Lake Kaltan

The largest body of fresh water in the south of the continent of Hunar, Lake Kaltan is, along with the Masseen River, one of the natural borders between Norgantho Province in the west and Greltor Province in the east. Whilst the eastern shore of the lake is dominated by the dense mass of the Ascar Giss, the western shore borders instead the rolling fields of the Relialo Plains.   Whilst the eastern shore of the lake are completely unsettled, the western shore is the base of a prosperous fishing industry that sees people come from all over Norgantho Province to the town of Clamton looking for work aboard the mussel and oyster boats, or hoping to try their hand at pearl diving.


Sitting in the shadow of the Spiny Mountains' south west foothills, Lake Kaltan is a large freshwater lake, whose waters are continuously replenished by the chill water that flows down all year round from the mountains, driven by mountain springs and the spring and summer melt waters. The lake itself is not especially deep, averaging out at a maximum depth of no more than 40 feet or so at its very centre and its waters are remarkably clear and full of nutrients and minerals that allow shellfish especially to thrive.

Fauna & Flora

An abundant habitat, Lake Kaltan is home to all manner of aquatic life, ranging from near innumerable species of freshwater fish, to the shellfish that drive the local economy, to aquatic mammals such as otters and waterfowl and other semi-aquatic birds that prey on the Lake’s other inhabitants.

Natural Resources

Lake Kaltan is well known for its crystal clear, nutrient rich waters, which are rich in marine life, with enormous colonies of fresh water mussels, oysters and clams being harvested and to some extent cultivated by the communities that dwell in its vicinity throughout the year. A small, but equally profitable side industry is the collection of fresh water pearls from the lake’s clams, many of which, especially the rarer black and blue pearls fetching a high price in larger settlements.   The lake is also the terminus of the annual migration of Southern Sea Salmon, who travel from the raging waters between the continents of Hunar and Zastral every year and up the Masseen River to spawn in Lake Kaltan’s sheltered and relatively warm waters. Unlike other species of salmon, Southern Sea Salmon do not die after spawning, but instead attempt to make their way back to the open ocean, though few survive the return journey as the sluggish, weary fish are heavily predated. Amongst those who live near Lake Kaltan and the Masseen River, it is an unwritten rule to only catch Southern Sea Salmon returning downriver, so that the stocks are not depleted by the females being caught before they can release their eggs.
Location under

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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