Thomas Von HughGraven Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Thomas Von HughGraven


Thomas was kidnapped as a young boy and held prisoner by an evil priest of Empterion when a group of adventurers (including Manfred Von HughGraven and Battis Hedgecrook ) battled the priest for possession of an artifact known as the Star of Ruin. Thomas was ultimately rescued from the clutches of the priest, but was struck by the energies of the Star during the battle, transforming him into a vampire. For the next few years of his life, Thomas traveled with the adventurers, eventually finding his way into the court of Baron Lothar Von HughGraven. When the Baron was destroyed, and Manfred VonHughGraven rose to the rank of Duke, Thomas adopted as a Von HughGraven and granted the Barony of Ilserock and Vicksburg. During one particular encounter, Thomas drank the blood of a celestial and returned to human form. In the months after that encounter Thomas aged rapidly, almost as if his body was catching up for the time spent ageless as a vampire. He now looks approximately 17 years old. Although no longer a vampire, Thomas has retained the service of his vampire spawn: Marina Kristina, a voluptuous flame haired gypsy vixen; and Katherina, an 8 year old blonde haired girl.   During his travels with the adventurers, Thomas showed exceptional artistic talent and was gifted with a magical paint and paintbrush set. Since that time his talents have developed even further and he has begun to gain renown in Volinskian artistic circles. He held a successful art exhibition at Ilserock, which brought in a number of diplomats and dignitaries from Thragaphest.   Whether it is because of his strange vampiric past or some other trick of his blood, Thomas demonstrates a natural talent for magic, and is a budding sorcerer.


Social Aptitude

Thomas has unsettling charisma for someone so young. He is able to negotiate in diplomatic and artistic circles with ease.
Current Location
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