Assense Active Skill in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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Assense [Intuition]

This skill set focuses on interaction with the Astral Plane — a place of spirits, souls, elementals, and wandering Mages. Interaction with this ‘other world’ can be through Astrally Perceiving, Projecting or Manifesting. Initially using Astral Navigation [Intuition], the number of successes determines what the character will be capable of.

Living things, however, glow in varying intensity depending on the ‘strength’ of their life force, magically-active beings and items glowing significantly brighter than the mundane. Astral Signatures (ongoing or recently ended magical effects) can also be noticed while Perceiving.

Movement while Projecting runs at an alarming 5 kilometers per combat round, but at this speed, nothing can really be made out. At a slower pace of 100 meters per round, more details can be gleaned from the environment, but again, the layout and size of spaces aren’t entirely clear and distances seem to ebb and flow unpredictability. While Projecting, a Mage can pass through solid objects, but not through living creatures. Additionally, it’s impossible to penetrate down into the planet’s crust, both giving credence to beliefs that the world is ‘alive’ and an additional reason why vaults are always built underground.

Manifesting requires another Complex Action and allows the Mage to project themself in a faded, ghostly form back into the real world wherever their Projection had moved to. Your Manifestation cannot interact physically with the world or people in it, nor can you cast spells to do so. However, it is possible to communicate via voice or gestures (if the onlookers don’t flee in horror thinking it’s a ghost). Priests are a cause for concern, however, as they can rarely accept a mischievous Mage using this method to haunt the unsuspecting, and applying a Conjure: Banish Skill Test upon a Manifesting Mage can cause considerable damage.

Mages can remain Astral for a number of hours equal to twice their Magic Attribute. After this, their spirit begins to weaken and will eventually fade into Limbo, lost forever. Another caveat is that while Projecting, a thin, silvery thread connects the Projection to the Mage’s ‘soul body’ — it is vulnerable to assault if another Astrally-active being (like another Mage or a spirit/elemental) stumbles upon it. There is no defense against potential attacks to one’s ‘soul thread’, so it’s best to immediately return to body if this ever occurs. However, while it’s a simple task to rush back to your body when it is right where you left it, if the body has been moved, it becomes a far slower process to get ‘home’.

If a Mage’s body has been moved while Projecting, successful Assense: Astral Navigation + Intuition Extended Tests will need to be made to find their way back to the body, and thus physical world, safely.

Assense Specializations:

s Astral Combat [Willpower]: is handled a bit differently from normal combat. If not using mana-based spells, the only way to attack someone Astrally is with this Skill.

s Astral Diagnosis [Intuition]: is an examination of a living creature’s soul. The subject needn’t be magically active, since when Astrally Perceiving or Projecting, you can see the life force of all nearby living creatures. Though anyone with ranks in Assense can attempt to Astrally Diagnose a target, there will be a threshold of successes which don’t count for characters who are not proficient in the Heal skill and/or have applicable knowledge skills.

s Astral Navigation [Intuition]: isn’t easy due the odd way that clear landmarks in the physical world appear blurry and their distance seems to ebb and flow as moments pass the onlooker by. Having a Specialization in this helps a bit to be able to recognize landmarks when zipping around the Astral Plane. Additionally, getting a solid result in Astral Navigation can allow a Projecting Mage to mentally map out an area without risk of detection by mundanes.

s Astral Signatures [Intuition]: like Astral Diagnosis, reveals information about non-living things of note in the Astral Plane and whether or not other people are magically active. With this use of the Skill & Specialization, you can also try to understand the nature of existing or recently dissipated magical effects (usually from Spells) or gain a synergy bonus to Enchant: Identify + Magic.

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  • Active Skills...
    Physical Active Skills [LA]

  • Athletics [Str] . . . Acrobatics [Agi], Climb [Str], Ride [Ride], Sprint [Str], Swim [Str]
  • Stealth [Agi] . . . Disguise [Agi], Escape [Agi], Legerdemain [Agi], Sneak [Agi], Shadow [Int]

  • Social Active Skills [LA]

  • Con [Cha] . . . Disguise [Cha], Fast-talk [Cha], Impersonate [Cha], Perform [various]
  • Influence [Cha] . . . Etiquette [Cha], Instruct [Cha], Intimidate [various], Leadership [Cha], Negotiate [Cha]

  • Technical Active Skills [LA]

  • Perception [Int] . . . Aural [Int], Olfactory [Int], Tactile [Int], Visual [Int]
  • Outdoors [Int] . . . Navigate [Int], Survival [Int], Track [Int]
  • Heal [Log] . . . First Aid [Log], Herbalism [Log], Recovery [Log]
  • Engineer [Log] . . . Architecture [Log], Armorer [Log], Locksmith [Log], Mason [Log], Weaponsmith [Log], etc.

  • Combat Active Skills [LA]

  • Close Combat [Agi] . . . Blades [Agi], Bludgeons [Agi], Pole-arms [Agi], Unarmed [Agi]
  • Ranged [Agi] . . . Bows [Agi], Crossbows [Agi], Slings [Agi], Thrown [Agi]
  • Defense [Rea] . . . Block [Str], Dodge [Rea], Maneuvers [Rea], Parry [Int]
  • Exotic Weapons [Agi] . . . Claws [Agi], Chakrams [Agi], Flails [Agi], Firearms [Agi], etc.

  • Magic Active Skills [LA]

  • Assense [Int] . . . Astral Combat [Wil], Astral Diagnosis [Int], Astral Navigation [Int], Astral Signatures [Int]
  • Sorcery [Mag] . . . Counterspell [Mag], Metamagic [Mag], Ritual Cast [Mag], Spellcast [Mag]
  • Enchant [Mag] . . . Alchemy [Mag], Artifice [Mag], Disenchant [Mag], Identify [Mag]
  • Conjure [Mag] . . . Banish [Mag], Bind [Mag], Possess [Mag], Summon [Mag]

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