Dolobei Ethnicity in Kornax | World Anvil


The Dolobei are a Ditincian people who settled along the western grassland coast of Sargaas.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names universally drop the neuter -um and replace it with -a.

Masculine names

Masculine names universally drop the neuter -um. Well over ninety percent of the time the affix -us is appended; however, in rare instances, and for reasons that are unclear, sometimes the affix -ellos is used, instead. This feature is unique to the Dolobei among the Calpian-speaking peoples.

Unisex names

When a unisex name is required, the given name will end in -iagon. Denoba and ibabiwivum, when the individual is recognized as a member, will be styled with the neuter -um suffix.

Family names

Each person in Dolobei culture belongs to a denoba, or tribe. Members of the aristocratic class also have a family name called an ibabiwivum. The two elements are put together - denoba + ibabiwivum - to form the name tat serves as a surname. For example, Alturus comes from denoba Ciatum and the family with the ibabiwivum of Revitum. When addressed formally, he would be styled, "Alturus Ciatus Revitus."

Like all nouns in the Calpian language, proper names are modified according to the gender of the person to whom they peolong. Livium becomes Livius for a male or Livia for a female, and so on.


There are sixteen acknowledged denoba in the Dolobei culture. They are:

  • R̂alum
  • Pisipolum
  • Pimguccum
  • Dilvemar̂um
  • Rebantalum
  • Giobum
  • Quisum
  • Somvembum
  • Selavum
  • Ciccum
  • Babutum
  • Bunuvum
  • Canatum
  • Weium
  • Ur̂ugiobum
  • Sulbum

There are hundreds of ibabiwivum in use. They are often derivatives of adjectives that described the head of the family in the past.

Other names

The Dolobei do not use the caliwivum the way the Biati and Calpii do.


Major language groups and dialects

The Dolobei speak standard Calpian, with the exception of the very rare use of the affix -ellos in place of the traditional -us for male names.

Shared customary codes and values

Rigidly Moralistic

The Dolobei have a rigid moral code. Variance from this moral code is punished with ostracisim and exclusion. Though not specifically permitted, violence against those perceived as immoral is often tolerated or even encouraged.

Examples of the mores of the Dolobei people include:

  • Patriarchal gender roles
  • Heterosexual relationship norms
  • Binary gender identity
  • Dutiful worship of the gods
  • Care for the elderly and infirm within the family
  • Sexual relations (and by extension, pregnancy) outside of marriage is intolerable
  • Intoxicants are not to be consumed
  • Gluttony is sin
  • Adultery is sin
  • Avarice is sin
  • Sloth and idleness are immoral

There are many strictures, both formal and informal in addition to the above. Failure to remain upright in the eyes of one's community brings shame upon oneself, one's family, and in some cases, even one's denoba.


The Dolobei venerate the following gods (Calpian names in parentheses where they differ from the Celestial names):

  • War: Kiseswa (Quisesus)
  • Commerce: Kisquay (Cisquia)
  • The Sun and Rulership: Strone (Stronus)
  • Knowledge: Oors (Ora)
  • Fertility: Fermed (Bermedicus)
  • Home & Hearth: Snoish & Er (Snowisc & Er)
  • Smiths: Ayay (Aius)
  • Medicine & Health: Gloi (Glovia)

They also recognize these gods, but see them as evil or as adversaries (Calpian names in parentheses, where the differ from the Celestial names):

  • Lust: Wearnch (Uveiarnica)
  • Darkness: Wists (Uvistum)
  • Arcana & the Occult: Crorrm (Cror̂m)
  • Divination & the Occult: Plunmy (Pilunmia)
  • Fate & the Occult: Slens, Ded, and Fli (Silena, Dea, and Bilia)
  • The Fickle Sea: Threlved (Tirelva)
  • Pride & Hubris: Kigrasised (Ciccrasisa)
  • Death: Rigilists (Rigelia)
  • Avarice & Overweening Ambition: Tamahkarliq (Tamacarlica)
  • Diabolical Deals: Achadarvan (Axadarvus)


Gender Ideals

Traditional Gender Roles

Dolobei society is patriarchal, with men attending to business, governmental, and military matters, while women are expected to attend to domestic duties. Social expectations are geared around these roles. Departure from these roles is seen as immoral.

Despite social norms that suggest otherwise, women enjoy significant legal freedom. They are allowed to own property and can fully participate in business, government, religion, and military service if they choose to do so. The legal system offers robust protection for women in these roles, and the courts defend them aggressively when necessary. The limitations women face are entirely social in nature. In other words, women can participate in society in any way they choose, but if they choose to participate outside of the domestic sphere, they are often perceived immoral.

The same protections do not exist for those of non-binary status. In fact, tradition allows for the complete disowning of non-binary individuals from not only the family, but petition can be made to bar them from membership in their denoba, as well.

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