Government in World of Naru | World Anvil


A brief summary of the various types of government found in Naru.

Main Types


Absolute Monarchy

An individual, the monarch, exercises ultimate governing authority. The position is usually passed down through generations rather than elected.

Constitutional Monarchy

The monarch's powers are limited by law, while an elected body acts as the government.


Also known as a republic, usually formed of a group of elected members to serve the best needs of the people. There are usually a core set of rules or laws that can not easily be changed and any changes usually suffer numerous debates and deadlocks.


Rule of the few, a small group has the power and they could be nobility, the wealthy, a family or an organization to name a few examples. The rest of the population have no official say or vote to change things.


Rule of the people, the citizens either exercise power directly or elect representatives among themselves to form a governing body. The majority has the power to make change through voting and the majority can easily influence and abuse its power.


A society with no government or political dependencies, striving for a non-hierarchical structure. This can be a short-term solution between changes in government or more long term although it is susceptible to unpunished acts of violence or crimes.


Rule by the religious elite, by their standards and methods of choosing those with authority or power.


A government or authority of an absolute ruler, usually putting their interests above their subjects, with no measures to dictate the law and justice apart from their own. Power has often been acquired via a violent or forceful means and is usually oppressive.


Mainly used for agricultural land, a manor house or farmhouse with staff controls the land around it, usually under the greater control of a higher power in the region.


Where a Lord or Lady is in charge of a settlement but answer to a higher authority, usually in a larger town or city that has more influence and power.



Those who are the most skilled in knowledge and their trades rule the settlement.


A random event dictates who the the ruler will be for the next period of time.


An ancient divine rite or ritual determines the outcome of who rules the settlement.


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