Church of Zudos Organization in Lumenos | World Anvil
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Church of Zudos

Mythology & Lore

Myth of the Divine Balance

In the early days of the world, justice was a concept that was not well understood. The people of the world were divided into two groups: those who believed in strict laws and harsh punishment, and those who believed in forgiveness and mercy.   One day, Zudos, the god of justice, was walking through the world and he came upon a group of people who were arguing. One group was saying that anyone who broke the law should be punished severely, while the other group was saying that people who made mistakes should be forgiven.   Zudos listened to both sides of the argument, and then he spoke. "Justice is not about punishment or forgiveness," he said. "It is about balance. For every wrong that is done, there must be a corresponding right. For every harm that is inflicted, there must be a corresponding healing. Justice is about restoring balance to the world."   The people were amazed by Zudos' wisdom, and they began to follow his teachings. They built temples in his honor, and they studied the laws of the land, seeking to understand the principles of balance and justice.   Over time, the teachings of Zudos spread throughout the world, and people began to see justice in a new light. They understood that justice was not just about punishing wrongdoers, but also about healing the wounds that had been caused. They began to work together to restore balance to the world, and they found that in doing so, they were able to create a more just and peaceful society.   Today, the followers of Zudos still honor his teachings, and they work to restore balance and justice to the world. They know that justice is not just a matter of punishment or forgiveness, but a matter of balance, and they strive to bring balance to all aspects of their lives.

Tenets of Faith

As written in the Codex of the Righteous Order and interpreted by the Assembly of Divine Will these tenets shall be followed by all faithful to Zudos:
Uphold the law:
As followers of Zudos, we recognize the importance of maintaining order and upholding the law. We are called to respect and obey the laws of each land, and to work toward justice for all.
The Codification of Divine Rule, High Archon Rivell
Serve the people:
We believe that serving others is one of the highest callings. As faithful servants of Zudos, we are called to help those in need, to provide assistance to the sick and the poor, and to promote the general welfare of our communities.
The Codification of Divine Rule, High Archon Rivell
Embrace order:
We believe that order is essential to a well-functioning society, and that chaos and disorder are to be avoided. We are called to promote order in all aspects of our lives, and to work towards stability and predictability in our communities.
Tablet of Holy Precepts, Parliamentarian of the Order Bilguard
Reject chaos:
We recognize that chaos is the enemy of order, and that those who seek to sow chaos and discord must be opposed. We are called to reject chaos in all its forms, whether it be violence, rebellion, or anarchy.
Tablet of Holy Precepts, Parliamentarian of the Order Bilguard
Honor the divine:
We recognize the power and majesty of the divine, and we honor Zudos as the ultimate source of all order and justice. We are called to worship Zudos with reverence and awe, to seek his guidance in all things, and to live our lives in accordance with his divine will.
Tablet of Holy Precepts, Parliamentarian of the Order Bilguard
Foster community:
We believe that strong communities are essential to a well-functioning society, and that we must work to build and strengthen our communities. We are called to support and encourage one another, to build meaningful relationships, and to work together towards common goals.
Plea to the Masses, Priest Sim


The Order of the Divine Servants has established four proper ways to worship Zudos. While these are not tracked like they are in the High Church of Mayim they are still highly regulated. They must be done in a certain way to be considered worship. Due to this for all but following the law the faithful prefer to be in the presence of a clergy member to ensure they are not making any mistakes.


The Codex of the Righteous Order holds many prayers for people depending on their needs or intentions. Each one calls upon a certain aspect of Zudos and his divine host. Due to the specific words and movements many other churches see these as rituals rather than mere prayers.
Zudos, patron of law and order, guide us in our actions to uphold justice and promote the common good. Grant us the wisdom to govern with fairness and impartiality, and the strength to enforce the laws and protect the innocent. Help us to build a society based on righteousness and truth, where every person can live in peace and prosperity. We offer our prayers to you, O Zudos, in faith and reverence.
The Prayer of Kings, the Codex of the Righteous Order

Following the Law

This is a form of daily worship. Ceremonies do not occur each day, one cannot always be in a temple, church, or shrine, nor can someone always be aiding the community they live in, but they can follow the law. At all times and in all places the faithful of Zudos must follow the laws of the land regardless of personal injury or cost.
A true devotee of Zudos not only follows the letter of the law but also upholds its spirit with unwavering devotion, for in so doing, they ensure that justice and order prevail in our world.
Address to King Stor and Queen Fehan in 812 ce, High Archon Rivell

Serving the Community

Those who give their time, money, or property in service of building the community are seen with great reverence in the eyes of Zudos. This may be building a town wall to help protect the community, leading friends and family to safety during an attack, or even funding a news bringer to tell of other cities and lands. Each of these help keep the community growing and thriving and are seen as divine in the eyes of the Church and God.

Partaking in Ceremonies

There are five major holy days in the Church of Zudos. Partaking in these is expected of all the faithful. There are also a collection of lesser holy days that the faithful may partake in, the clergy is still expected to observe these lesser days. The major holy days are:
Day of Law
This is the holiest day of the year and is celebrated on the first day of the new year, the 1st of Dawn of the Year. It commemorates the establishment of the law and order by Zudos.
At midnight the High Archon will appear in one of the great temples and recite the Codex of the Righteous Order in its entirety. All across the world members of the clergy and the faithful will join the High Archon for the recitation. Those unable to physically attend will read the holy book in their home or attend the reading at their church.
At daybreak the High Justiciar will lead a retinue of paladins from the High Archon's reading through the city streets chanting hymns and giving prayer to Zudos. The commanders of the Order of the Justiciar throughout the world will do the same in their cities.
At the end of the Justiciar's procession the highest ranked member of the Order of the Justiciar will sit in public judgment of any who have committed heinous acts. All trials will end at dusk.
At dusk the clergy will all light candles at the high alters, they will also carry a candle for the evening to show the light of justice illuminating and defeating the darkness.
The day finally ends after the final candle is lit with a communal feast. All are welcomed not just the faithful as food and drink are given to all.
Day of Judgement
This day falls on the 33rd of Saint's LIght, the anniversary of the day when Zudos brought justice to the world. It is a day of introspection and repentance, where the faithful seek to atone for their sins and reaffirm their commitment to the law.
Each year the High Archon leads a procession through the streets holding the Codex of the Righteous Order for all to see. The procession always ends at a Temple where the High Archon gives a sermon on the importance of judgment and justice.
For the faithful this is a day of fasting and reflection. Many will attend sermons and pray for forgiveness on past failings. It is also a day for reconciling with those you have wronged.
The central aspect of the day is all the courts are open and working from dawn till dusk ensuring that justice is given.
While this is not a sanctioned belief of the Church many believe that should you fail to repent on this day for grave wrongdoings in the year past your soul will be abandoned by Zudos and you will be sent to the Hells.
Day of the Divine Servants
This day honors the members of the Order of the Divine Servants and is celebrated on the feast day of the patron saint of the order. It occurs on the 14th of Amries March.
The Day of Divine Servants is celebrated with a grand feast, where the faithful come together to give thanks and show appreciation for the hard work of the Divine Servants. The paladins lead a parade throughout the streets, symbolizing the Church's commitment to protect and serve the people. The priesthood conducts special prayers and rituals to honor the Divine Servants and their devotion to Zudos. At the end of the day, the administrators make announcements about the Church's plans for the future and call upon the faithful to renew their commitment to Zudos and the Church.  
Day of the Enlightenment
This day commemorates Zudos imparting his wisdom to the world. It is a day of learning and reflection, where the faithful seek to deepen their understanding of the law and the principles of justice. It occurs on the 21st of Glimmering Light.
On the Day of Enlightenment, the faithful gather in the temples of Zudos to reflect upon the teachings of the Codex of the Righteous Order and deepen their understanding of the principles of justice and the law. The priests and the High Archons deliver speeches and sermons to inspire the faithful to strive toward a greater understanding of the divine will. The ceremonies are followed by processions of the faithful through the streets of the cities, spreading the word of Zudos and his teachings. The day concludes with feasts and celebrations, where the faithful come together to share their knowledge and experiences and strengthen their bonds of community and faith.  
Day of Unity
This day celebrates the unity of the Church of Zudos and is marked by special ceremonies and processions. It is a day when the faithful come together to reaffirm their commitment to the law and to each other and to seek strength and guidance from Zudos. After the mass, the faithful engage in community service projects, working together to improve their neighborhoods and strengthen the bonds between them. There are also social events and feasts held throughout the day, where the faithful come together to share food, stories, and laughter. The Day of Unity is a time to set aside differences and focus on the shared values that unite the faithful in their worship of Zudos. It occurs on the 1st of Turning Leaves.


Like all other Churches within the Great Pantheon of Gods the worship sites of Zudos are not merely places of worship. The Temples dedicated to Zudos are often found in capital cities or metropolises while they accept the faithful to pray and worship they also serve as high courts of law, government offices, and locations where ruling councils meet. Due to these important functions, the temples are also most defended. The Churches of Zudos are far more common. Even in a city with a temple there will be two or three churches. These serve as trial courts, police stations, and house smaller government offices such as tax offices and fire brigades. Finally the smallest houses of worship the shrines. These are watchtowers, police stands, city gates, and public water fountains. They are places where the clergy keep the public informed and safe.
The Hall of Truth and Order

This is a temple dedicated to Zudos. It is located in the capital city of Obu. It resides on a hill overlooking the majestic sea with a set of stares leading up to it from the back garden of the Royal Palace. The palace was constructed so there could be an open walkway from the main streets all the way though to the temple, while still keeping the securty of the King and Queen in mind.


There are three holy orders within the Church of Zudos. The Order of the Divine Servants, Order of the Justiciar, and Order of the Enlightened Administrators.  

Order of the Divine Servants

It consists of the priests and clerics of the Church of Zudos who are responsible for the regulation and performance of worship, as well as assisting the faithful and evangelizing. They hold the primary responsibility for interpreting and disseminating Zudos' teachings to the masses. They also are charged with the keeping and interpreting of the Codex of the Righteous Order.
Assembly of Divine Will
The Assembly is a council that governs the Order of the Divine Servants, consisting of representatives from each region where the Church is established. Each representative is elected by the members of the order in their respective region and sent with the consent of the local government or ruler. The council meets periodically to discuss matters related to the order, such as interpretation of the Codex of the Righteous Order, communing with divine agents, and the establishment of dogma. The council also acts as a mediator in disputes between different chapters of the Church and between the Orders. It has the power to make decisions on behalf of the entire order, as long as it does not conflict with the teachings of Zudos. The council is presided over by the High Archon, who is elected by the council members. The High Archon serves as the presiding officer of the Assembly, and is responsible for setting the agenda, calling meetings, and overseeing the implementation of council decisions.  

Order of the Justiciar

The Order of the Justiciar consists of paladins who are tasked with enforcing the will of Zudos and the government. They do this as judges, lawyers, and law enforcement officials. The High Justiciar has the honor of wielding the Sword of Order.
The High Justiciar is the sole authority of the Order of the Justiciar. They alone may delegate authority, command members, and set the agenda of the Order. The High Justiciar has historically also been the Grand Lawbringer for the King of Skricton.

Order of the Enlightened Administrators

The Order of the Enlightened Administrators consists of administrators who are responsible for the governing and management of the Church of Zudos. They oversee the finances, property, and personnel of the Church, and ensure that all operations run smoothly. They also act as advisors to the priesthood and the paladins. The Master of Laws also holds the Scepter of Governance.
Council of Illuminated Governance
This Council is the governing authority of the Order of the Enlightened Administrators. The council works together to make decisions regarding the governance of the Church of Zudos and the management of its resources. They are responsible for setting policy, making financial decisions, and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Church. Membership in the Council may only be given by a majority vote of the current members. Traditionally there is no less than one member from each region. While not officially a rule each nation where the Church is established may pick one member to sit on this council, this is normally done by the head of government. The Council also selects a Master of Laws who is their emissary to nations, the other Orders, and the keeper of the Scepter of Governance. The Master of Laws also presides over the Council while it meets.  

Holy Relics

Codex of the Righteous Order

While many copies of the Codex have been made over the eras the original copy given by Zudos himself remains in the care of the Order of the Divine Servants. This book contains the laws, teachings, and guidance of Zudos himself and tells of how to maintain order within society. This is the copy of the Codex used by the High Archon.  

The Sword of Order

This artifact is a long, silver sword with a glowing blue blade that is said to have been a gift from Rumos the Goddess of the Forge in eras past. It is wielded by the High Justiciar, who uses it to enforce the law and punish those who break it. The sword has the power to detect lies and evil, and is said to refuse to deal harm to the innocent.  

Scepter of Governance

This is a staff made of pure silver, with intricate engravings and adorned with precious gems. It symbolizes the authority and power of the Church's administrators and is used during official ceremonies and important decisions. The Scepter of Governance is said to grant its wielder the ability to make wise and just decisions, as well as the charisma to inspire and lead others. It is only entrusted to the Master of Laws, and its location is known only to a select few, to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.


Zudos, The Unyielding: Defender of the Scepter and Arbiter of Truth
This is the most common depiction of Zudos. He stands in the Hall of Governance before the Braziers of Trial. In his left hand is the Scepter of Governance. This painting was made by Lira Kael. Lira was commissioned by the High Archon to create this as a gift to the King of Skricton. Over the ages it changed hands many times but was most recently bought back by the Church of Zudos and put on display in the Temple of the Supreme Arbiter.

Granted Divine Powers

Those clerics of Zudos are given gifts and powers to help build their community and keep law and order. Divination of Lies: The ability to perceive lies and know when they are told. Healing: The power to mend wounds and cure illnesses through prayer and ritual. Protection: The capacity to create shields or barriers that can shield the faithful from physical or spiritual harm. Purification: The ability to cleanse places or people of spiritual impurities or negative energies. Divine Wrath: The power to channel divine anger and smite enemies of the faith. These abilities are often depicted in various stories and myths surrounding the Church of Zudos. However, it is important to note that the exact nature and extent of these powers may vary depending on individual interpretations and beliefs within the faith.

Current Date -
The Yet Unnamed Year of 1494 ce

Justice is the foundation of righteousness

Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
The Church of Law and Order, Masters of Justice, Archon of Nations
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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