Session 026 - Underworld Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 026 - Underworld

General Summary

Date 12th to 17th Azura (7) 720TR (Autumn)

The story so far

The heroes have travelled into the sewers to confront a band of cultists who appear to be hunting Quazzy. They kill these men, and find on their bodies a strange skull and raven pendant. Nearby is an underground passage around which are humans skulls, all have large holes in them as if something has opened them up and eaten their brains.

Additionally, the heroes have learned that Winneate Asarn, the 62-year-old spinster sister of Senator Melvid Asarn was murdered on the way home from her embroidery circle. They plan to investigate.

Continuation of Session 25 - Enemies Everywhere.

Part 1 - Delving.

The team continues down the overflow tube into a series of caverns below the sewers.

They are quickly set upon by swarms of giant centipedes, and a huge stalactite-like monster with long sticky strand like appendages. This monstrosity was eventually defeated but put up a good fight.

Later on, the hero's quickly dispatch a large group of strange slow-moving fungi monsters which dissolve flesh by touch.

Part 2 - Lair of the Brain Eater.

Further down the caverns, they find caves with huge crystals and a disturbing humanoid creature with tentacles on its head. The party almost catch this creature by surprise although it is still able to unleash waves of psionic energy. The monster is however easily overwhelmed by Athena and Yureb. Yureb recognized the creature as the one that killed his gang of thieves when he was younger. He removes the head and has it preserves as a trophy.

Finding its lair, up a shaft in the roof, the party finds a small, horde of curiosities. Most interesting is a Bottle of Strange Wine, a Bottle of Oil of Etherealness and a huge Psionic Crystal, the Echo of Aethereal.

DM's notes

One of the reasons the party were so successful was the Athena was able to restore her spells, smites and healing after taking a dose of the Elixir of the Rose, a draught which turns a short rest into a long rest. This ensured that the party was at near full fighting strength for this encounter.

Part 3 - The Raven Woman.

Raven Woman, from festivalclaca
As the heroes loot the Monster's lair Quazzy receives a magical message from the strange Raven Woman from her past. She says Quazzy is causing trouble and she is disappointed that her agents were killed. She was planning to visit Quazzy. This woman had attempted to steal Quazzy's body when she was a member of some mystery cult, however the memories are unclear although fragments are returning.

Part 4 - The Funeral.

When the heroes return to Quazzy's hovel, they learn that a note has been delivered. This is from the Church of Naveh with instructions for Quazzy to steal a holy book (the last known copy) from the Temple of Peoni during the funeral of Winneate Asarn. Continuing her efforts to infiltrate this Evil Church, Quazzy does as instructed, stealing a copy of the Journal of St Dasinia, the written record of the saint's life, good deeds, personal prayers, and rituals.

Reading the surface thoughts of the dead woman's brother Senator Melvid Asarn Quazzy learns that he is distraught and wanting revenge for the murder of his saintly sister. Quazzy identifies him as a potential ally.

Part 5 - Handing over the Holy Book.

Quazzy meets with the Primate, a High Priest of Naveh and several Priest-Assassins in the Shrine to Desridaen to hand over the holy book. The Primate says there is only one other item needed for the ceremony, the most important, and it is due to arrive shortly.

Quazzy has her invisible familiar follow the Primate and determines he travels to the northeast part of the city. She plans to investigate this further.

Part 6 - The Assassin.

A few days later while traveling through the city, Athena notices a few shady looking characters approaching her and then spots a figure on a nearby roof targeting a crossbow in her direction. Athena springs into action and avoids a well-planned assassination attempt. The Assassin and hired Thugs are quickly dispatched with one incapacitated, and the assassin decapitated.

After a quick interrogation of the remaining thug, Athena determines that the assassin was hired by a lord from the Kingdom of Rethem, the Hamlens.

She also learns that her fame is such she has acquired an alias, the Banshee. This is likely due to exaggerated accounts of her "Word of Death" used against a band of Cohorts of Gashang killers last week.

Athena sends the Hamlens a message, the assassin's head.

DM's notes

For the second time, this session what should have been a difficult battle went relatively easily. The Assassin lost the element of surprise after Athena rolled a natural 20 on her Perception check, the only dice roll which would have spotted the sniper on the roof.

Interlude - Message from Shiran

Last week Athena sent a warning message to the Dame Aldellea Zelian, who manages the Crimson Dancer Hostel in the City of Shiran. She received a reply stating that the Eight Demon has turned hostile and any further recruits are to be sent to Tormau in Rethem. Additionally, negotiations are nearly over regarding the return of Themeson, to the Thardic Republic.

Rewards Granted

Roper Stands x 3 - Very strong but heavy rope, 50 ft long.

Roper Eye - Can be used in a potion of Darkvision. The eye will keep for 3 months.

Roper teeth x 6 - Similar to ivory can be carved into items like Jewelry or Dice.

Roper Hide - Can be crafted into Hide armor with Stealth properties in Rocky terrain.

Violet Fungi Mash x 5 - Can be turned into a mildly toxic and powerful alcohol enhancer. These will keep for 6 months.

Echo of Aethereal - Large Psionic Crystal which protects the psyche of the user. Now located in the basement of Quazzy's Hovel.

Bottle of Oil of Etherealness.

Bottle of Strange Wine - Mindflayer Wine, increases intelligence by 1d4 for one hour but the subject will be drunk (4 applications).

Mindflayer head - Yurebs trophy.

Missions/Quests Completed

Killed the Mindflayer which murdered some of Yureb's gang of thieves years ago.

Stole a Holy book from the Church of Peoni.

Character(s) interacted with

The Raven Woman - She wants Quazzy's body.

Merin the Assassin - Hired by the Hamlen family to murder Athena.

Monsters or Challenges Overcome

4 Giant Centipede Swarms and 1 Roper.

9 Violet Fungi.

1 Mindflayer.

1 Assassin and 2 Thugs.

Created Content

The Raven Woman - A mysterious woman who wants Quazzy's body.

Krasula - Information Quazzy has researched about this infernal entity.

Related Reports

The Hamlen's - they want Athena dead.

Sewers and Cisterns.

Temple of Peoni.


Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee- Level 8 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 8 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 4 Necromancer and Level 4 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Forbidden Pathways - Campaign Complete
Report Date
07 Apr 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Magic Item Found

NPC Player Companions

Kalin, art by Paizo

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Cover image: by Attacus


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