Heal Active Skill in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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Heal [Logic]

This skill governs taking care of the injured, sick and otherwise infirm through a handful of means.


s First Aid [Logic] is only used amidst (in the case of serious bleeding) or within one minute of the end of a combat situation. (See page # for how this skill is used in Healing.)

s Herbalism [Logic] is the culmination of a culture’s knowledge of which types of herbs and foods can aid the bodies mode of natural recovery. Herbalism is used to identify such plants in the wild and harvest them. (See page # for the Herbalism and Alchemy/Apothecary process in Lazuur Avatars.)

s Recovery [Logic] is usually applied as a synergy to the recovery from Stun after 1 hour of rest (Body + Willpower) or Physical wounds after 8 hours of rest (Body + Body). Unless the character being treated is in critical condition, the caregiver can do other non-intensive activities during this time. Tending to someone or oneself before the 8 hours of rest to recover from Physical wounds has a 2 success penalty deducted to the healing synergy.

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  • Active Skills...
    Physical Active Skills [LA]

  • Athletics [Str] . . . Acrobatics [Agi], Climb [Str], Ride [Ride], Sprint [Str], Swim [Str]
  • Stealth [Agi] . . . Disguise [Agi], Escape [Agi], Legerdemain [Agi], Sneak [Agi], Shadow [Int]

  • Social Active Skills [LA]

  • Con [Cha] . . . Disguise [Cha], Fast-talk [Cha], Impersonate [Cha], Perform [various]
  • Influence [Cha] . . . Etiquette [Cha], Instruct [Cha], Intimidate [various], Leadership [Cha], Negotiate [Cha]

  • Technical Active Skills [LA]

  • Perception [Int] . . . Aural [Int], Olfactory [Int], Tactile [Int], Visual [Int]
  • Outdoors [Int] . . . Navigate [Int], Survival [Int], Track [Int]
  • Heal [Log] . . . First Aid [Log], Herbalism [Log], Recovery [Log]
  • Engineer [Log] . . . Architecture [Log], Armorer [Log], Locksmith [Log], Mason [Log], Weaponsmith [Log], etc.

  • Combat Active Skills [LA]

  • Close Combat [Agi] . . . Blades [Agi], Bludgeons [Agi], Pole-arms [Agi], Unarmed [Agi]
  • Ranged [Agi] . . . Bows [Agi], Crossbows [Agi], Slings [Agi], Thrown [Agi]
  • Defense [Rea] . . . Block [Str], Dodge [Rea], Maneuvers [Rea], Parry [Int]
  • Exotic Weapons [Agi] . . . Claws [Agi], Chakrams [Agi], Flails [Agi], Firearms [Agi], etc.

  • Magic Active Skills [LA]

  • Assense [Int] . . . Astral Combat [Wil], Astral Diagnosis [Int], Astral Navigation [Int], Astral Signatures [Int]
  • Sorcery [Mag] . . . Counterspell [Mag], Metamagic [Mag], Ritual Cast [Mag], Spellcast [Mag]
  • Enchant [Mag] . . . Alchemy [Mag], Artifice [Mag], Disenchant [Mag], Identify [Mag]
  • Conjure [Mag] . . . Banish [Mag], Bind [Mag], Possess [Mag], Summon [Mag]

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