Basalt Bees Species in World of Naru | World Anvil

Basalt Bees

General Information

The basalt bee is a rare species that can only be found close to volcanic activity, usually at very high altitudes. Their name is given to them due to their habit of forming nests among clusters of basalt rock.

Physical Traits

They are roughly twice the size and weight of a regular honey bee with thicker skin and a slower flying speed. They are covered in patches of fur which feature dark patterns of black and yellowy-orange and their wings are usually jet black.


These bees make their nests close to volcanic craters, on top of or quite often inside split or broken basalt rock. This rock provides excellent shelter and protection from other creatures as well as being a key component in their honey-making process.


The most important part of their diet is the nesca flower, a strange plant that thrives in the volcanic atmosphere where most others would perish. These red and black flowers provide nectar and pollen for the bees.   These flowers are not enough for the bees to survive alone and so they often travel quite far from their nests to gather a variety of nutrients.


Basalt bees produce honey in their nests, the queen is able to dig out small amounts of rock and use this to strengthen the structures inside. They create this honey quite slowly compared to regular honey bees but often make much more than is needed, leading to an overflow. This honey spilling out of the nest is a telltale sign indicating basalt bees are nearby.   This honey has an unusual dark colouration and unique sweet smokey taste. It is widely regarded as a status symbol of the wealthy to own a jar of basalt bee honey.
13 (2d8+4)
A painting of a basalt bee heading towards lava by Renn Javier



Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, one target, 2d4+1 pirecing damage.
Once the Basalt Bee hits with a sting attack, the creature's hit points are reduced by 1 every round.


Queen Bee

If a nest is under threat then the queen may intervene.
The queen has 13 AC, an extra 5 (d8) hit points and their sting attack deals an additional 2d4 poison damage.


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