Argynvostholt, Part 4 Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Argynvostholt, Part 4

11th Moon, 735    
"We are dead and yet we live, macabre profanities of nature, only slightly better than Strahd himself." - Argynvost
    After the fiery dragon emerged out of a cold hearth inside a den on the ground floor, it led the adventurers up to the mansion's third floor. It then flew through a set of double doors which led into a room that was nothing more than a haven for dust and cobwebs. Three narrow windows allowed slivers of waning light to illuminate bare oak shelves along the walls and a torn, padded chair lay on its side near a cavernous hearth. A picture above the mantel had been slashed; its lower half hung down below the frame like a torn piece of flesh. An iron door was set in the south corner of the west wall and hung open on one hinge.   Inside, the group of six adventurers found themselves standing before a spectral form of a huge silver dragon after the small fiery dragon had transformed into it.   The spectral dragon introduced itself as Argynvost.   Froath, the paladin of the Morninglord, had heard of Argynvost. The paladin learned the dragon had in life led an order of knights--The Knights of the Silver Dragon--in a battle against Strahd von Zarovich and his army. That was at least three centuries ago.   The spirit of Argynvost, once a shining beacon of hope in the darkened land of Barovia, spoke in an enigmatic tone. "This... was my Order. A brotherhood of the valorous..and we battled corruption. We could not have known we would fail."   Argynvost explained how he had come to the valley centuries ago in the guise of a nobleman named Lord Argynvost. The dragon didn't lair in the valley solely because of its idyllic beauty. He knew of a place called the Amber Temple-a repository of evil power guarded by the forces of good. Argynvost wanted to make sure that whatever was trapped inside the Amber Temple wouldn't be allowed to escape, so he built his fortified mansion, Argynvostholt, close by.   During the war between Strahd and his foes, the Order of the Silver Dragon drove away malefactors searching for the Amber Temple. It also sheltered Strahd's enemies and proved more than a match for Strahd's battle-weary soldiers. But the early victories of the order didn't win the war. Even with Argynvost on their side, the knights were ultimately overwhelmed when Strahd's reinforcements swept into the valley. Those forces slew the last of the knights and battled the dragon inside Argynvostholt where the dragon was slain.   The dragon's spirit could not understand why he and several of the knights in his order have not gone to their eternal rest. "We are dead and yet we live, macabre profanities of nature, only slightly better than Strahd himself."   Argynvost concluded that death was out of tune. Something misplaced or left incomplete may be preventing the others and him from resting in peace. Perhaps if the adventurers were to learn what the cause was then Argynvost and the undead knights could find eternal peace at last.   With that said, Argynvost faded from view.   The group searched the area and two nearby rooms. In one, a yellowed parchment fluttered as if born upon a light wind and landed on Taraka-san's shoulder. He read it to the others:       My knights have fallen, and this land is lost. The armies of my enemy will not be stopped by sword or spell, claw or fang. Today I will die, not avenging those who have fallen, but defending that which I love—this valley, this home, and the ideals of the Order of the Silver Dragon.   The evil surrounds me. The time has come to throw off this guise and who these heathens my true fearsome form. Let it spark terror in their hearts! Let them tell their stories of dark triumph against the protector of the Balinok Mountains! Let Argynvost be remembered as a dragon of honor and valor. My one regret is that my remains will not lie in their rightful place, in the hallowed mausoleum of Argynvostholt. No doubt my bones will be scattered among my enemies like the coins of a plundered hoard, trophies of a hard-won victory.   I do not fear death. Though my body will die, my spirit will live on. Let it serve as a beacon of light against the darkness. Let it bring hope to a land wrought with despair.   Now, to battle!   A       Ezmerelda returned from searching another room and presented a fist-sized silver scale she had found.   Luca cast a spell to identify the scale and a wand the group had found on the dead tiefling in the dining hall. The wand turned out to be a Wand of Magic Missiles. The scale turned out to be a rare find. Luca said his spell identified it as a Scale of Radiant Light. If worn or carried openly, it sheds dim light in a five-foot radius around its bearer. When an ally strikes a creature in the light with a melee weapon, the bearer can cause the attack to deal radiant damage per charge spent. The scale had 3 charges and regained them all at dawn. In addition, a bearer can expend 2 charges to grant an ally within the radius of the light a greater chance of warding off effects caused by spells, poisons, or most other attacks as well.   Having searched the place thoroughly, the group left the room.   While passing through a large chamber that may have once served as audience hall though had crumbled since, leaving a gaping hole and a pile of rubble, Froath the paladin sensed the presence of an undead nearby. Some in the group entered the hall, while others wandered off seemingly interested in not meeting another undead knight.   In the crumbling hall, weapons and shields that once hung from the walls have fallen to the floor and succumbed to rust. A large, wooden throne carved to resemble a dragon with unfolding wings faced three tall windows to the west, away from the group.   As some in the group cautiously approached the throne they noticed, slumped on the throne a gaunt, an armored figure with one gauntlet wrapped around the hilt of a greatsword.   Edmont moved stealthily up to the seated form. He reached out for the greatsword to carefully pry it from the seated form's grasp...   ...when suddenly, the seated figure's other hand grabbed the pirate rogue's arm and grumbled, "A corpse...should be left well enough alone."   It then let go of Edmont's arm.   Edmont stepped back noting how Taraka-san and Ahroheim were ready to unleash spells or ranged attacks against the seated figure yet held back after the undead figure let go of his arm.   Ahroheim asked the gaunt figure who he was.   The undead slowly rose from his seat, tearing strands of silken cobwebs clinging to him. "In life I was Vladimir Horngaard, commander of the Knights of the Silver Dragon." Vladimir slowly regarded each of the adventurers standing near him. The creature’s grip on the greatsword tightened. “If you have come to destroy me, know this: I perished defending this land from evil over four centuries ago, and because of my failure, I am forever doomed. If you destroy this body, my spirit will find a new corpse to inhabit, and I will hunt you down. You cannot free me from my damnation, nor would I wish it. If you have come to free this land from the creature that feasts on the blood of the innocent, know this: There is no monster I hate more than Strahd von Zarovich. He slew Argynvost, broke the life of the knight I loved, and destroyed the valiant order to which I devoted my life, but Strahd has already died once. He can’t be allowed to die again. Instead, he must suffer eternally in a hell of his own creation, from which he can never escape. Whatever can be done to bring him misery and unrest, I will do, but I will destroy anyone who tries to end his torment.”   Ezmerelda said nothing despite the fact that she went to Argynvostholt in search of an item that may hold the means of destroying Strahd von Zarovich once and for all. Despite Ahroheim insisting he and the others were trying to find a way of leaving the cursed land of Barovia and return home, Ezmerelda thought they didn't seem entirely focused on that pursuit.   The group asked Vladimir why he and the other knights had returned from the dead. Although uncertain, Vladimir said it may be to ensure no one can slay Strahd and end Strahd's personal misery.   Everyone looked at each other. The group then left Vladimir and proceeded to search nearby areas.   They found spiral stone stairs leading up to the mansion's rooftop. They also found a few empty rooms, their furnishings long destroyed.   Gathering back as a group, Luca said he had cast a spell, arcane eye, which was floating about invisibly on the rooftop. The eye would allow him to see other areas while the group continued to explore the rest of the mansion...
Session played on April 13, 2020
Plot type
Adventurers:     Ahroheim (Male High Elf Sorcerer)   Edmont Patch (Male Human Rogue)   Froath Medoth (Male Half-Elf Paladin of the Morninglord)   Luca Featherbone (Male Tabaxi Wizard)   Taraka-san Brimstone (Male Kenku Ranger)  
NPCs:   Ezmerelda d’Avenir (Female Human Vistana)
Vladimir Horngaard by Wizards of the Coast


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