Basil Character in Markwald | World Anvil
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Basil hails from the Land of the Albi. Though he had no choice, he laments having to leave my loved ones behind, and hopes to see them again one day. He went into exile believing he is some sort of supernatural being. He believes his loved ones are not from this world, but their fate may be connected to that of this world. He must work to find his way back home to his family by helping to save this world - something he talks about often.   Basil found his way to the Land of Markwald, though he believes it is a benighted place, much worse than the home he left behind. The fact that it is in the throws of the Totentanz adds conviction to this belief. Here, he made his way to the town of Rotz , where he attached himself to a group of healers who were offered a good sum of money to ply their trade at the nearby town of Wunschau. Basil attached himself to them, though he could give no account of himself as a healer. But perhaps on account of the fact that he is a foreigner, Eddi, the recruiter, allowed him to attach himself to the group, and follow them to Wunshau. There, he joined them in investigating the disappearance of Ruprecht , a local sexton, who, it turned out, had survived death, and using magic, brought his assistance back beyond the grave as well. Basil and his companions fled Ruprecht's house and followed two of the walking dead to a nearby residence, where they were gorging themselves on a family they had killed. Along with Franz and Cilly , Basil fought bravely and subdued them.   Basil distrusts the local people, and doesn't I don't take kindly to some of the actions and motivations of the people of this land. He has different assumptions from those around him concerning personal space, blithely invading others' space in innocence, or reacting to ignorant invasion of his own. He can also be incredibly cocky, and enjoys insulting people and poking fun at them. He also poses confounding riddles that he often can't answer himself. He is convinced, however, that one or more of the people he has recently met, who have become his companions, will either lead to the saving or destruction of Markwald. Sometimes, however, Basil becomes frightened or forgetful for no apparent reason.   Aside from his bravery (or, perhaps, foolhardiness), Basil has no remarkable skills. He is certainly not a healer. He does play the bagpipes - an instrument unknown in Markwald - at the most inappropriate times (for instance, while he was helping to search Ruprecht's house). He has also told Wolff, the Vogt of Wunschau, that he is incredibly lucky. Though the mayor did not find this a convincing case for Basil's usefulness, Eddi convinced the Wolff to allow Basil to accompany them.
Current Location
Black, and black mustache


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