Kjarra Organization in Nethdria | World Anvil


In the northwest reaches of Sol, Kjarra has remained for nearly a thousand years as an ancient kingdom of the race of men. It began as an upstart human kingdom, rivaling that of the long-lived elves of Mistvall. As a Northman kingdom, it has been characterized by its thirst for war, conquest, and its clannish government structure. Rather than a single monarch ruling in an absolute fashion, each region of the kingdom falls under the rule of a king or jarl who in turn is subordinate to the high king. The high king leads the other kings and has executive as well as federal powers but in practice the high king does not encroach much on the internal affairs of kings in their own realm, focusing far more on the foreign policy and wars of the kingdom. Compared to the rather recent human polities of Ayrith and Shanrao, Kjarra is far more ancient, founded in times older than human memory. Currently, in the late third century of the fifth era, it is a dying kingdom, High King Magnus is on his deathbed and has produced no heirs, the kingdom is on the brink of civil war and the residents of Kjarra know it - so do the neighboring vultures, the elves may perhaps impose their ancient claim on the land of Kjarra as the land falls into civil war.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Kjarra