A Day in the Village of Barovia Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

A Day in the Village of Barovia

10th Moon, 735 Barovia     After barely escaping from a house hells-bent on trying to kill the group, everyone spent the day resting, honing his or her skill, or learning new spells while staying at the recently deceased burgomaster’s manor.   The day before, the group had agreed to help take the burgomaster to the cemetery for proper burial. However, the group needed to rest.   Ismark and Ireena reluctantly agreed to delay the burial by another day.   Early in the morning, all but Edmont went into the village to purchase much-needed supplies from Bildrath’s Mercantile, the only shop in town. The shop’s owner, Bildrath Cantemir, was rude and charged exuberant prices for his wares. Dundolyn considered robbing the merchant but reconsidered after Bildrath’s nephew, a lumbering giant of a stock boy named Parriwimple, emerged from a back room and scrutinized every move anyone made.   After grudgingly paying for their purchases, everyone walked across the village square to the Blood on the Vine tavern, only to find it closed.   The group couldn’t help but notice the awkward stares they were getting from the few villagers they saw going about their business. Skyler and Luca, in particular, drew attention from the villagers who had obviously never or rarely seen a dragonborn and tabaxi.   With the tavern closed, all but Ziri and Skyler decided to head back to the manor. The dragonborn cleric and half-elf druid decided to pay a visit to the local church to discover more about the strange land of Barovia the group found themselves in.   On the way, they ran into Father Donavich who seemed rather unfriendly for a cleric of the Morninglord. The cleric said he was on his way to the mercantile store to purchase candles and wasn’t in the mood to talk.   Further down the street, Skyler and Ziri arrived at the village church to find it closed. The cemetery beyond was fenced in and locked shut. The church was also locked up. The two eventually gave up and returned to the manor to rejoin the others to rest for the day before taking Kolyan Indirovich to the cemetery for a proper burial on the following morning.         Dramatis Personae   Ahroheim (Male High Elf Sorcerer)   Dundolyn (Male Halfling Rogue)   Edmont Patch (Male Human Rogue)   Luca Featherbone (Male Tabaxi Wizard)   Skyler Kiltrin (Male Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut)   Ziri Basha (Female Half-elf Druid)
Played on October 18, 2019
Plot type


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