Haenna, the last battle

As The Decade of 5 Emperors drew to a close, even with Cedana Astalles having been captured months before, the rebel armies continued to fight in the vain attempt to rescue Cedana Astalles, even with the still high morale of the rebels, the Imperial armies under the leadership of Emperor Malthin II had pushed the rebels back to the stronghold of the rebel cause, the small town of Haenna.   When the imperial army had retaken Pearlhal and soon after captured the rebel queen, the shattered remains of the rebel army began a guerilla style of fighting much like they had been doing at the beginning of the war but having lost most if not all of their veterans from that time the rebels were not as effective as they once were so after a few months the rebel army had been reduced down to only a few legions. The rebel leadership hoped they could escape into the wilderness and rebuild secretly, but their forces would be ambushed at the Ranul River.   Following the ambush, the remaining rebel forces gathered at Haenna and planned to continue their escape, but the Imperial army followed and surrounded the rebels. The rebels tried to negotiate, but the Imperials refused to negotiate, so the Imperials constructed a wall around the town's wall, creating a no man's land between the walls. The Rebels tried to negotiate for the civilians still in the town to be let out. Still, the imperials refused to accept this as they could not be sure that the rebels would not hide in between them, and that was not a risk the imperial army commanders could accept.   After a month of siege, the Imperial army attacked, expecting the rebels to have been weakened enough by then. The following attack was a bloodbath rivalling some of the major battles during the war, considering the scale of the battle.  
Burning stables by Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Screenshot of Mount & Blade Bannderlord by cow2face


  • Mirateia


Empire of Dercia

Led by


Three legions
  • 15000 legionaries
  • 3000 cavalry
  • 45 mages


total: 3946
  • 3.861 legionaries
  • 80 cavalry
  • 5 mages


Finally, destroy the last remains of the rebel army.

Led by


3500 soldiers
  • 2995 legionaries
  • 500 cavalry
  • 5 mages


total: 3500
  • 2995 legionaries
  • 500 cavalry
  • 5 mages


A worthy last stand

Led by


5398 civilians
  • Children: 1443
  • Adults: 3315
  • Elderly: 596


total: 2413
  • Children: 13
  • Adults: 1549
  • Elderly: 147


Cover image: by Christophe.Finot


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Jul 8, 2023 02:50 by Dimitris Havlidis

Well.... that was a slaughter ....

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Jul 8, 2023 06:55

Yeah, its a combination of the culmination of a 10-year-long civil war and that the Imperial commander lost control of his men once they broke through the walls. It took a couple of hours to get them under control again.

Jul 8, 2023 10:21 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh my god, that casualty count. Poor civilians who got caught up in the slaughter.   I suppose the Imperial army made their point.