Calpian Empire Organization in Kornax | World Anvil

Calpian Empire

The Calpian Empire is the dominant political power of the northern half of Sagaas. It was originally an exclusively human state, but it has grown to incorporate humans, celermans, orcs, kobolds, and dragonborn ethnicities.


The Calpian Empire is ruled by the R̂oldavum. This hereditary imperial monarch is supported by the slavishly obedient (on pain of imprisonment or death) Catbalus, the legislature of the Empire. The Catbalus is responsible for appointing governors, administering the bureaucracy, collecting the taxes, and enacting legislation to uphold and enforce Imperial Edict.

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Empire seeks to create a haven of safety for all peoples.


In 1244 LE, the Catbalus of the republican city-state of Calpi appointed a Dictator to deal with domestic insurrection. This dictator, Capibus Qulus Orquisus, refused to step down when the insurrection was quelled. Instead he embarked on a series of conquests, capturing most of the Biati territory. He named himself Emperor and forced the priests of Stronus to crown him as such in Calpi in the year 1251 LE. In the two centuries since, his heirs have expanded the Empire to its present extents.

Unity For All


  • Calpian Empire
Founding Date
1251 LE
Geopolitical, Empire
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Catbalus of Calpi
Official Languages

The Imperial Era

1251 LE and beyond

  • 1316 LE

    25 Bists
    1316 LE


    First Qupian Rebellion
    Disaster / Destruction

    In 1316 LE, the Dacci briefly rebelled under the leadership of an organization called Qupin Dacciia. The rebellion was quickly quelled and hundreds of innocent civilians perished in the fighting.

  • 1364 LE

    11 Bans
    1366 LE

    4 Besped

    Second Qupian Rebellion
    Military: War

    In 1364 LE, Qupin Dacciia again led a rebellion against the Empire. This time they held out for two years before being crushed at the Battle of Belus.

  • 1402 LE

    10 Quo
    1402 LE

    27 Clictuns

    The Decimation Rebellion
    Disaster / Destruction

    A final revolt from the Daccii occured in 1402 LE, again led by Qupin Dacciia. This time they were brutally supressed, the civilian populace of all of Dacciia, including Atesi, was gathered and subjected to Decimation, in which they were divided into groups of ten, which drew lots. The nine who drew the white stone were forced to bludgeon the one who drew the black stone to death. This gruesome and violent punishment was followed by the establishment of the Military Government of Dacciia and the formation of the Daccian Legion.
