Order of Selevati Organization in Manifold Sky | World Anvil

Order of Selevati

The Order of Selevati, variously known as the Order of the Watching Lady and the Eyes of Selevati, is a secret society comprised of investigators and whistleblowers united in a faith-based dedication to the pursuit of justice under the Manifold Sky. The pursuits of the Order are inspired by the doctrine of Selevati, Goddess of Dramatic Irony, who calls upon her followers to bring the unseen evils of the world into her purifying sunlight.


The Order of Selevati is divided into regional chapters attached to local Unexpector temples where the worship of Selevati is carried out. Chapter leaders are chosen anually through a process of sortition and are considered 'first among equals,' guiding meetings and attending to administrative tasks for the duration of their tenure.


Members of the Order of Selevati are drawn from all walks of life, so long as each aspiring member demonstrates a penchant for investigation. Prospective Eyes must attest to sharing the Selevatiar creed, though they need not be possessed of any particular zeal therein. Information shared within the organization is to be considered confidential until the member that 'owns' the associated investigation signals that it is time to act on their findings. Above all, the Order of Selevati requires that its members deal honestly with one another. Though they may don guises outside of the organizaiton to walk among the unjust of the world and withhold confidential information from outsiders to maintain the integrity of ongoing investigations, Order members work together to ensure that the truth of things outs in the most effective time and manner possible to advance the cause of justice.   Though members of the Selevatiar clergy and local law enforcement agencies are greatly respected by the organization and are frequently collaborated with in the course of investigations, they are forbidden from joining the organization themselves because this would represent an untenable conflict of interests. The Order of Selevati may, at times, find themselves in the unenviable position of being called to investigate signs of corruption within such organizations and, therefore, must enforce a degree of professional separation to retain the ability to act in the interest of justice. Those who retire from these walks of life in good standing are, however, welcomed into the fold with the understanding that they bring unique insights to the craft and trade of the Order.

Public Agenda

The Order of Selevati makes itself known to the world only through means that maintain the anonymity of their members - a Selevatiar crest over a mail slot that serves as a drop box for tips, seemingly mundane turns of phrase whispered on the subway between coat-draped figures, calls for information placed as anonymous personal ads in The Guild Gazette, and other secret signs. Eyes operating in the world might suggest that they can 'pass a tip along to a friend,' deflecting suspicion of membership from themselves, when they hear tell of criminal activities; Order members are seemingly always someone that a listener knows, not the listener themselves. Aspiring members' first test is to track an investigation to its source by way of their own resources and make peaceable contact with the organization, thus demonstrating that they are of keen enough mind to be an asset to the Order. It is rare, indeed, that an individual will be approached by the Order directly with an offer of membership.   Similarly, the denouement of an investigation will take place at the hands of unknown tipsters or, in cases where greater veracity is required, by an Eye working pseudonymously or under disguise to hide their own involvement. The evidence will be gathered and presented in a package delivered to the appropriate authorities or, in the cases where corruption is the focus, to the media so that the public can hold officials to account where their superiors might not.


The Order of the Watchful Lady maintains safehouses across the Manifold wherever the worship of Selevati may be found, though they are most common in large urban centers where both difficult to solve crimes and the resources to fully investigate them are in most ample supply. Members of the Order will sometimes make contact with other organzations, such as the Sorority of Solace, to pool resources when necessary to pursue leads further affield. The Eyes are among the most likely of the Unexpector organizations to overlook the heretical nature of the Way of the Biocosm in the interest of pursuing the loftier goal of temporal justice.

Civilian, Knightly Order
Parent Organization

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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