Dragonborn - Gem Species in World of Naru | World Anvil

Dragonborn - Gem

Dragonborn are humanoid creatures with draconic features, their heads resemble a dragons and they have fine scaled bodies with an almost leathery texture. They are usually quite tall and strongly built, unlike dragons however, they do not have wings or a tail.   Their scales are coloured according to their bloodline, with the majority of gem dragonborn taking on blue, purple and other dark or muddied colours as a result of generations of interbreeding between these bloodlines. Those with purer bloodlines exhibit more vibrant colourings than their kin echoing the dragons they are historically tied to and gaining powers based on this bloodline. Gem dragonborn tend to feature crystaline structures, usually on their heads, scales or limbs.   Gem dragonborn have a breath weapon that expells a 15ft cone of energy.

Types of Gem Dragonborn


Gem dragonborn with mixed bloodlines usually tend to have a dominant draconic trait that determines what their breath weapon can do and what damage type they are resistant to. The majority of mixed gem dragonborn tend to either favour psychic or force elements as these are particualry strong traits in terms of genology.


Amethyst dragonborn take on a forecful breath weapon and a resistance to force damage. Their scales range from light purples to darker shades.


Crystal dragonborn expell a radiant blast as their breath weapon and have a resistance to radiant damage. They are usually have pale blue scales although rarer shades include more translucent variaitons usually with a sheen.


Emerald dragonborn have a breath weapon formed of psychic energy and a resistance to psychic damage. The majority are a light shade of green but some are known to take on much darker or deeper shades.


Sapphire dragonborn make use of a thunderous breath weapon and are resistant to thunder damage. Most sapphire dragonborn are a deep and vibrant blue but usually mottled or marked with a pattern in some way.


Topaz dragonborn are gifted with a necrotic breath weapon and are resistant to necrotic damage. Topaz dragonborn usually take on an array of yellow and orange shades, with 'pure' topaz being the rarest colouring, featuring a glistening shine in the light and many crystalline features on their body.
~80 years

Scale Colours





Very Rare



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