Arthur Parker Character in Lordania | World Anvil
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Arthur Parker

Arthur Parker was a Kingstonian human, part of the Lordanian branch of the Interstellar Merchant Confederation during the Lordanian Elections of 2260, and subsequent rise of the People's Republic of Lordania.   Born to a family of travelling traders, Parker spent most of his young life in space, travelling from system to system, and often spending great deals of time learning how to fly. By his 30s, Parker was a capable pilot, owning his own trading vessel, the IMS Broken Hearted, conducting most of his activity in the Lordanian Cluster. In early 2267, following the Purge of '66, he arrived on Nouveaulyon, where he met local Senator Jacques Garcin, helping him flee off-world from the Unitarian Party. They arrived on Yuklid V, where he met Wil Griffith and helped to prevent the sixth assassination attempt on Cho Hyun-joo. Together, Parker, Garcin, Griffith, and Cho would flee Yuklid into deep space, where they met Louis Poincaré and Mei Zhuang on the CV Respite. He was present for the founding of The Brotherhood, and went on to serve as a pilot within their ranks. He undertook several vital missions for the Resistance, including transporting Louis Poincaré back to Cinu to help found the Majlis Alhuriya.   Following the Lordanian Revolution, he retired on Kingston, where he spent the rest of his life, passing away in 2307.
2232 2309 77 years old
Place of Death
Dark, Hazel Brown
Shaved black buzzcut


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