Meskou Slande Timeline
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Founding a Free Home

130 PS 25 PS

  • 130 PS

    Reptiles Landing
    Military: Battle

    A battle between a fleet of pirates and a tyrannical dragon. Taking place during the War of the Flying Baron it is one of the few remains of the war that are still visible. As well as featuring one of the largest dragons remains to be discovered.   It is responsible for Josephine's discovery of the Slande Archipelago. And for the founding of the free country of pirates that live free from empires and kingdoms.

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    Reptiles Landing
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  • 129 PS

    Discovery of Old Fortification
    Discovery, Exploration

    An ancient Rlunchim wall was found beginning from the coast, extending deep into the ocean and connecting to another small island on the other side. With much of the previous wall being under the sea.

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  • 98 PS

    Compass Invention
    Scientific achievement

    The first definitive mention of a magnetic compass dates from a Nain book. It describes how an inventor found what they thought was Chinderin jewellery when heated and changed pigments depending on which way it was pointing. This proved to them that the Chinderin understood or at least knew to some degree how a compass worked. The idea was then later expanded upon into the well known magnetic compass and was shared throughout the known world rapidly.

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  • 92 PS

    Resurfacing of the Cannon
    Discovery, Scientific

    The old arcane cannons of the dark ages were altered to make use of gunpowder making a deadly weapon, with the invention quickly sweeping across the known world's ships and harbours for the offence and defence they provided.

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  • 26 PS

    The Flying Dutchmen
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Flying Dutchmen a ship known for its ruthless pursuit of hunting pirates, mysteriously disappeared from the Navy after its voyage to an uncharted island. The ship was assumed to of sunk, however occasionally sailors claim to of seen it as a ghost ship.

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Turning of Tides

25 PS 25 AS

  • 24 PS


    Discovery of Ancient Guider
    Discovery, Exploration

    A voyage around the southwestern side of the Archipelago discovered a gigantic humanoid statue near a small island's coast. The statue is half submerged in the sea with the rest breaking 30m out of the water.   The statue is covered in patina representing the figure of an elven lady, holding what appears to be a brazier into the air. Theorized to be used for ancient navigation or rituals.

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  • 24 PS


    Beginning of the Salt Route

    A new trade route was founded by the empires to travel through the Saline sea to avoid the pirates, making the pirate economy deplete.

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  • 24 PS


    Ichik Skirmish of the Ports
    Military: Skirmish

    With the founding of the Salt Route, the pirates of the archipelago started to expand into the wilderness to try and fill in the void of raided foods and cargo. This led to the Ichik tribes with prayers that convinced them they are immune to weapons and drugs that made them mad and senseless, they attacked and massacred pirates. A battle which they lost on behalf of poor tactics.

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  • 1 PS


    Soaked Deck
    Artistic creation

    The beginning of soaking a bottle of rum into the deck of a ship before setting sail

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  • 0 PS

    1 Misnurmanti

    The Treaty of the Flying Baron
    Civil action

    The Treaty of the Flying Baron was signed off, as an act to allow the Huikliss to remain alive after the wars they have ensued. It also marked the day for all people to agree on their new peace.

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Golden Age of Gunpowder

25 AS 80 AS

  • 76 AS


    League of Freedom

    A band of poor kids grouped together to create and call themselves the League of Freedom, a group and movement to free themselves from oppression and poverty. With much of its early beginnings being funded by Ers Nikolaus.

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  • 76 AS


    Sabotage of Libertalia's port
    Military: Battle

    The Empire wanted to weaken the pirate's hold on the area so they sent sabotages to bring a total of 1 tons of gunpowder and blew up the whole harbour of Libertalia. With the explosion being a success leaving only 1/10th of the port operational.

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  • 77 AS

    10 Sawtmanti

    Firearm Beginning
    Scientific achievement

    The first firearm to be created was done by Barnacle Enioth in the year 77. The initial designs were given to Hilda Eliwyn who profited greatly by selling it off to the residents of the Slande Archipelago for an exceptionally high fee.

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  • 78 AS


    Massacre in Libertalia

    A large group of organized thieves, under the banner of the League of Freedom, consisted of around 100 people with firearms. They murdered the majority of the bankers and plundered their doubloons before making a getaway.

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  • 78 AS


    Deadman's Flintlock
    Military action

    The ghost ship of the Flying Dutchmen eliminated a crew of swashbucklers and took hold of their firearms, giving the ghost ship some extra fire power to their crew.

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  • 80 AS

    Empire's Justice
    Military: War

    The pirates have cut too much into the empire's profit. Prior their efforts to illuminate them were stopped by the Corsair Liberator, but the empire having enough sent their largest fleets into the archipelago to put a stop to piracy one last time by murdering everyone convicted of piracy. This effort though was only effective in Libertalia due to supply deficiencies.

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Silver Age of Oppression

80 AS 999 AS

  • 80 AS

    Empire's Justice
    Military: War

    The pirates have cut too much into the empire's profit. Prior their efforts to illuminate them were stopped by the Corsair Liberator, but the empire having enough sent their largest fleets into the archipelago to put a stop to piracy one last time by murdering everyone convicted of piracy. This effort though was only effective in Libertalia due to supply deficiencies.

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  • 92 AS

    21 Purismanti
    93 AS

    1 Prishmanti

    Lost Sailors
    Military: War

    The events of the Lost Sailors speaks of a period in time when the Depths of Davy's Locker was opened allowing the dead pirates and sailors of the Salian Empire. The Empire still trapped in their mind about taking the Slande Archipelago hired on the undead pirates that escape the locker promising them a place in their new land of the Archipelago. The exact reason for this escape is unknown, but it is a common belief that Davy had his lockers key stolen allowing all those imprisoned at the depths to be set free.

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