WorldEmber 2023 Homework

Focus Area

  For a long time I have only been doing challenges such as worldember for my world of Niorath. This year, however, I created a new world dedicated to an alternative history of the ancient world. So for this year I have decided to work on an area in both worlds and set the base goal of 10000 words for it. I don't know if I will be able to get that far in december because our daughter takes up quite some time, but I will try my best :) !  
Terra Occidentalis


  Since this world is still rather new I have a lot I could focus on. Recently I got a big portion of base worldbuilding out of the way by creating an article for the Roman World View. This gave me a good insight of the current layout of the world.   My new goal is to expand on the history thus far. I have started a chronicle for this that I hope will be more complete soon. My main focus here will be on the events/nations that are different from our timeline.   Roman and Greek History  
Areas of Focus
The starting focus will be on the Mediterranean and the changed history caused by Alexander III living a longer life.  
  • Alexandrian Empire and successor states
  • New dynasties
  • New conflicts for Macedon, Carthage, Rome, India, Germani, Gauls


  Niorath is a much more established world but there are still many areas left to focus on. During Summer Camp I expended a bit on the continent of Oneraga but I did not deepen the lore of the Elves as I said I would. The prompts were more fitting for the Oneragan continent than for the Elven nations so they got left behind a bit.   During Worldember I tend to change that and shift the focus to the Elves. Mervidel is a country that already got quite some articles for its capital/government but the outer region could still be expanded. Another interesting area to work out will be Aelirium which was only really touched upon during a few month challenges.  
Areas of Focus
  • Mervidel: other cities/ regions
  • Aelerium: capital, regions
  • Kavonia: cities, regions, history
  • Mofineron: regions, history

Mini Meta

  The meta of Niorath has already been worked out and updating over time. However, Terra Occidentalis has not yet gotten the same treatment. For that world I will therefore first make a little meta in general here. For Niorath I will focus on the Elves.  

Terra Occidentalis

Scope This alternative history diverged from reality when the Carthaginians discovered the new world. Alexander the Great not dying at an early age leads to a Greek world that remained stable for longer. This in turn lead to the Romans focussing their conquest on the west.
Mood The mood of the world is a bit mixed. On one hand there is a clear sense of progress in the world and the exploration of the new world offers great opportunities. On the other hand the average person tends to suffer as warfare is common every few years.
Drama Not too long ago the Romans got into contact with the Carthagians again, who were not heard of for several centuries. After learning of the new world they themselves decided to try to conduct expeditions there. Now the Romans have begun building new colonies in these lands. This will eventually lead to clashes with both the natives and the already well established Carthaginians.


Scope For this mine meta I will focus on the Elven lands of the continent of Farlis. Most of these nations have quite some history as they are successor nations of the ancient Avaronian Empire. Although they have long since split they are still very intwined and influenced by eacother.
Mood The mood in the Elven countries is quite different. The people of Mervidel feel a sense of insecurity after recent losses and deminishing power. Meanwhile the country of Aelerium expects to grow over the coming years as new magical inventions are being done. Meanwhile all Elven countries fear the rise of the industrial era which could possibly outshine them as magic becomes less important as a measure of power.
Drama The recent war between Mervidel and the Eastern Alliance has given rise to a lot of anti Elf sentiment in Human countries. Mervidel itself tries to strike a balance in condeming their previous ruler's policies and trying not to upset the general populance. Meanwhile Aelerium is seeing the cracks in the previously strong Mervidel and is set on becoming the new dominant Elven power.

Home Page

  I made some new changes to the homepage of Terra Occidentalis such as change of background, proper categories and updated intro. Eventually I hope to add a section here that lets readers choose from which perspective they want to read articles. For now this is mostly from Roman perspective but it would be nice to add multiple versions of articles to see the differing opinions. This would be linked to a subscriber group.  

Last Minute Prep

  As mentioned before I intend to get as much history worked out in my chronicle for Terra Occidentalis. This will make it much easier for me to have a starting point for new articles. I will probably not be able to finish it yet but my intention will be to at least complete it during worldember!   Roman and Greek History


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Nov 24, 2023 21:16 by Mochi

Think there might be an unclosed bbcode thingy somewhere! I can't like!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 24, 2023 21:20

thanks for the headsup! :D

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Nov 24, 2023 21:22 by Mochi

Super excited to see what you get written for WorldEmber! :D I am loving your new world

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Nov 24, 2023 21:31

Heck yes! Good luck, I can't wait to see how your alternate history plays out!

Nov 29, 2023 19:41

Thank you! :D Excited to work on it and the chronicle is progressing nicely ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Nov 24, 2023 22:07

Whoooooo this sounds so awesome!! I cannot wait to read all the things you'll write this WE!

Nov 29, 2023 19:42

Thanks! Will keep you updated on all the alternate history stuff ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Nov 26, 2023 20:11

That sounds exciting and makes me very curious. I look forward to your articles and wish you a great WorldEmber.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Nov 29, 2023 19:43

Great world ember to you ass well! Hope you make some cool stuff in december as well ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Nov 29, 2023 04:55

Niorath Drama is Romans? i It's the same as your Terra drama box. I think you lost some text.

Nov 29, 2023 19:44

Nice catch thanks!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Nov 29, 2023 13:20 by TJ Trewin

Good luck on your path to 10k during WorldEmber this year :D You've got this!   Which article template(s) are you most looking forward to writing?

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 29, 2023 19:45

Thank you! Good luck to you as well :D I think I am going to like writing characters and finally playing a bit with the family trees :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!