Sultanate of Jubar


In the heat of the southern edge of Umeros, stands the mighty nation of Jubar. For a long time, Jubar has been one of the powerhouses of the equator, and while it still gleams bright like a jewel, the infighting has started to weaken its grasp.

Most recently the Sufaq Province has started to do more and more difference between it and the rest of the sultanate, and it is questionable how long the feeble attempts of peace are keeping the nation together.


As the name implies, the Sultanate of Jubar is lead by the Sultan, who has Emirs, Sheiks and Walis as an extension of their power, ruling over smaller areas under the sultanate.

Work in progress.


Work in progress.


Work in progress.


It is unknown did the Erdokaal people originate in Umeros or Thandar, but it is understood that they spread to both continents very early on, during the Age of the Skylords. Erdokaal of the Umeros were faced with lush and fertile, lush lands, and built empires that reached all the way to the Dragon Lands on their glory days.

Jubar is told to be one of those empires, though more likely one of their descendants. Nation has possibly gone through many names and many phases, some of them simply vanished from recordings. Humans tend to be fickle and loose or purposefully rewrite their history, making the early phases of the Sultanate hard to pinpoint, and the oldest records are mostly just scraps collected by the elves and dwarfs.

Earliest known mention of an area known as Jubar date roughly around 2400 AoS, but during this period it is highly possible that the name was associated with the south coast of the area which we now know as Jubar. Old dwarven texts mention an Emir of Jubar, which they had made dealings with, exchanging wealth and spices. In the international maps, Jubar appeared in an old map of the area, drawn somewhere in 3600 AoS which depicted almost perfectly the area currently known as Jubar as a single nation, instead of a collection of several factions.

Work in progress.

Demography and Population

The most influential of the cultural groups of Jubar are the Bekir, often simply referred to as "jubarians" in common speech due to their dominant presence. Jubarians are overwhelmingly human, and ethnically if not bekir, then part of one of the other groups part of the Erdokaal-family.

Work in progress.


Work in progress.

Technological Level

Work in progress.


Work in progress.

Foreign Relations

Work in progress.

Agriculture & Industry

Work in progress.

Trade & Transport

Work in progress.


Work in progress.


Work in progress.

Founding Date
Unknown. Earliest records of name "Jubar" are from around 2400 AoS
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Great Sultanate
The Jewel of the South
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports

Work in progress.

Major Imports

Work in progress.

Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Sultanate of Jubar


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