
Natively known as: tizezoh /tɪˈʒɛʒoh/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
ish eth khúrh vum eth hrúrxe ish mu eth urr gút hra xúrri
Pronunciation: /ɪʃ ɛθ khiɹh vʌm ɛθ ˈhɹiɹksɛ ɪʃ mʌ ɛθ ʌɹɹ git hɹɑ ˈksiɹɹɪ/
Tizezohi word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b c d g h k l m n p r s t v x z
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Stop p b t d c k g
Fricative v s z x h
Trill r
Lateral approximant l
Vowel inventory: a e i o u y
Front Back
High i y u
High-mid e o
Low a
Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?   Sound changes (in order of application):  
  • a → ɑ
  • bb → b
  • b → b
  • ch → ʧ
  • c → k
  • d → d
  • e → ɛ
  • ff → f
  • f → f
  • gg → g
  • g → g
  • h → h
  • i → ɪ
  • j → ʤ
  • kk → k
  • k → k
  • ll → l
  • l → l
  • m → m
  • ng → ŋ
  • nn → n
  • n → n
  • o → o
  • p → p
  • q → k
  • r → ɹ
  • sh → ʃ
  • ss → s
  • s → s
  • th → θ
  • t → t
  • u → ʌ
  • v → v
  • w → w
  • x → ks
  • y → i
  • z → ʒ
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
c k
ɑ a
b b
ʧ ch
d d
ɛ e
f f
g g
h h
i i
ɪ i
ʤ j
k k
l l
m m
ŋ ng
n n
o o
p p
ɹ r
ʃ sh
s s
θ th
t t
ʌ u
v v
w w
ʒ z


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: prepositions ?  


  Nouns form plural with separate plural word:
Plural Particle before the noun: grah -
grah xutúgna /gɹɑh ksʌˈtignɑ/ dogs


Definite bre /bɹɛ/ the
Indefinite hre /hɹɛ/ a, some
Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Definite article can be omitted: ‘I am going to supermarket’
  • Not used for mass (uncountable) nouns: ‘Walking in the mud’ would always translate to ‘Walking in mud’.
  • Used with place names: ‘The London’
  Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:
  • Not used for non-specific countable nouns: non-specific means ‘I am looking for a (any) girl in a red dress’, whereas specific means ‘I am looking for a (particular) girl in a red dress’


1st singular du /dʌ/ I, me, mine
2nd singular szu /sʒʌ/ you, yours
3rd singular masc eth /ɛθ/ he, him, his, it (masc), its (masc)
3rd singular fem li /lɪ/ she, her, hers, it (fem), its (fem)
1st plural inclusive xux /ksʌks/ we (including you), us (including you), ours (including you)
1st plural exclusive ah /ɑh/ we (excluding you), us (excluding you), ours (excluding you)
2nd plural uh /ʌh/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd plural pú /pi/ they, them, theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singular du /dʌ/ my
2nd singular szu /sʒʌ/ your
3rd singular masc eth /ɛθ/ his
3rd singular fem li /lɪ/ her
1st plural inclusive ksuks /ksʌks/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusive ah /ɑh/ our (excluding you)
2nd plural uh /ʌh/ your (pl)
3rd plural pi /pɪ/ their


Present Past Remote past Future
1st singular Prefix ru-
rusnarh /ˈɹʌsnɑɹh/ (I) learn
Prefix tsi-
tsisnarh /ˈtsɪsnɑɹh/ (I) learned
Prefix e-
esnarh /ˈɛsnɑɹh/ (I) learned (long ago)
Prefix kna-
knasnarh /ˈknɑsnɑɹh/ (I) will learn
2nd singular Prefix a-
asnarh /ˈɑsnɑɹh/ (you) learn
If starts with vowel: Prefix x-
Else: Prefix xi-
xisnarh /ˈksɪsnɑɹh/ (you) learned
If starts with vowel: Prefix kr-
Else: Prefix kra-
krasnarh /ˈkɹɑsnɑɹh/ (you) learned (long ago)
If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ky-
kúsnarh /ˈkisnɑɹh/ (you) will learn
3rd singular If starts with vowel: Prefix rr-
Else: Prefix rre-
rresnarh /ˈɹɹɛsnɑɹh/ (he/she/it) learns
Prefix tsu-
tsusnarh /ˈtsʌsnɑɹh/ (he/she/it) learned
If starts with vowel: Prefix kr-
Else: Prefix kri-
krisnarh /ˈkɹɪsnɑɹh/ (he/she/it) learned (long ago)
Prefix u-
usnarh /ˈʌsnɑɹh/ (he/she/it) will learn
1st plural inclusive Prefix gi-
gisnarh /ˈgɪsnɑɹh/ (we (including you)) learn
Prefix te-
tesnarh /ˈtɛsnɑɹh/ (we (including you)) learned
If starts with vowel: Prefix sz-
Else: Prefix sza-
szasnarh /ˈsʒɑsnɑɹh/ (we (including you)) learned (long ago)
If starts with vowel: Prefix thr-
Else: Prefix thry-
thrúsnarh /ˈθɹisnɑɹh/ (we (including you)) will learn
1st plural exclusive If starts with vowel: Prefix amm-
Else: Prefix ammo-
ammosnarh /ɑmˈmosnɑɹh/ (we (excluding you)) learn
If starts with vowel: Prefix estr-
Else: Prefix estri-
estrisnarh /ɛsˈtɹɪsnɑɹh/ (we (excluding you)) learned
If starts with vowel: Prefix ob-
Else: Prefix oby-
obúsnarh /oˈbisnɑɹh/ (we (excluding you)) learned (long ago)
Prefix kry-
krúsnarh /ˈkɹisnɑɹh/ (we (excluding you)) will learn
2nd plural Prefix ro-
rosnarh /ˈɹosnɑɹh/ (you all) learn
If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ko-
kosnarh /ˈkosnɑɹh/ (you all) learned
If starts with vowel: Prefix ythn-
Else: Prefix ythny-
úthnúsnarh /iθˈnisnɑɹh/ (you all) learned (long ago)
Prefix thri-
thrisnarh /ˈθɹɪsnɑɹh/ (you all) will learn
3rd plural If starts with vowel: Prefix z-
Else: Prefix zi-
zisnarh /ˈʒɪsnɑɹh/ (they) learn
If starts with vowel: Prefix onz-
Else: Prefix onze-
onzesnarh /onˈʒɛsnɑɹh/ (they) learned
If starts with vowel: Prefix sz-
Else: Prefix sze-
szesnarh /ˈsʒɛsnɑɹh/ (they) learned (long ago)
If starts with vowel: Prefix rr-
Else: Prefix rra-
rrasnarh /ˈɹɹɑsnɑɹh/ (they) will learn

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Tizezohi uses the word for ‘finish’ oghobra for the perfect aspect.  


  Tizezohi has a base-10 number system:   1 - rerh
2 - gni
3 - vi
4 - gna
5 - thoh
6 - tu
7 - rramme
8 - gha
9 - oghreth
10 - virh
100 - thúbrú
1000 - rru

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix y-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ku-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix o-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix hri-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix o-
Noun to verb = Prefix gno-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix rr-
Else: Prefix rry-
Tending to = Prefix ghu-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix rro-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix thra-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Prefix thr-
Else: Prefix thre-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix o-
Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix ih-
Else: Prefix iha-
Augmentative = Prefix gny-


3106 Words.