Orcs Ethnicity in Nethdria | World Anvil


Settled in the flat plains of the eastern steppe and the western grasslands, the Orcs have organized themselves into tribal, clan-based strongholds. Though eastern and western Orcs have some variation in traditions, as do individual tribes, Orcs regard themselves as part of a wider Orcish cultural sphere speaking the same language and having the same origin. They have skin in shades of green, gray,

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Yatul, Ulabog, Sherog, Uglah, Shul, Atuub, Lasakh, Ragnakh, Boraa, Mogakh, Kharut, Lagash, Sharakh, Gratoth, Durgash, Urogah, Uglol, Lagaaz, Borgtha, Valnakha, Oraga, Garasha

Masculine names

Makog, Burnak, Oglunar, Gruuk, Khagrul, Guraguk, Toruk, Othonak, Shazakh, Braash, Baskil, Grishnak, Khargog, Ghorglak, Grugash, Magulak, Burzak, Urar, Khadgulub, Narlak, Boruk, Ulagakh


Major language groups and dialects

Common, Orcish, sometimes Elven

Common Dress code

Orcs mostly dress in simple clothes made of hide and cloth.


Beauty Ideals

Orcs value robust physiques. To them, a beautiful being is someone athletic and strong. Orcs also like long, braided hair, and finely trimmed tribal hairstyles.

Gender Ideals

Women are expected to be skilled with crafts such as herbalism, smithing, and other metalwork. Men are expected to be great warriors, tactical, and masterful with many types of weapons. However, the egalitarianism of Orcish culture means both men and women are expected to be fighters.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Organizations


Ability Score Increase +1 Str, +2 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Orcs are often of a chaotic alignment when outside their strongholds. They tend to hold to their cultural laws and codes of honor.   Orcish Presence. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.   Brute Force. You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.

Languages. Common, Orcish