Defense Active Skill in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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Defense [Reaction]

As an adventurer, nefarious people and nasty beasts will try to kill you from time to time. Use these skills to prevent an early demise.


s Block [Strength] helps you deflect blows or absorb damage with a shield. This synergy (number of successes rolled on the Defense: Block + Strength Test) adds to your Damage Resistance Test. Shields don’t exactly help you avoid getting hit, but they do help to avoid getting hit hard.

s Dodge [Reaction] helps you avoid getting hit altogether. Smaller races (like karboten) have Boon on Defense: Dodge, while larger races (like ani-yunwiya) have Bane on it.

s Maneuvers [Reaction] are what can you around a battlefield without getting thrashed to death (by attacks of opportunity). See page # for a number of combat actions which this roll will help with.

s Parry [Intuition] is the reading of an enemy’s attacks so you can effectively deflect it before it hits. Best to use a weapon which gives a parrying bonus (like a cutlass, staff, etc.).

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  • Active Skills...
    Physical Active Skills [LA]

  • Athletics [Str] . . . Acrobatics [Agi], Climb [Str], Ride [Ride], Sprint [Str], Swim [Str]
  • Stealth [Agi] . . . Disguise [Agi], Escape [Agi], Legerdemain [Agi], Sneak [Agi], Shadow [Int]

  • Social Active Skills [LA]

  • Con [Cha] . . . Disguise [Cha], Fast-talk [Cha], Impersonate [Cha], Perform [various]
  • Influence [Cha] . . . Etiquette [Cha], Instruct [Cha], Intimidate [various], Leadership [Cha], Negotiate [Cha]

  • Technical Active Skills [LA]

  • Perception [Int] . . . Aural [Int], Olfactory [Int], Tactile [Int], Visual [Int]
  • Outdoors [Int] . . . Navigate [Int], Survival [Int], Track [Int]
  • Heal [Log] . . . First Aid [Log], Herbalism [Log], Recovery [Log]
  • Engineer [Log] . . . Architecture [Log], Armorer [Log], Locksmith [Log], Mason [Log], Weaponsmith [Log], etc.

  • Combat Active Skills [LA]

  • Close Combat [Agi] . . . Blades [Agi], Bludgeons [Agi], Pole-arms [Agi], Unarmed [Agi]
  • Ranged [Agi] . . . Bows [Agi], Crossbows [Agi], Slings [Agi], Thrown [Agi]
  • Defense [Rea] . . . Block [Str], Dodge [Rea], Maneuvers [Rea], Parry [Int]
  • Exotic Weapons [Agi] . . . Claws [Agi], Chakrams [Agi], Flails [Agi], Firearms [Agi], etc.

  • Magic Active Skills [LA]

  • Assense [Int] . . . Astral Combat [Wil], Astral Diagnosis [Int], Astral Navigation [Int], Astral Signatures [Int]
  • Sorcery [Mag] . . . Counterspell [Mag], Metamagic [Mag], Ritual Cast [Mag], Spellcast [Mag]
  • Enchant [Mag] . . . Alchemy [Mag], Artifice [Mag], Disenchant [Mag], Identify [Mag]
  • Conjure [Mag] . . . Banish [Mag], Bind [Mag], Possess [Mag], Summon [Mag]

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