Argynvostholt, Part 3 Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Argynvostholt, Part 3

11th Moon, 735     Having lost Skylar Kiltrin, the dragonborn cleric of Bahamut, the rest of the group considered themselves lucky to have survived the fatal encounter with the undead knights.   Not long after that Skylar's death, a half-elf paladin of the Morninglord and a kenku ranger entered the mansion. Froath Medoth the paladin and Taraka-san Brimstone the ranger arrived at the mansion to seek out evil and destroy it wherever it can be found in Barovia.   After Froath and Taraka-san met Ahroheim and Luca, the four found Edmont and Ezmerelda who had gotten separated during the battle with the undead knights.   Now a party of six, the adventurers began searching the ground floor. They soon discovered a small wood-paneled den. The den had clearly been ransacked, its furnishings tossed about. A cold, dark hearth dominated the west wall between two narrow windows. Standing upright against the north wall was a sarcophagus made of black wood with a queen's effigy carved into its lid.    After carefully opening the sarcophagus, the group discovered that it had been converted into a macabre form of a wine cabinet. Now only shattered wine glasses and decanters were to be found on the dusty shelves.   Edmont was visibly disappointed the wine cabinet contained no intact bottles of wine, or better yet, rum.    The group decided to spend the next several hours in the empty den to rest, heal, and recover much-needed spells.   ***   Several hours later, Ahroheim noticed a strange sight as he sat by the hearth.    Inside the dark hearth, which was completely soot choked and clogged with piles of ash, was a single ember still glowing as if struggling for life among the ashes. Upon closer inspection, Ahroheim noticed the ember sluggishly pulled bits of ash towards itself, as if it knew it wouldn't survive much longer but was unwilling to give up.    The elven sorcerer took out a torch and pushed the strangely glowing ember deeper into the hearth. There the ember found itself closer to more ashes and began to pull more of it towards itself.   As Ahroheim was about to say something to his companions, the ember suddenly found enough strength to draw in more ashes and in a flash of blinding fire, burst to life and grew furiously into the shape of a small dragon with wings made of smoke. The dragon figure also glowed a peculiar white-blue and felt cool instead of hot.   The dragon suddenly took off, soaring past the astonished group in a flurry of cold air and choking smoke. "Come, my friends. We must speak but not here."   Before anyone could say or do anything, the dragon flew through the doors which led into the central hall...
Session played on April 3, 2020
Plot type
Adventurers:   Ahroheim (Male High Elf Sorcerer)   Edmont Patch (Male Human Rogue)   Froath Medoth (Male Half-Elf Paladin of the Morninglord)   Luca Featherbone (Male Tabaxi Wizard)   Taraka-san Brimstone (Male Kenku Ranger)    
NPCs:   Ezmerelda d’Avenir (Female Human Vistana)


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