
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

No matter how much has changed across Allegri in the last four centuries, one thing has been consistent; The Mansa. Someone to carry the burden of responsibility and be a level-headed leader for the people they rule. This isn't to say others aren't delegated too, after all, one person simply cannot manage three massive cities that spread across an entire continent, but the Mansa is ultimately responsible of maintaining the safety and prosperity of those under their purview. There is no rank above Mansa across Allegri and they are the ultimate, final authority in all disputes.


Mansa is the genderless title for the ruler endorsed and usually groomed by the previous Mansa. This may essentially be any individual chosen by the Mansa. The title given to a young person formally identified as intended successor to the rulership is Lousa and they serve as apprentice to the Mansa. Historically very few Mansa have been chosen outside their own bloodline, but it is possible and such a child is typically brought into the Mansa's family in some manner such as adoption, wardship, or even marriage.
After a full year of shadowing the Mansa as Lousa, the apprenticeship ends and they are given the title of Mansa. They take on all responsabilities of the role, with the oversight of the retired Mansa, now called Mansa-Allumni or often shortened to Allumni. The Allumni is still responsible for continuing to educate and guide the new Mansa, however accepting this role indicates that they have relinquished their position and are willing to allow a new ruler to lead.
A Mansa may abdicate their position any time after a period of ten years, at which point they must elevate an apprentice. This is usually a young adult between the ages of 11-13, almost always under 20. This young charge shadows the Mansa to learn their future responsibilities. During this time the Mansa may end their apprenticeship at any point should the apprentice prove unskilled or otherwise incompetent. A Mansa may have any number of Lousa at any given time, though it is seen as somewhat irresponsible to have more than a handful since they are to be personally educated by the Mansa.
Why so young?
Originally many who deliberated on the Treaty of Allegri thought only experienced leaders should have the responsibility to lead the alliance, however one voice offered a different solution; a younger ruler would learn as they ruled - rather than suffer from preconceptions or prejudices. This would continue to bring modern vision to the leadership rather than fall back on old ways of thinking.


Since inception the Allegran government has been focused on the survival and well-being of humankind. As such, only humans may take official roles in the government - including the title of Mansa. Historically anyone foolish enough to imply otherwise is met with open hostility or even imprisonment under charges of sedition. To most folk living in the cities the role Mansa is near godhood and should be respected at all times; any change to the role of Mansa would be akin to heretical in their eyes.


In rare times of upheaval or a coup, when a new Mansa ascends to the throne via any means other than through the Lousa/Allumni process, they are titled 'First Ruler'. First Rulers are only permitted to reign for up to ten years, after which they must abdicate. If a Mansa dies unexpectedly the Church of First Worship and their representatives are charged with performing a ceremony to divine the wishes of the deceased and appoint their chosen individual as First Ruler.


It is the requirement of the Mansa to act in the best interest of all people across Allegri.
— Treaty of Allegri - page three - paragraph five
This simple statement belies a heavy burden. At times the well-being of one will infringe on the best interests of another and it only gets more complicated from there. The Mansa must use sound judgement and weigh the cost of every decision they make. Dealing mainly with large-scale problems, the Mansa must remain impartial towards individual interests, even their own or those of their family and peers.


In most cases, the Mansa is considered irreproachable. Questioning them publicly within their presence is nearly always social suicide and depending on the level of perceived disrespect may result in severe punishments including fines, loss of titles, imprisonment, or execution. Privately, each Mansa has their own personal style and those closest to them know when, and how, to speak with their Highness.
Allegran government and society have many loose rules that are adhered to by the citizenry as though they are set in stone, but the Mansa is not subject to any law and behaves as they see fit. In the past, behaviour previously unheard of has become commonplace for a Mansa. The general population rarely adopts these behaviours unless directed by the Mansa to do so. It is the priviledge of their position and if the Mansa is popular, people will accommodate them in the strangest of ways if it means peace and stability.

Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Serene Highness, Your Grace
Alternative Naming
First Ruler, Lousa, Mansa-Allumni
Equates to
Length of Term
10 year minimum
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Legacy of Visions


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