Ditinci - EXTINCT

The Ditinci (pronounced dee-TSEEN-chee) were a human people who settled along the northern shores of the Avcabun Sea.


Average technological level

Bronze Age

Common Dress code

Due to the relatively warmer weather afforded their proximity to the warm loop current of the Avcabun Sea, the Ditinci typically dressed in loose-fitting linen garments.


The Ditinci overwhelmingly used linen as a primary textile. They made lesser use wool and other hair fibers for secondary garments. Neither type of textile was usually died. Adornment was by way of embroidery, and the thread used it was also linen, but was frequently died saffron or scarlet. Examples of undyed embroidery exist, as well, though it was not as common.

Women's Attire

Women tended toward a knee-length, sleeveless linen dress with a wide neck opening, called a qamasus (kah-MAH-soos). A common variation of the qamasus was tied at the shoulder to allow easier access when breastfeeding. When necessary, a woolen underdress could be warn for warmth, which had long sleeves, a closer neck line, and extended to the feet. The name of this garment is lost to history, and it was only worn occasionally, since the climate rarely demanded it. During pregnancy, the qamasus was worn unbelted to allow for comfort. Other times, women wore narrow belts made of five or seven intricately plaited strips of leather.

Men's Attire

Men's attire usually consisted of a short-sleeved, square-neck linen tunic that came to just above the knee called a corditus (kor-DEE-tsoos). These tunics were typically belted by a broad leather girdle. On those rare occasions when the weather demanded it, men wore a hair or wool long sleeved undershirt and linen or hair breeches beneath their corditus.


Footwear among the Ditinci consisted of leather sandals.

Art & Architecture

Residential and Business

About 2/3 of homes and businesses were built on a single-story plan. Wealthier homes featured a second floor. Most structures are made from baked mud bricks. Door "arches" are precisely corbeled. Most buildings with exterior windows feature them only on the second floor and feature very heavy reinforced shutters. Conversely, interior courtyards typically have a covered walkway and windows open onto the walkway on both floors, featuring only light shutters for privacy. Roofs were thatched.

Government and Religious Buildings

Governmental buildings tended to be two stories, sometimes with a subterranean or partially subterranean basement. They were constructed of stone, with flat wooden roofs. In general, these structures did not feature interior courtyards. Small exterior windows about eight feet above the ground or floor served the dual purposes of providing ventilation and providing light.

Temple structures were similarly constructed from stone. They were single story structures basements, but they often rose to the height of thirty or more feet. About two feet from the overhanging roof, large windows allowed in light. The roofs of these structures were typically clay tile.

Coming of Age Rites

Early Adulthood

At fifteen years of age, a person was considered to have entered early adulthood. Males began their compulsory military education - wealthier males providing their own equipment and being instructed in basic self-defense, tactics, logistics and strategy; less affluent individuals wer issued a spear, a sword, and a shield and were trained in formation warfare and discipline. Females were considered eligible for courtship and were expected to assist their families in the domestic chores of the household part of the time and present themselves publicly for the purpose of attracting suitors part of the time.

Full Adulthood

At seventeen years of age, both males and females underwent a ceremony at the temple of Snovisc and Er (Snoish and Er) called the Heigu (HEY-joo). A dual sacrifice was made, a tattoo was imprinted on the neck of the young adult, and they were welcomed to adulthood, officially. At this point, they were eligible for property ownership, marriage, and active military service, if necessary.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Ditinci practiced cremation. After the cremation was done, the remains were gathered and placed in clay urns, which were decorated in honor of the goddess Rigelia (ree-JELL-ee-ah), their name for Riglists. These urns were buried in discrete graves, often with grave goods, when the survivors of the deceased could afford to part with them.

Common Myths and Legends

Gaebqum & Cuncedam and the Founding of Calpi

The legends of the Ditinici tell of two brothers named Gaebqum and Cuncedam who were orphaned on the northern coast of the Avcabun Sea, the only survivors of a great ocean journey from the remote west. A dragon named Raqeq saw the orpans and took pity on them. He ordered his servants to bring them to his palace, where he raised them and taught them many things they would need to know in life. Gaebqum ventured inland once he became a man, and nothing more is known of him, but Cuncedam remaind on the coast, founding the hillfort settlement of Calpi on the Atubin River.

Encompassed species


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Jan 2, 2024 21:03 by Lady Arsenik

I love reading about extinct people groups! I can definitely see the Roman influences here.