Dwarfs Species in Markwald | World Anvil
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Dwarfs are stocky humanoids standing between four and five feet tall. They are broad at the shoulder, and, to all appearances, seem to be universally bearded. They are excellent craftspeople, miners, smith and jewelers, and seem to have a knack for handling money   Under the leadership of King Goldmar, they have withdrawn from most intercourse with humans, and retreated into their marble halls. "Mountain" dwarfs live in his realm among the unapproachable peaks of the Ardz mountains, and are a very rare sight in Markwald. Indistinguishable from the Dark Dwarfs (Duergar), they sometimes operate in secrecy, and are said to have fashioned networks of tunnels beneath some of the towns. When engaged in nefarious activities, they help poison dwarf-human relationships. Humans commonly accuse dwarfs of being complicit in spreading the Plague and poisoning wells, to which end they have been expelled from quite a few towns. Surprisingly, though, some are rumored to be physically attractive, though others are said to be quite ugly. "Hill" dwarfs (Getwerge) are somewhat more widespread, and are said to dwell in the Düst foothills bordering Markwald from the south. Some of these, known as 'court dwarfs', appear in the castles of the magnates from time to time, or have special districts (Zwerghöfe) set aside for them in human towns. In contradistinction to kobolds, most dwarfs are clannish, and tend to stick to their own kind.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Mountain shafts, Zwerghöfe

Dietary Needs and Habits

Claim not to buy prepared foodstuffs and drinks from humans.


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