Cilly 'Wechselbalg' Character in Markwald | World Anvil
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Cilly 'Wechselbalg'

Cilly grew up in a village near the town of Vogelburg. Her mother was a local wise woman who taught her the healing arts and the odd bit of magical knowledge. She jokingly referred to her as Wechselbalg - 'Changeling'.   Cilly is slightly taller than average. She has fiery red hair, and tends to dress flamboyantly.   When she grew up, Cilly yearned for city life. Her mother packed her off with a healer's kit. Having come to the town of Rotz auf den Wunsch , Cilly tried her hand at taking up her mother's trade, but she soon became enamored of the wondrous artifices and arcane knowledge that living in a town put at her disposal. The authorities initially treated her skeptically, but when the Totentanz came to town, she was recruited to become a plague doctor, and to minister to the city's dead and dying. When she started this job, she began to carry a scythe with her on her rounds, which patients, fellow doctors, and authorities found unnerving.   Some months after the initial outbreak, Eddi - a recruiter employed by the authorities in the neighboring town of Wunschau - offered her a goodly sum of money to leave Rotz and come to Wunschau. Along with several other healers, Cilly agreed. In Wunschau, she and the others were asked to investigate the disappearance of a local sexton named Ruprecht the Sexton. A search of his house revealed that several of Ruprecht's assistants were dead, but Cilly's careful investigation of the bodies revealed that they had also been strangled. Later, while accosted by an army of rats in the pantry, Cilly was encouraging her companions onward when she was mysteriously struck from behind, and fell. Revived, she accompanied the rest of the group to the cellar, where Ruprecht, who had apparently survived death, accosted them. Though Cilly threw caution to the wind and tried to subdue him, he proved too strong, and she fled with her companions. She realized upstairs that the corpses on the top floor had risen again, and were coming for them. Fleeing the house, they tried to set it on fire, but they soon saw that the walking dead were rushing out, and assaulting people in neighboring houses. Along with Basil and Franz, Cilly chased two of them to a nearby residence, where she confronted them devouring members of a family. Here, she was nearly killed again, and was barely rescued from death by her new friends. She is now severely bruised on her back, and her left leg, and has trouble moving. Those around her urge her to rest until she can heal properly.   Cilly is a bit of a daredevil. Months of ministering to the sick have convinced her that she is immune to the Plague, and she has taken to tempting Death at every juncture. When not threatened, she believes in enjoying life to the fullest. However, she dislikes it when the rich and powerful put on airs - she knows that all people are equal before Death.
Current Location
Fiery red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs.


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