Stealth Active Skill in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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Stealth [Agility]

This skill is used for any physical activity involving sneakier actions.


s Disguise [Agility] governs the use of camouflage and/or makeup, and attempting to move in a way that doesn’t seem suspicious to sentries that can see you. (Note that there is also a Social Active Skill, Con: Disguise [Charisma] which is used when making oneself speak like someone else.)

s Escape [Agility] can be rolled to attempt to free oneself from bindings like ropes or, more difficultly, shackles/manacles. It can also be used when trying to get away from someone or something grappling you.

s Legerdemain [Agility] is for palming an item, picking one’s pocket, loading a deck of cards, etc., are covered by Sleight of Hand. Con: Fast-talk [Charisma] (either by the actor or an ally) to misdirect can act as a synergy. The observer’s Perception + Reaction opposes the attempt, and a certain threshold may be needed to achieve success without fumbling the item even if the observer fails to notice on the spot.

s Sneak [Agility] is being able to move quietly or even silently. Even when wearing armor, one with a handful of ranks in Sneak knows how to tie off their gear to make less noise and how to better move in it. That said, heavier armor yields greater penalties (usually cancelling 1 success in light armor, 2 in medium, and 3 in heavy). Sneaking attempts are Opposed by Perception + Intuition and only the most vigilant of guards or pursuers make this role without penalty.

s Shadow [Intuition] is the art of following without being noticed. When this skill is lacking, Sneak can be used, but is far less effective — anyone not wishing to be followed will change their pace and direction regularly and keep an eye out for unfriendly eyes. It’s generally Opposed by Shadow or at penalty by Sneak or Perception.

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  • site table of contents
  • Active Skills...
    Physical Active Skills [LA]

  • Athletics [Str] . . . Acrobatics [Agi], Climb [Str], Ride [Ride], Sprint [Str], Swim [Str]
  • Stealth [Agi] . . . Disguise [Agi], Escape [Agi], Legerdemain [Agi], Sneak [Agi], Shadow [Int]

  • Social Active Skills [LA]

  • Con [Cha] . . . Disguise [Cha], Fast-talk [Cha], Impersonate [Cha], Perform [various]
  • Influence [Cha] . . . Etiquette [Cha], Instruct [Cha], Intimidate [various], Leadership [Cha], Negotiate [Cha]

  • Technical Active Skills [LA]

  • Perception [Int] . . . Aural [Int], Olfactory [Int], Tactile [Int], Visual [Int]
  • Outdoors [Int] . . . Navigate [Int], Survival [Int], Track [Int]
  • Heal [Log] . . . First Aid [Log], Herbalism [Log], Recovery [Log]
  • Engineer [Log] . . . Architecture [Log], Armorer [Log], Locksmith [Log], Mason [Log], Weaponsmith [Log], etc.

  • Combat Active Skills [LA]

  • Close Combat [Agi] . . . Blades [Agi], Bludgeons [Agi], Pole-arms [Agi], Unarmed [Agi]
  • Ranged [Agi] . . . Bows [Agi], Crossbows [Agi], Slings [Agi], Thrown [Agi]
  • Defense [Rea] . . . Block [Str], Dodge [Rea], Maneuvers [Rea], Parry [Int]
  • Exotic Weapons [Agi] . . . Claws [Agi], Chakrams [Agi], Flails [Agi], Firearms [Agi], etc.

  • Magic Active Skills [LA]

  • Assense [Int] . . . Astral Combat [Wil], Astral Diagnosis [Int], Astral Navigation [Int], Astral Signatures [Int]
  • Sorcery [Mag] . . . Counterspell [Mag], Metamagic [Mag], Ritual Cast [Mag], Spellcast [Mag]
  • Enchant [Mag] . . . Alchemy [Mag], Artifice [Mag], Disenchant [Mag], Identify [Mag]
  • Conjure [Mag] . . . Banish [Mag], Bind [Mag], Possess [Mag], Summon [Mag]

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