Chapter 27 - The Way Is Shut Report in Markwald | World Anvil
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Chapter 27 - The Way Is Shut

General Summary

The companions rest for the night on the hilltop of the portal to Albenheim. No one seems to be suffering any ill effects of having gone through, but despite the air of familiarity, the colors, smells, and sounds of Mittelheim all appear significantly more muted than in the realm of the elves. Nit does experience intense dreams of seeing the world through large blue eyes, though upon waking, her companions assure her that her eyes are green, as before.     One thing that is also muted, but no less worrying, is the moon. Though significantly smaller than in Albenheim, it does appear to be nearly full - both Dietmar and Reinhard believe that it should reach fullness the next night. There is no tonic brewed to prevent transformation (though Cilly is carrying some of the ingredients), and Dietmar decides that the best course of action would involve going back to Albenheim and waiting the moon out - it shouldn't take too long, considering how much quicker time passes in Mittelheim. The only question is, who should stay behind here to inform the others that the danger has passed?     An additional problem is Carrot the Donkey. The stubborn beast refuses to go back through the portal, but it is carrying the bulk of the party's supplies. Having returned to Mittelheim, it can no longer speak, but Nit is still able to communicate with him. The beast says that it feels that all is not right on the other side - the darkness they saw is expanding, and he does not want to go back there. He is willing to stay here and wait for them to return, and to be unloaded from the supplies (including boar-meat and tusks), but it will not go back through the portal. This angers Reinhard, who attempts to force the beast to follow them. The donkey digs its hooves in, and even a magical enticement from Nit fails to get it to move. In anger, Reinhard discharges magical energy, but the donkey, after making him fall over, proves more resilient than before, and flees into the woods, still laden with most of the party's supplies.   Having little choice, the group returns back through the portal. There are some disturbing voices echoing through the heads of some of the companions, but the woods appear stationary, unlike before. After several hours, Dietmar steps back through, but it is an overcast night in Mittelheim, and it is not clear whether the full moon has passed or not. He returns, while Reinhard, Klawuhn and Lukas go to scout around. Cilly tries to alter Eddi's winter cloak for Nit, but without much success. After it becomes dark in Albenheim, Dietmar, Nit and Cilly step back through, with no ill effects. It is dark, but the moon now appears to clearly be waning. But their companions do not step through them. Dietmar sends a message to the elven realm, asking if anything is wrong. and Klawuhn's voice answers him that strange things are happening, and that the portal won't open.      Losing half of their companions is troubling, but it is not clear what more can be done. The portal no longer has any sort of magical aura whatsoever - it seems to be shut. Perhaps the best thing to do is to continue to Wunschau or Schloss Rabenwald and recruiting help, at least in answering questions. The dwarfs at the Zwerghof may be especially useful in this regard.     As they make their way to the Blau, they see a donkey grazing near the riverbanks. Judging by the supplies strapped to its back, it must be Carrot. It looks up at the approaching trio nervously, but Dietmar assures him that Reinhard, his offender, is not with them. Carrot calms down, and joins them in their trip to the north.   Skirting around Hegenburg to avoid possible confrontation with wererats. But halfway between Hegenburg and Putzdorff, they are confronted by a group of large, hairy individuals emerging from the woods. They look similar to a band Dietmar, Eddi, Franz and Klawuhn encountered in Albenheim. Two step out from behind trees, and demand toll for passing through area controlled by Matilda. Dietmar attempts to parlay, and offers some stone axes taken from the Albenheim counterparts of these savage creatures, but they demand Carrot (and all the supplies piled on top of him) instead. Negotiations quickly break down, and the creatures charge, swinging cudgels, while their friends, hidden in the woods, pelt the companions with sling stones. There are five altogether. Dietmar proceeds to chastise the creatures with divine whips, light, and mournful sounds, while Cilly ignites flame and tosses noxious grenades. Nit, nearly bowled over by the cudgels, tries to drive her assailant mad with voices in their heads. Carrot comports himself fairly well with his hooves. Soon, the creatures are subdued, but not without effort - they are quite resilient, continuing to fight even after receiving the most grievous of wounds. After the party's wounds are attended to, one, named Garth, is questioned. He simply says that Matilda is in control of the whole area around Hegenburg, and they are working for her.    A moderate amount of coins is taken from the savages.

Rewards Granted

  • 3 copper, 19 silver, 7 gold taken from hairy savages

Character(s) interacted with

  • Garth, a hairy savage
Report Date
20 Apr 2021


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