A Test Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

A Test

An excerpt from the Chronicles of Strahd von Zarovich...       10th Moon, 735   I, Strahd, Lord of Barovia, well aware of certain individuals who have recently entered my domain may have underestimated their skills and abilities. I will not let that mistake occur again.   Although their presence was known to me from the moment the mist brought them here, I have not witnessed their capabilities first hand. The attacks of my minions gave some indication as to what they can achieve. However, as any soldier can attest to, it is best to see one's enemy on the battlefield to judge his mettle.   It came to my attention that the travelers had arrived in the village of Barovia less than a week ago. There they met with Ismark Kolyanovich, the son of the recently deceased village burgomaster, Kolyan lndirovich. Ismark is a mere shadow of his father, yet think he can enlist the aid of these travelers? I know he sought help to protect his sister, Ireena, from me. He is but delaying the inevitable.   After watching the travelers help bury the burgomaster in Barovia's cemetery, I attacked them. Although I considered having my minions aid me, I wanted to truly test what the travelers can do. I was pleased with my decision to fight them alone. They proved formidable enough, for now. I did hold back from unleashing my most vicious attacks and potent spells against them so as to give them a taste of what will befall them if they continue to survive in their journey through my domain.   Perhaps I will test them once more. Perhaps I will simply choose to slay them all. Perhaps, just perhaps, they may hold the answer to what I have been seeking for centuries. Perhaps.   Strahd von Zarovich, Lord of Barovia
Session played on Nov. 6, 2019
Plot type


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