Pikenglade Geographic Location in World of Naru | World Anvil


Pikenglade is a heavily forested area just east of Dragontale, nestled in a snug pocket of mountainous terrain that secludes it from the surrounding areas. This thick and rough terrain is unpredictable and dangerous for any that try to traverse it which is strongly advised against.   There are some small settlements on the outskirts but none within the heart of the area as it has historically proven to be too difficult to maintain and defend. Gangs of monsters and beasts are known to present a sporadic but continuous threat to these settlements as well as travellers on the Drayton Passage. Wyverns are rare ferocious predators that usually stick to the mountains but from time to time will descend into the glade searching for food, specialist hunters have taken up residence in the larger villages to ensure their relative safety year-round.   Numerous natural ingredients flourish in this area and as such many herbalists and potion makers often seek groups to venture into the woodland and harvest these substances, for a substantial fee of course. Some of these groups make a living year-round this way and consider themselves expert navigators of Pikenglade and its dangers.  


Gatrix Hideout

While the exact location and nature of the hideout are not widely known, legends say this serves as the home and training ground of those who call themselves the masters of the region. The Gatrix are the most skilled and resourceful of the bunch and come with their own eye-watering price tag to match. The promise of a swift and guaranteed delivery is often worth the cost for some while others stick to the lower-paid alternatives available.

Shadowed Peak

A small mountain in the center of the glade is shrouded in a dark fog and said to be protected by creatures of darkness in the shape of dragons. Even the toughest creatures roaming the forests stay away from this mysterious landform, not even the Gatrix know what these creatures are or what lies underneath the darkness.

Iskistar Cave

Legend has it, that the fabled mage Iskistar stored their treasures, research and belongings inside a well-hidden cave before they fought and ultimately fell to the necromancer Guinevere in 737 AC. It has been sought after ever since and is still presumed lost to this day.

Golden Pits

A series of mines, quarries and pits used to extract toxic materials from the volcanic terrain, most notably sulphur or brimstone for use in manufacturing. Workers are known to gather permanent yellow staining after prolonged exposure, giving the golden pits their name.
An artists impression of outer Pikenglade
Terrain Area
Parent Location
Important Locations
Gatrix Hideout
Shadowed Peak
Iskistar Cave
Golden Pits
Nearby Trade Routes
Drayton Passage


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