Argynvostholt, Part 2 (RIP Skylar Kiltrin) Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Argynvostholt, Part 2 (RIP Skylar Kiltrin)

11th Moon, 735     After Edmont threw caltrops just beyond the glass doors that led into the dark, misty chapel to the east, the rogue carefully entered ready for anyone or anything coming at him.   Three figures, resembling ancient knights wearing tattered grey cloaks and chainmail while wielding longsword rushed out of the dark and attacked.   The group tried to repel the three knights which resembled undead beings no one, not even the cleric Skylar, had ever seen before. Even Skylar's attempt to turn them failed as if Bahamut's power to turn undead had no effect on the three undead knights.   Soon after the battle began, the adventurers found themselves fighting for their lives. Most were severely injured, while the undead knights seemed to regenerate not long after being struck by the group's attacks. Certain spells seem to do more damage and slow their regenerative abilities but still, the group quickly found themselves fleeing the fight.   Sadly, Skylar Kiltrin, the group's cleric of Bahamut succumbed to his wounds and fell in battle. After, one of the undead knights killed Skylar with a stab to his heart.   The three undead knights dragged the slain cleric back to the chapel.   Meanwhile, the surviving adventurers found themselves separated from one another after fleeing in different directions.
Session played on March 30, 2020
Plot type
Adventurers:   Ahroheim (Male High Elf Sorcerer)   Edmont Patch (Male Human Rogue)   Luca Featherbone (Male Tabaxi Wizard)   Skylar Kiltrin (Male Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut) RIP  
NPCs:   Ezmerelda d’Avenir (Female Human Vistana)


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