Seraphic Rapture Tradition / Ritual in Meskou | World Anvil
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Seraphic Rapture

"Through the ash we bring equality." ~Rovine Flame

Written by Artgalles

Primarily only celebrated in the Shesire Sovereignty, but there are smaller pieces being held in the neighbouring lands. Taking place on the third month on the 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.   It is celebrated with much creativity and carelessness. Its roots come from a dark source, but today it is associated with the telling of stories, singing, face painting and other forms of relaxation. It has become quite a common thing to wear clothes of comfort during this time. One of the most recurring songs to be performed is "Mother Night" by Whisper Hollow, with it being played in the first instance of this festival.   The origin comes from the strikes against slavery and the mistreatment of the poor working class. Taking a few months there was a large uprising against the Shesire Sovereignty inspired by the letter From Gerald to Clementine which gave ideology for better sovereignty for all.. Push-back from the kingdom proved ineffective and an agreement was agreed upon on the date 19/3/13. Both parties compromised and gave the 8th day of the week as a day of rest as well as making this national holiday yearly. The kingdom funds the festive activities every year making it an easy time for relaxation for the lower class people, while the nobility takes this opportunity to show off their magnificent attire and wines.   Being a part of a theocracy Duagha is called upon during worship, with the final hours of pleasure being sent to Duagha in a large communal worship to him in a song of pleasure.


Starts off with communal luxuries for everyone to take apart in including singing, face painting, dancing and dressing up in pretty attire. Followed by a large feast provided for free, which is quite bland but through certain nobility donating spices to the festive activities, some years are very flavourful. The final draw of midnight consists of a large song of worship towards Duagha.

Components and tools

Varies on what the kingdom provides, but generally consists of face paint, paint, an assortment of food.


Everyone is welcome but generally is filled with the low working class and children with very few nobles taking part.

Cover image: by Artgalles


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