Roland Vroletti Character in Manifold Sky | World Anvil

Roland Vroletti

General Roland Theodus Vroletti (a.k.a. The Buzzard)

General Roland Vroletti is the well-respected military mind behind the Grand Army of Voxelia's Medio-Ventral campaign. A veteran warrior-scholar recognized in military circles for his humble beginnings, shrewd strategic mind, and honorable nature - even among his opponents - General Vroletti is perhaps better known in the public for te unique facial prosthesis that he wears as a result of injuries sustained in the doomed campaign to retake his home town of Thyonaxes.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

General Vroletti is nicknamed "The Buzzard" because of his tendency to bob his head and roll his shoulders a little when he's talking talking through a complex subject. He works to supress this tendency in public settings, but can still be seen doing it in private (i.e. around the map table or in conferrence with other officers).

Apparel & Accessories

Vroletti is never without his signature prosthetic upper face mask because of his disfigurement at Thyonaxes (see above). In formal settings, as the Council of Liars normalizes the implementation of flamboyant apparel, Vroletti often choses a white porcelain mask with thin blue or red flourish lines. This solid mask includes an artificial nose and upper lip and is paired with an upper dental retainer to provide maximum support for normal speech and chewing. In the field, he instead switches to a wooden or plastic variant shaded to his natural skin tone, as a more ostentatious mask would mark him out to CDF snipers and scouts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vroletti's first memory was of fleeing Thyonaxes with his parents in 9963 AR. Witnessing the burning of that historic city, along with the deaths of his mother from grief and father from famine in the subsequent years, left a strong impresson on young Roland and was a major factor in his decision to pursue a military career when he came of age.


Initially an enlisted man, Vroletti's leadership potential was recognized early in his career. His commanding officers in the GAV cultivated this potential by promoting him through the non-commissioned officer ranks as he accrued battlefield experience and demonstrated good tactical judgement. When it became time for him to enter officer's school, he was vetted for enrollment in the Voxelia College of Bards but lacked the artistic background normally prerequisite for admission; Vroletti took up the study of oratory performance to overcome this hurdle, but came to appreciate the art form for its own sake as time went on.


Vroletti rose through the ranks quickly on the back of numerous battlefield successes and, where success could not be found, on his ability to set up counteroffensives. His keen knowledge of history, psychology, and Elovisian culture helps him predict the actions of Coalition Defense Forces leadership in ways that would normally be the province of spymasters like some of his peers.

Failures & Embarrassments

In 9985 AR, then-Lieutennant Vroletti was involved with a mission to retake the ruins of Thyonaxes - his home town - from a CDF armored unit holed up in the area. During the mission, Vroletti's face was burned from his upper lip to above his eyebrows by the stroke of an enemy's exhaust whip, causing him to lose his nose and some of his upper jaw. He refused to accept the offered medical retirement, however, and has since worn a prosthetic mask across his upper face so that his disfigurement won't disconcert others or mark him out as a target for snipers.

Morality & Philosophy

While he has been given every reason to seek revenge against Elovisians as a result of his childhood as a refugee and his later disfigurement at the hands of the CDF, General Vroletti is not motivated by hatred or retribution. Nor is he motivated by ambition or greed, though his accomplishments and high rank within the GAV would accord him enormous political capital should he chose to pursue it. Rather, Vroletti believes that pan-human peace and prosperity can only be achieved through a Voxelian victory in depth - including on military, political, and moral fronts.   Vroletti compels his forces to treat captives well and to resist the urge to commit the atrocities that sometimes occur on other fronts of the War of Reunification. In his mind, to do otherwise would not only serve to reinforce the resistence of the enemy, but it would represent his men lowering themselves to the moral level of, for example, the famously vicious Craterhold 'berserkers' in the CDF. His tactics may be underhanded at times - such are the requirements of winning a war - but never something that would bring shame to what he percieves to be the 'honorable Voxelian ethos.' The General is also among the most likely of the GAV commanders to attempt negotiations or other non-violent means of accomplishing a mission objective, as a somewhat hubristic distain for Elovisian strategy, culture, and intelligence is far more common among other Voxelian command cadres. For this reason, should victory be emminent, many Voxelian observers suspect that General Vroletti will likely be chosen to accept the CDF leadership's surrender and negotiate the terms thereof.


Religious Views

General Vroletti venerates Veldrin Vance of the House of the Unexpected, but his career prevents him from attending Church functions regularly.


General Vroletti speaks in a calm, even tone. The only emotion he regularly displays is curiosity: Vroletti will often present his thoughts as questions to lead the listener along, coming across much like a detective trying to work out the particulars of a case. He used to murmur similar questions to himself when trying to develop strategies, as though to work himself through the 'puzzle' of what an enemy might do next, but has increasingly kept his own council in these moments out of concern for who might be listening at his door.

Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
9956 44 Years old
Current Residence
Brown, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
General Vroletti speaks Vozendi and Eliov. Like other high-ranking military officials, he is also knowledgeable in Silkenvault Cipher and has a keen interest in ciphers of all kinds as an extension of his work with military intelligence.

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth
Character Portrait image: by Hero Forge


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