Meskou Gechedeni Timeline
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The History that takes place or involves Amriga.

  • 1058 PS

    Preeh's First Tear

    The year Enara Dich met Preeh becoming the first prophet of the Totems.

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  • 947 PS

    947 PS


    Pried Slumber of Trichad
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In the depths of Trichad's catacombs, a sorceress of insatiable ambition delved into forbidden arts. Using a forbidden incantation, she animated lifeless bodies, turning them into abominations. Driven by her thirst for power, she sought to overthrow the city, using horrific methods to enforce her rule. Those who resisted faced brutal punishment, while those who submitted became her mind-controlled puppets. However, hope emerged in the form of Aelendir Sunder, a devoted priest of Jhetal. With unwavering faith, he confronted the sorceress and her undead army, becoming a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness. Through his divine powers, Charles Sunder foiled the sorceress's wicked plans, saving the city and its people from certain doom.

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  • 934 PS

    933 PS

    Oblivion's Burning
    Military: War

    The great purge led by the Mirran to wipe out the Chindering and their faith in the Oblivion. Killing their ancestor species and faith, alongside the practise of the arcane, although both would remain in hiding for many years to come.

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  • 739 PS

    Iron Rising
    Technological achievement

    The production of iron became widespread as that metal supplanted bronze. Iron was much more abundant than copper and tin, the two metals that makeup bronze, and thus put metal tools into more hands than ever before.

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  • 289 PS

    Gunpowder Invention
    Technological achievement

    Alchemists in Sembar invented gunpowder as a result of their search for life-extending elixirs. It was used to propel rockets attached to arrows. The knowledge of gunpowder spread to the rest of the known world quickly in exchange for immense wealth.

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  • 231 PS

    35 Looreaand

    Pact of Flame

    Enser Lumo Flame created the Ashen by making a pact with her god shifting the power and diplomacy that stood there before drastically.

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    Pact of Flame
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  • 230 PS

    15 Caienaand

    Nether Spawn
    Plague / Epidemic

    After the horrendous events of the Pact of Flame, the remains of the Phoenix lineage who despised Enser's actions fled to the Phoenix keep within the Lamented peeks. It is believed among scholars that these members of the family were vampires, and the Pact of Flame had mutated their condition forming a new sub-affliction of vampirism referred to as Nether. Although this knowledge never made it to the public on account of the Masquerade.

    More reading
    Nether Vampirism
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  • 194 PS

    1 AS

    1 Caienaand

    War of the Flying Baron
    Military: War

    The War of the Flying Baron was a war that lasted 194 years, although often referred to as the 200-year war of scales. It was named after the sparsely separated attacks by the dragons of Jultren. The scale of it through propaganda has made the event seem larger than it really was.

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  • 192 PS

    Windmill Invention
    Scientific achievement

    Food shortages during the years of the war of the flying baron led to the invention of the windmill. The first windmills were in the Nain Territories. They were horizontal windmills with blades on a vertical shaft. Later, Ashen windmills were of the vertical type. It has been speculated that the windmill may have been invented independently in Both the Nain and Ashen Territories although the regions are closely located.

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  • 100 PS

    Crowning Lyniha
    Political event

    The crowning of Lyniha Flame to become the next Infernal Emperor, because of the death of the previous Emperor Enser Flame. Acting as both the funeral and crowning.

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    Infernal Emperor
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  • 98 PS

    Compass Invention
    Scientific achievement

    The first definitive mention of a magnetic compass dates from a Nain book. It describes how an inventor found what they thought was Chinderin jewellery when heated and changed pigments depending on which way it was pointing. This proved to them that the Chinderin understood or at least knew to some degree how a compass worked. The idea was then later expanded upon into the well known magnetic compass and was shared throughout the known world rapidly.

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  • 92 PS

    Resurfacing of the Cannon
    Discovery, Scientific

    The old arcane cannons of the dark ages were altered to make use of gunpowder making a deadly weapon, with the invention quickly sweeping across the known world's ships and harbours for the offence and defence they provided.

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  • 80 PS

    Crowning Clementine
    Political event

    The crowning of Clementine Flame on account of the previous Infernal Emperor going insane.  With the new Emperor, a new form of rule and judgment crossed the land leading to a bias to the wealthy during the time of war.

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    Infernal Emperor
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  • 68 PS

    29 Chealdaand
    68 PS

    14 Culteaand

    Lysandus' Crowning
    Military action

    Lysandus forms an army to take revenge upon those who murdered his father. Upon this victory, he was declared the King of the province and struck a deal with the Sovereignty in order to secure peace for his people.

    Rohan Forest
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  • 18 PS

    20 Looreaand
    17 PS

    Lysandus' Undead March
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Lysandus has arisen from death and wanders the streets of his kingdom with his loyal army as wraiths killing anyone who dares step outside their house during the twilight hours. His muttering of vengeance and the distinct word "Revenge" is what the people have come to fear.

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  • 0 PS

    1 Caienaand

    The Treaty of the Flying Baron
    Civil action

    The Treaty of the Flying Baron was signed off, as an act to allow the Huikliss to remain alive after the wars they have ensued. It also marked the day for all people to agree on their new peace.

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  • 12 AS

    30 Pearlaand
    12 AS

    2 Anchidaand

    Seraphic Rapture

    The strikes against slavery and mistreatment of the poor working class. Taking a few months there was a large uprising against the Shesire Sovereignty. Enforcement from the kingdom proved fatal and an agreement was agreed upon by each party.

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    Seraphic Rapture
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  • 72 AS

    24 Ermichaand

    Birth of the Kyojin Kingdom
    Diplomatic action

    The Kingdom of Rowan within Enser made an alliance with a group of individuals calling themselves Kyojin Kingdom. Forming a rebellion towards the Shesire Sovereignty.

    More reading
    Rohan Bound To Kyojin
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  • 73 AS

    7 Caienaand

    Disappearance of Amedee

    The princess of the Shesire Sovereignty went missing on her 23rd birthday. Unknown to the public she in fact fled.

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  • 73 AS

    5 Pearlaand

    Yogsha's Flame
    Civil action

    Dates the rise of Yogsha's incarnation on Amriga in Enser. This would lead to the Shesire Sovereignty starting a crusade on unsanctioned religions. In addition leading to the undead Kara created by Yogsha.

    More reading
    Rise of Yogsha
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  • 73 AS

    32 Chealdaand 05:00
    73 AS

    32 Chealdaand 9:00

    Ruby Massacre
    Life, Death

    The ruby massacre took place on the 32nd of Rumpest 73FS. This event accrued from the Musk Candle opening up an excavation site inside of Jewel to send some mercenaries in, after they returned for a nights rest a swarm of Pale elves that lived in there for centuries came out and rampaged through the town. They were slain by the town guards and a few individuals including the mercenaries that let them escape. The victims were minimal but still enough to catch peoples attention.

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  • 74 AS

    Yogsha the Redemption
    Religious event

    After the rising of the Kingdom of Kyojin, the Daidarabotchi and a few of the Kenhika of the south believed that Kyojin was their dead god reborn. In a strike of faith, large amounts of Daidarabotchi and Kenhika worshippers took a voyage to the northern lands to follow their believed reborn god.

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  • 74 AS

    12 Caienaand 04:00
    74 AS

    12 Caienaand 23:00

    Bloodsucker Slaughter
    Plague / Epidemic

    Led by Count Darren who slaughtered the entirety of the town single-handedly. Few survivors remained after the slaughter, with a few emerging as undead rising up after a few days.

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  • 75 AS


    Independence of the Redemption
    Civil action

    The Shesire Sovereignty and the Kyojin Kingdom after their war agreed upon a treaty to create peace and put an end to the strife that the two sides wielded.

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  • 77 AS

    10 Anchidaand

    Firearm Beginning
    Scientific achievement

    The first firearm to be created was done by Barnacle Enioth in the year 77. The initial designs were given to Hilda Eliwyn who profited greatly by selling it off to the residents of the Slande Archipelago for an exceptionally high fee.

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