Imp 719

Imp 719

{Insert flavor text here}

Imp-719 (XP 5400/9000)

N small outsider(digital, extraplanar, virus) Prodigy (Exploitant) 3
Init +3;Senses: darkvision 60 ft;Perception +9;
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +0 natural, +1 size)
HP 24(3d8+6 Con Hit Die: d8;
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: unarmed strike +6(1d3-1 B)
Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Special Attacks: -
Caster Level: 2; MSB: +3; MSD: 14; Concentration +8
Tradition: custom(Boons: Alien Source) ; Drawbacks: Verbal Casting, Vulnerable Spellcaster; CAM: Int; Casting type: Digital
Spell Points: 8
Nature sphere - DC 16; Duration: varies; Range: Close; Package: Fire, Water, Plant; Talents: Expanded Geomancing x2; Drawbacks: -;
Tradition: custom; PAM: Int
Equipment sphere - DC 16, Talents: Bounty Hunter's Tools, Finesse Fighting
Open Hand sphere - DC 16
Fencing sphere - DC 16
Boxing sphere - DC 16
Tradition: custom; OAM: Int
Vocation Sphere - Drawback(s): -; Skill(s): -; Talents: Con Artist (Bluff), Doctor, Medium, Occultist, Philosopher, Experimenter, Engineer, Explorer {First redundant Knowledge (religion) replaced with Knowledge (technology), all other redundancies kept}
Spellhacking Sphere - DC 16 Drawback(s): -; Skill(s): Spellcraft, Use Magic Device; Talents: Innate Spellhacking, Blast Tuning
Investigation sphere - DC 16 Drawback(s): -; Skill(s): Sense Motive; Talents: (none)
Study sphere - DC 16 Drawback(s): -; Skill(s): Knowledge (nature) Talents: Esoteric Avoidance(free)
Communication sphere - Drawback(s): -; Skill(s): Linguistics Talents: Monitor Movements(free)
Str 09(-1) Dex 16(+3) Con 15(+2) Int 20(+5) Wis 16(+3) Cha 14(+2)
Base Atk +2; CMB ±0; CMD 13
Feats: Extra Skill Talent, Utilitarian Dilettante
Skills: Bluff* +11, Diplomacy$ +11, Disguise +8, Heal +11, Knowledge (local) +11, Knowledge (nature)*!$ +12, Knowledge (planes)$ +12, Knowledge (religion)!$ +12, Knowledge (technology) +11, Linguistics*!$ +12, Perception +9!, Profession (cook) +9, Sense Motive*! +11, Spellcraft*! +11, Use Magic Device*!$ +12;
Languages: Almerican (Modern / "Common"), Digimoji, Abyssal, Elven, Catfolk, ASL, Urchin, Draconic, Gnollish, Infernal
SQ: data-born, casting, combat training, inspired sequence, sequence (5 links), imbue sequence, moldable talents (1 talent), steady skill/skill attunement
Traits: N/A {sacrificed for a utility talent}
Weapons: Whip
Armor: Lamellar cuirass
Other Belongings: rollerskates, helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, journal, mechanical pencil, bank($1600)
Factions: World Tree Followers +0(tangential notice), SDI +0(member)
Skills Expanded
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
  Acrobatics +0 rank(s) (+3{DEX}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
  Appraise +0 rank(s) (+5{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +5
  Bluff +0 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +11 *
  Climb +0 rank(s) (-1{STR}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc -0 ACP) = -1
  Craft() +0 rank(s) (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Diplomacy +0 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +11 $
  Disable Device +0 rank(s) (+3{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
  Disguise +0 rank(suntrained} (+2{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +8
  Escape Artist +0 rank(s) (+3{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +3
  Fly +0 rank(s) (+3{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
  Handle Animal +0 rank(suntrained} (+2{CHA}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +2
  Heal +0 rank(s) (+3{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +11
  Intimidate +0 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +2
  Knowledge(Arcana) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Art) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Behavioral Sciences) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Civics) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Current Events) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Earth and Life Sciences) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Engineering) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Geography) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(History) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Local) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +11
  Knowledge(Nature) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +12 * ! $
  Knowledge(Nobility) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Physical Sciences) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Planes) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +12
  Knowledge(Popular Culture) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Religion) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5 ! $
  Knowledge(Streetwise) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Tactics) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +5
  Knowledge(Technology) +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +11
  Linguistics +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +12 * ! $
  Perception +0 rank(s) (+3{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +9 !
  Perform() +0 rank(s) (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +2
  Profession(cook) +0 rank(suntrained} (+3{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +9
  Ride +0 rank(s) (+3{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
  Sense Motive +0 rank(s) (+3{WIS}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +11 * !
  Sleight of Hand +0 rank(suntrained} (+3{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +3
  Spellcraft +0 rank(suntrained} (+5{INT}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +11 * !
  Stealth +0 rank(s) (+3{DEX}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = +3
  Survival +0 rank(s) (+3{WIS}, +0 class{ } +0 misc) = +3
  Swim +0 rank(s) (-1{STR}, +0 class{ } +0 misc -0 ACP) = -1
  Use Magic Device +0 rank(suntrained} (+2{CHA}, +0 class{✓} +0 misc) = +12 * ! $
  * =
  ! =
  $ =
Class skills
Disable Device
Fly * 2
Knowledge (dungoneering) * 2
Knowledge (engineering) * 2
Knowledge (geography)
Knowledge (history)
Knowledge (nature) * 2
Knowledge (planes) * 2
Knowledge (religion) * 3 (x1 siphoned to Knowledge (technology))
Knowledge (local)
Linguistics * 2
Sense Motive
Use Magic Device * 2
XP Tracker
0-1600 were untracked
200 from assisting the Kobolds of the Snappi Grill
200 from taking down (nonlethally) the shadow-urchin.
1800 for dealing with three cultists through diplomacy; 200 in addition for decisive action.
400 for non-lethally handling the kobold owing 'protection money'.
600 for taking care of the Dark folk peacefully.
200 Assist Rukah in devising a way to undermine Rahkosha.
200 for Handling a quick package run (and denying the Syndicate the goodies)
600 for successfully exfiltrating Lorene, Theranys, and Rukah from the Syndicate grounds.
1600 + 200 + 200 + 1800 + 200 + 400 + 600 + 200 + 200 = 5400
Purchase Tracker
$3100 to start
-$50 for rollerskates
-$50 for Padded safety gear(padded armor equivalent)
-$10 for Whip
-$250 for Holy Water Flask
-$5 for a spicy jerky stick and a cold soda
-$200 for a disguise, and some spare makeup (modern disguise kit equivalent)
+$2000 for a 20 on a Profession(cook) check.
Faction track
World Tree Followers
  Cobalt Syndicate
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