Burger Master Festival Stupid - Strahd Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Burger Master Festival Stupid - Strahd

11th Moon, 735   The adventurers, while enjoying a meal and too much wine were forced out of Vallaki not long after arriving in town.   Luca, Edmont, and Ahroheim slipped out of the Blue Water Inn after a few drinks. After making their way a few blocks, the three made enough noise to alert two town guards on patrol.   Despite being told to return to the inn or face being arrested for disturbing the peace, the three refused. Ahroheim cast a sleep spell on both guards but managed to only put one to sleep. The other raised the alarm and ran down the street to find other guards.   Inside the inn, Ziri and Skylar soon realized something was happening outside. They both stepped out and found the other three. Before other guards could arrive, the group split up and ran away to hide. However, Skylar soon found himself surrounded by nearly two dozen guards led by Izek.   Ziri had turned into a dog and scampered away.   Izek had several guards escort Skylar to the east gate where he was forced out of the town. A guard locked the gate behind the dragonborn.   Ziri in the form of a dog slipped out with Skylar. Ahroheim, who had been following Skylar used misty step to join Ziri and Skylar outside the gate.   Meanwhile, Luca and Edmont ran separately to the northern part of Vallaki. After a while, Edmont found a place to hide among rain barrels he found in a backyard. Cold and wet from the light rain, Edmont settled in and tried to get some sleep.   Luca made it to the northern gate. There he saw six guards searching the area for him and his companions. Luca quietly climbed a nearby tree to avoid being seen. He too decided to get some sleep but not before casting a spell that formed a huge message using clouds in the night sky.   The message read, Burger Master Festival Stupid - Strahd.
Session played on March 6, 2020
Plot type
Adventurers:   Ahroheim (Male High Elf Sorcerer)   Edmont Patch (Male Human Rogue)   Luca Featherbone (Male Tabaxi Wizard)   Skyler Kiltrin (Male Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut)   Ziri Basha (Female Half-elf Druid)


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