban encounter !table urban

Dungeon Rewards

This dungeon is under the jurisdiction of The Trade. You receive two minor potions determined by the reviewing DM upon clearing this dungeon.   At the completion of the dungeon (all encounters complete), a DM will roll two Treasure Hoards for you and your name will be added to the Completionist List. This will count as two of your seven Tier I treasure hoards. You will not be able to benefit from this dungeon on this character again (you may continue to gather Bandit Gear or tackle the special encounters, however).   There is a hidden chest in this dungeon. You must beat the listed DC with either a Wisdom (Perception) check or an Intelligence (Investigation) check. Characters which are travelling through the dungeon as a party must choose one character to make the initial check, though other characters present may perform the help action to grant the character advantage. Failure the first time means you do not find it. If you wish to continue to seek for it, you must complete any combination of four hard skill challenges or hard combat encounters to try again. After finding the chest, if you're capable of moving it, you may attempt to pick the lock at your leisure. If you pick the lock on site, or find the key, you do not need to carry the chest out of the dungeon.   A character which completes this dungeon in its entirety gains 50 Reputation with The Trade.  

Dungeon Icons & Map Link

Throughout the dungeon, you will encounter different terrain types. The sewer channels are marked in blue and are considered difficult terrain. Any creature that walks through this terrain must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw or contract Filth Fever. On a failure, for the next five rounds, the creature has violent fevers which inflict disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls using Strength; the character's Long Jump distance and High Jump distance are both halved, as is their carrying capacity. At the end of their turn or at the end of each round if outside combat, the creature may attempt the saving throw again. If the character fails two more saving throws, they remain afflicted by the condition for seven days or until they receive treatment from a spell or effect which removes disease, such as Lesser Restoration. If the character succeeds on three saving throws before failing two, the condition ends immediately.

While suffering from Filth Fever, if they contract the disease an additional time, the creature gains one level of exhaustion, for each time they would contract the disease. A character loses one level of exhaustion each time they complete a long rest.

There are makeshift bridges set up to cross the channels which are marked in dark brown. These are unstable, and any creature which walks through these spaces must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw or fall into an adjacent space in the sewage channels and land Prone. If you declare your intention to do so before attempting the saving throw, these saves may be incorporated into any skill challenge that you are attempting in the dungeon, for the purpose of determining the number of successes or failures of that skill challenge.   You must first add a token to initiative before you can assign the map to it.  
!i add 0 dm -p 100

Map Command:

The Rogues' Gallery Dungeon takes place in a sewer with channels of filth running through a maze of corridors.

Initial Map Parameters

!map -bg -mapsize 32x32 -options c50 -fow a29:d32 -view a25:h32
    Your character initially enters through a sewer door into the Rogues' Gallery to stand on position A30 or A31. The section you are passing through should be marked in the corner of the newly revealed area. This will help to identify that you have entered the correct map description for the area you are in.   You can see the entire map view by running !view reset and focus in on an area by running !view x#:y#.   You can expand your fog of war by running !map -fow x#:y#. For both of these, x is the top left corner of the area you want to view/reveal and y is the bottom right corner.  

Long Resting

In order to Long Rest within the dungeon you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw or contract Filth Fever. Alternatively, you can make your way back to Section 57 and exit the dungeon to rest in the city.  

Wandering Monsters

When you enter a room, these monsters may also be there. If the room is empty, there's a 50% chance the wandering monsters are present. If the room already contains a monster, there's a 10% chance the monsters are present.   As this dungeon is built for anyone between level 1 and level 4, you must use the !rEncounter command to determine what you face. You will choose monsters based off the solo encounter list on the sidebar.   These encounters show up in the following order; once they are defeated, they cannot bother you again.  
  1. Wandering Encounter 1 - Easy
  2. Wandering Encounter 2 - Easy
  3. Wandering Encounter 3 - Medium
  4. Wandering Encounter 4 - Hard
!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 1" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"

!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 2" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Easy"

!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 3" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Medium"

!embed -title "Wandering Encounter 4" -desc "Are there monsters in the room you just entered? If so, roll a d100. On a 10 or less, these wandering monsters will attack you immediately after you clear the room. If there are no monsters in the room description you just entered, roll a d100. On a 50 or less, these wandering monsters are presently in the room." -f "Difficulty | Hard"



  Below every room description is an embed command. You can copy and paste this into your discord solo channel to help keep track of which rooms you've entered.  

Section 1

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 1" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow a1:d4 -view a1:h8


Section 2

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the west and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 2" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [west]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow e1:h4 -view c1:j8


Section 3

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the west, the south, and the east. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a grate in the north wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 3" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [west](, [south]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a grate in the north wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i1:l4 -view g1:n8


Section 4

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the west and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 4" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [west]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow m1:p4 -view k1:r8


Section 5

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the west, the south, and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 5" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [west](, [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow q1:t4 -view o1:v8


Section 6

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the west and the east. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, with a rotting wooden board creating a crude bridge across.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 6" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [west]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, with a rotting wooden board creating a crude bridge across."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u1:x4 -view s1:z8


Section 7

The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 7" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow y1:ab4 -view w1:ad8


Section 8

The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the south. A heavy iron door is built into the east wall, though it has no handle, lock, nor hinge that you can see. A small metal slat sits in the middle of the door at eye level, and is currently closed.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 8" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [south]( A heavy iron door is built into the east wall, though it has no handle, lock, nor hinge that you can see. A small metal slat sits in the middle of the door at eye level, and is currently closed."

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac1:af4 -view y1:af8


Section 9

Monsters: Medium Encounter
The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the north.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 9" -f "Monsters|Medium Encounter" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [north]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow a5:d8 -view a3:h10


Section 10

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 10" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow e5:h8 -view c3:j10


Section 11

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, with a rotting wooden board creating a crude bridge across.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 11" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, with a rotting wooden board creating a crude bridge across."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i5:l8 -view g3:n10


Section 12

Monsters: Easy Encounter
The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 12" -f "Monsters|Easy Encounter" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow m5:p8 -view k3:r10


Section 13

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the north, the south, and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 13" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [north](, [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow q5:t8 -view o3:v10


Section 14

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the west and the east. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, with a rotting wooden board creating a crude bridge across.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 14" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [west]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, with a rotting wooden board creating a crude bridge across."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u5:x8 -view s3:z10


Section 15

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 15" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow y5:ab8 -view w3:ad10


Section 16

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 16" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac5:af8 -view y3:af10


Section 17

Monsters: Hard Encounter
The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the south. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 17" -f "Monsters|Hard Encounter" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [south]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow a9:d12 -view a7:h14


Section 18

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 18" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow e9:h12 -view c7:j14


Section 19

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the east. A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 19" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i9:l12 -view g7:n14


Section 20

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the north, the south, and the west. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 20" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [north](, [south]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow m9:p12 -view k7:r14


Section 21

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 21" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow q9:t12 -view o7:v14


Section 22

Monsters: Medium Encounter
The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the south. A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 22" -f "Monsters|Medium Encounter" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [south]( A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u9:x12 -view s7:z14


Section 23

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the west wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 23" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the west wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow y9:ab12 -view w7:ad14


Section 24

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the north, the south, and the west. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 24" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [north](, [south]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac9:af12 -view y7:af14


Section 25

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 25" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow a13:d16 -view a11:h18


Section 26

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 26" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow e13:h16 -view c11:j18


Section 27

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the south wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 27" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the south wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i13:l16 -view g11:n18


Section 28

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 28" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow m13:p16 -view k11:r18


Section 29

The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the north.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 29" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [north]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow q13:t16 -view o11:v18


Section 30

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the north, the south, and the east. A channel of sewage flows from north to south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 30" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [north](, [south]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u13:x16 -view s11:z18


Section 31

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 31" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow y13:ab16 -view w11:ad18


Section 32

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 32" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac13:af16 -view y11:af18


Section 33

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 33" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow a17:d20 -view a15:h22


Section 34

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the west, the south, and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 34" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [west](, [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow e17:h20 -view c15:j22


Section 35

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the west. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the north wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 35" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the north wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i17:l20 -view g15:n22


Section 36

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 36" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow m17:p20 -view k15:r22


Section 37

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the east and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 37" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [east]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow q17:t20 -view o15:v22


Section 38

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the south wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 38" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the south wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u17:x20 -view s15:z22


Section 39

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 39" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow y17:ab20 -view w15:ad22


Section 40

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 40" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac17:af20 -view y15:af22


Section 41

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the east. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the west wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 41" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the west wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow a21:d24 -view a19:h26


Section 42

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 42" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow e21:h24 -view c19:j26


Section 43

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east. A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through low grates in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 43" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through low grates in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i21:l24 -view g19:n26


Section 44

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the east and the west. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 44" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [east]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow m21:p24 -view k19:r26


Section 45

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the west. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the west wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 45" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the west wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow q21:t24 -view o19:v26


Section 46

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the east. A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through low grates in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 46" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage intersects here, with flows from east and north mixing and continuing on to the west and south, passing through low grates in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u21:x24 -view s19:z26


Section 47

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 47" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the east wall, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow y21:ab24 -view w19:ad26


Section 48

Monsters: Deadly Encounter
The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the north. A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls. Hidden Treasure: Hidden Locked Iron Chest; DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find; lDC 20 Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check to unlock; DC 30 Strength check to break; 60 hp. Including its contents, the chest weighs 85 lbs.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 48" -f "Monsters|Deadly Encounter" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [north]( A channel of sewage flows from east to west, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac21:af24 -view y19:af26

!embed -title "Hidden Treasure" -f "Hidden Locked Iron Chest; DC 20 Search check to find; lDC 20 Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check to unlock; DC 30 Strength check to break; 60 hp; Weight including contents 85 lbs." 

Section 49

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 49" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]( ."

Map Parameters

!map -fow a25:d28 -view a23:h30


Section 50

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 50" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow e25:h28 -view c23:j30


Section 51

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the east and the west. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 51" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [east]( and the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i25:l28 -view g23:n30


Section 52

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the west, the south, and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 52" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [west](, [south]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow m25:p28 -view k23:r30


Section 53

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 53" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow q25:t28 -view o23:v30


Section 54

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the north and the south. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 54" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [north]( and the [south]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, and a rotting wooden board creates a crude bridge across it."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u25:x28 -view s23:z30


Section 55

The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 55" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow y25:ab28 -view w23:ac30


Section 56

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the south and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 56" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [south]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac25:af28 -view y23:af30


Section 57

The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the north. The heavy iron door through which you entered is built into the west wall, and is hanging open on rusted hinges.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 57" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [north]( The heavy iron door through which you entered is built into the west wall, and is hanging open on rusted hinges."

Map Parameters

!map -fow a29:d32 -view a25:h32


Section 58

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 58" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow e29:h32 -view c25:j32


Section 59

Monsters: Easy Encounter
The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the west. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 59" -f "Monsters|Easy Encounter" -f "Description|The sewer passage stops at a dead end with the only exit leading to the [west]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a low grate in the adjacent walls."

Map Parameters

!map -fow i29:l32 -view g25:n32


Section 60

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the east.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 60" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [east]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow m29:p32 -view k25:r32


Section 61

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the east and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 61" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [east]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow q29:t32 -view o25:v32


Section 62

The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the west, the north, and the east. A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a grate in the south wall.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 62" -f "Description|The sewer passage reaches a junction, leading to the [west](, [north]( and the [east]( A channel of sewage flows from north to south, passing through a grate in the south wall."

Map Parameters

!map -fow u29:x32 -view s25:z32


Section 63

The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the east and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 63" -f "Description|The sewer passage continues straight, leading to the [east]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow y29:ab32 -view w25:ad32


Section 64

The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the north and the west.

!embed -title "Rogues' Gallery - Section 64" -f "Description|The sewer passage forms a turn, leading to the [north]( and the [west]("

Map Parameters

!map -fow ac29:af32 -view y25:af32


Completionist List

Date Character Quest Link
28 April 2021 Taemond Hartford Completed
27 July 2021 Ssylvani Completed

Rogues' Gallery Solo Encounters

  CR 0: Magewright
CR ⅛: Bandit
CR ¼: Night Blade
CR ½: Scout
CR 1: Spy

Discovered By
Gothrek Stonebreaker
Date Discovered
The Trade
Sewer, section
Parent Location

Table of Contents


This article has no secrets.