
Ability Adjustments: +2 to any one ability score.
Size and Type: Infomorphs are outsiders with the digital and extraplanar subtypes, in addition to one of three subtypes: vaccine, data, or virus. Their size varies greatly based on their stock.
Infomorph Movement: They have a base speed of 30 feet, usually. Some 'stock's have different modes of locomotion, and will be listed where appropriate.
Data-born(Su): Upon death, the digital outsider breaks down into code, and enters a cycle of reincarnation. 10% chance of memory loss upon their return to life. A deceased digital outsider will return in 1d4 days.
Data-form: A number of times equal to 2 + an infomorph's Constitution modifier, an informorph can transmute themselves, as a move action, into a cloud of apparently floating data, containing their ent-data. In this form, the infomorph can enter an accessible computer(including surrogates, robots, etc) system as a swift action, but if the system isn't readily accessible (i.e. has lockouts and passcode's required for even base access) they will have to succeed at a Knowledge(technology) check, and it then becomes a standard action.
Infomorph Special Attacks: At 1st level, an infomorph gains a simple, basic type of specialized attack, usually related to their stock; ranging from claws and blades, to lasers and fire-bolts. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, they gain access to additional Special Attacks. Any mentions of a "caster level", with regards to an infomorphs' special attacks, refer to an infomorph's total character level, instead of being reliant on a spellcasting class level.
SpecialTier Req.Uses per dayEffect (per level: 1st / 5th / 10th / 15th / 20th)
Bubble shot1 8/day A barrage of bubbles, a favorite among the littlest infomorphs. 1d3 / 2d3 / 3d3 / 4d3 / 5d3
Cryobolt3 3/day A ball of elemental ice thrown at a single target as a ranged touch attack. The cryobolt deals cold damage per caster level you have (maximum 5d6). Optionally, the creature can consume a charge to imbue a melee attack with the elemental ice, giving the strike cold damage in addition to the attack's damage. 1d6 / 2d6 / 3d6 / 4d6 / 5d6
Firebolt3 3/day A ball of elemental fire thrown at a single target as a ranged touch attack. The firebolt deals fire damage per caster level you have (maximum 5d6). Optionally, the creature can consume a charge to imbue a melee attack with the elemental fire, giving the strike fire damage in addition to the attack's damage. 1d6 / 2d6 / 3d6 / 4d6 / 5d6
Digital Evolution(Su): Starting at 2nd level, an infomorph can begin to utilize any accumulated Voxels they've absorbed to bump their form up a tier, becoming (usually) notably larger, gaining access to new abilities, temporary hit points. The transformation is a standard action. You can only move up one tier at a time, and with each tier, the drain on your Voxel pool increases (1 tier above baseline is 1 Voxel drained per round, 2 tiers is 2 drained, 3 tiers is 3 drained, etc). If you fall unconscious while up-tiered, you lose half of your total Voxel pool, and revert to your baseline form. You regain available Voxels after 8 hours of rest.
Accumulating Voxels is done in many ways, including the defeat of digital foes, as a reward for the completion of quests in the Digital Layer, and even passive absorption in the Digital and/or physical layers. Defeating foes earns you xd6 Voxels, with x being tier(1 for 3rd tier, 2 for 4th tier, 4 for 5th tier, and 8 for 6th tier), the defeat of smaller(1st and 2nd tier) Infomorphs will earn a negligible number of Voxels.
Upon taking a significant amount of damage (i.e. enough to render you unconscious), you must make a Fort save (DC 15), or be knocked down a tier. This is, generally, a double-edged sword, as you're weaker, you lose your limbs(any gear you had is digitized and stored in your kernel) and much of your attack power, but you're generally easier to scoop up if an ally decides to flee. If you possess Martial Focus, as an immediate action just before falling unconscious, you can expend it to resist losing your current tier. You will continue to lose Voxels, according to the standard drain, if applicable, but you will not be forced below your baseline.
Languages: Infomorphs begin play speaking Common and Digimoji. Infomorphs with high Intelligence can choose any language as a bonus language (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
TierHit PointsTemp HPAbilities
Tier 1 (Fresh/Baby I)1/4 Total - 1
Tier 2 (In-Training/Baby II)1/2 Total - 1
Tier 3 (Rookie/Child)Baseline - 1
Tier 4 (Champion/Adult)- +Hit Die max 2
Tier 5 (Perfect)- +2x Hit Die max 4
Tier 6 (Ultimate)- +4x Hit Die max 8

Alternate Traits

Replaces Infomorph Special Attacks
Because there's such inane pressure to bring Spheres into -every- aspect of things:
Native Caster: They gain talents as a Low Caster, and gain a bonus talent every even level. Only selectable if the infomorph has no class levels in a spheres class.
Native Practitioner: They gain talents as a Proficient Practitioner. Only selectable if the infomorph has no class levels in a spheres class.
Native Cast-Practitioner: They gain talents similar to both Caster and Practitioner, gaining bonus talents every even level, except that these bonus talents count as Champion, allowing them to take either combat, or magic talents. Only selectable if the infomorph has no class levels in a spheres class.
Bumped Spheres: An infomorph gains a bonus talent (magic, combat, or skill). Must have class levels in a spheres class.

Racial Feats

Stabilized Tier 4: You've learned how to stabilize the normally violent data overwrite that comes with digitally evolving.
Prerequisites: Digital Evolution racial trait, Con 13, character level 3
Benefit: Through practice and patience, you have learned how to stably maintain a Tier 4 form, negating the standard drain on Voxels. As a result, shifting to Tier 4 cost only a single Voxel, allowing the others to remain banked, or usable for upshifting further. Downshifting refunds the spent Voxel.
  Stabilized Tier 5: You've learned how to stabilize the normally violent data overwrite that comes with digitally evolving.
Prerequisites: Stabilized Tier 4, Con 15, character level 9
Benefit: Through practice and patience, you have learned how to stably maintain a Tier 5 form, negating the standard drain on Voxels. As a result, shifting to Tier 5 cost only two Voxels, allowing the others to remain banked, or usable for upshifting further. Downshifting refunds the spent Voxels.
  Stabilized Tier 6: You've learned how to stabilize the normally violent data overwrite that comes with digitally evolving.
Prerequisites: Stabilized Tier 5, Con 19, character level 15
Benefit: Through practice and patience, you have learned how to stably maintain a Tier 6 form, negating the standard drain on Voxels. As a result, shifting to Tier 6 cost only four Voxels, allowing the others to remain banked, or usable for upshifting further. Downshifting refunds the spent Voxels.
  Safe Mode: By bumping down to an earlier tier, recovery can be boosted.
Prerequisites: Digital Evolution racial trait
Benefit: By reverting to Tier 2, an infomorph can bolster recovery, overcoming disease and poisons through shedding the afflictions off their form, in addition to doubling hit point recovery for a day. This downshift, however, lasts for an entire day, negating your standard abilities(except for Tier 1/2 appropriate abilities), class abilities, and any Spheres talents you've accumulated for that time.
Scientific Name
Notitia mentis
Geographic Distribution
For the sci-fi iteration, look here.