Enchant Active Skill in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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Enchant [Magic] Active Skill

If you wish to brew a magic potion, craft a magical ring, remove a curse on an item, or figure out what a found magical item is really capable of, you’ll use the Enchant Skill.

Since each of these Skill Specializations are rather involved and include lengthy examples, click on the Specialization below to zip to that specific page.


s Alchemy [Magic] is the process by which a short-term magical effect can be imbued within an anchor — it’s called a Preparation. While potions are the most common form, the Alchemical concoctions can be made to Enchant other items like projectiles, tassels on one’s cloak, a small woven bag full of grains, or whatever else the creator wishes.

s Dodge [Reaction] helps you avoid getting hit altogether. Smaller races (like karboten) have Boon on Defense: Dodge, while larger races (like ani-yunwiya) have Bane on it.

s Maneuvers [Reaction] are what can you around a battlefield without getting thrashed to death (by attacks of opportunity). See page # for a number of combat actions which this roll will help with.

s Parry [Intuition] is the reading of an enemy’s attacks so you can effectively deflect it before it hits. Best to use a weapon which gives a parrying bonus (like a cutlass, staff, etc.).

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  • Active Skills...
    Physical Active Skills [LA]

  • Athletics [Str] . . . Acrobatics [Agi], Climb [Str], Ride [Ride], Sprint [Str], Swim [Str]
  • Stealth [Agi] . . . Disguise [Agi], Escape [Agi], Legerdemain [Agi], Sneak [Agi], Shadow [Int]

  • Social Active Skills [LA]

  • Con [Cha] . . . Disguise [Cha], Fast-talk [Cha], Impersonate [Cha], Perform [various]
  • Influence [Cha] . . . Etiquette [Cha], Instruct [Cha], Intimidate [various], Leadership [Cha], Negotiate [Cha]

  • Technical Active Skills [LA]

  • Perception [Int] . . . Aural [Int], Olfactory [Int], Tactile [Int], Visual [Int]
  • Outdoors [Int] . . . Navigate [Int], Survival [Int], Track [Int]
  • Heal [Log] . . . First Aid [Log], Herbalism [Log], Recovery [Log]
  • Engineer [Log] . . . Architecture [Log], Armorer [Log], Locksmith [Log], Mason [Log], Weaponsmith [Log], etc.

  • Combat Active Skills [LA]

  • Close Combat [Agi] . . . Blades [Agi], Bludgeons [Agi], Pole-arms [Agi], Unarmed [Agi]
  • Ranged [Agi] . . . Bows [Agi], Crossbows [Agi], Slings [Agi], Thrown [Agi]
  • Defense [Rea] . . . Block [Str], Dodge [Rea], Maneuvers [Rea], Parry [Int]
  • Exotic Weapons [Agi] . . . Claws [Agi], Chakrams [Agi], Flails [Agi], Firearms [Agi], etc.

  • Magic Active Skills [LA]

  • Assense [Int] . . . Astral Combat [Wil], Astral Diagnosis [Int], Astral Navigation [Int], Astral Signatures [Int]
  • Sorcery [Mag] . . . Counterspell [Mag], Metamagic [Mag], Ritual Cast [Mag], Spellcast [Mag]
  • Enchant [Mag] . . . Alchemy [Mag], Artifice [Mag], Disenchant [Mag], Identify [Mag]
  • Conjure [Mag] . . . Banish [Mag], Bind [Mag], Possess [Mag], Summon [Mag]

  • Articles under Enchant Active Skill


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