Titans (The Old Gods) Myth in Mindosza, Age of Dawnbreakers | World Anvil
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Titans (The Old Gods)

The Seven Titans represent the primordial Forces of Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Wood, Metal and Death. They can be seen at all times in the Mindoszan Sky and are commonly known as the Old Gods. They are believed to have fought each other for aeons before the old Ancestries first drew breath. Their battle finally ended, when they realized, that a final force to balance each other out was missing. As water fought fire, earth fought air and metal fought wood, death was missing an opposition, so the titans came together in the first convergence to create Mindosza, planet of the living, to oppose death. During the forging of Mindosza, all Titans gave up some of their own might, to help bring to life this new Planet. As their paths align once every few thousand years (see Convergence), the Titans renew their pact in a new convergence.

  Astronomically speaking, the Titans are 7 Gas Giants orbiting the Sun. They all share one orbital path at their periapsis (see Convergence), however their wildly varying elliptical paths around the sun have them travel this path at the same time only once every two thousand years. During that time, as their spaces overlap, they have immense influence on the Astral Plane of Mindosza, charging it with their energy, unleashing elemental beings and horrors, which ultimately forced the denizens to build Haven cities to survive this period.

  During the last Convergence, as the denizens where hiding in their underground Haven cities and the Titans were no longer in sight, most denizens turned away from praying to these old Gods, instead following the New Gods. These Gods more than ever highlighted the different world views and Principles that emerged and were no longer exclusively associated with an element, instead focusing on (PF2E) Domains (/PF2E). For More Details, see here: Deities of Mindosza.

  As explained in more Detail in The Realms section, the Titans and their associated alements could be placed on a Wheel of Elements, making up The Elemental Principle. As such, these Gods had some overlap (such as both Metal and Earth being the building blocks to Civilization), but always differ drom each other depending on their placement on this wheel.

Proktoh, the Titan of Metals is hard to see in the Sky of Mindosza, his anthrazite color makes him hard to spot, despite being one of the largest titans. During the creation of Mindosza, Proktoh forged the iron core of the planet by plucking a piece of his own heart.
Jalaya , the Titan of Earth travels across the firmament close to the horizon, as if he were trying to touch the ground. This, and his dark brown color makes him hard to spot to untrained eyes. During the first convergence, he shed some of his own skin to envelop Mindiszas Heart, forming the lands, the fields and mountains of Mindosza.
Loha, the Titan of Air is easily mistaken for a large star. However, moving across the sky at the speed of a derwish, at second glance there is no more mistake to be made. Swift and unstoppable he moves straight east, easing the navigation for many a sailers and lost adventurers who are able to spot him. When Mindosza was born, he contributed his breath, enveloping the barren planet in an atmosphere for plants and people to breathe.
Serae, the Titan of Wood shines bright in the Sky. Her Deep Green Color and being one of the closest Titans relative to Mindosza (other than Szanaru) makes her an inseperable part of the night's - and even day's - sky. During the creation of Mindosza, Serae gave up her own fruit and harvest to bring live and growth to Mindosza.
Va'yu , the Titan of Water can be seen as asmall blue marble in the Sky. Like water, she seems to flow across the sky, sometimes unexplicably changing course, moving up and down along her path across the firmament. During the first convergence, Va'yu offered some her own blood to fill the rivers and seas of Mindosza.
Evrenn , the Titan of Fire is the 2nd largest Titan, dwarfed only by Szanaru, glowing bright red in the sky. The immense heat radiated by her let's her appear blurry and sometimes hard to spot, as she emits a haze, coloring the sorrounding space of the firmament red as well. When Mindosza was forged, her heat gave life to the heart of the planet and all creatures upon it.
Szanaru, the Titan of Death dominates the sky of Mindosza at all times, taking up about 1/4th of the sky, a constant reminder to all denizens that life is a struggle against death. When Mindosza was created, Szanaru was angry at the other titans for creating such a foe and refused to gift any of it's own power. In response, the Titans shackled Mindosza to be at Szanarus side for ever, orbiting it. Therefore the Titan of death ironically grants life to his adversary (For more details about the astronomy, see here.)

Finally, Mindosza was created, orbiting Szanaru. As such, the Titan of Death finally had an adversary shackled to him, life and death are destined to fight for eternity. It is said, that the souls of the dead travel through the Astral Plane towards Szanaru, to find peace in their final resting place. In response, some denizens have their own death rituals to make sure their deceased are not lost to the Astral plane, but can pass on. (For example, see Thespian Death rites)


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