Sargon, Crown of the Shifting Sands Geographic Location in Illyah | World Anvil

Sargon, Crown of the Shifting Sands

New Antuki, much like its homeland in Ishtaria is divided up into three main regions, each of which is named after the three Great Rivers of Ishtaria. The Northern Region which consists of Turkey, being Sargon – it is a region that consists of many forests and lush farmlands, seeming to have changed much over the years – It has thus been made the central region for farming and crop harvests. Sargon is mostly a rural region with few smaller towns to act as lodging for the farm workers and lines of distribution of its crops and cattle throughout the region, which a large system of roads has been made to connect the regions and further strengthen their supply routes.   Sargon is also home to many ports, which is mostly used as factories and processing plants to ship the goods down the Styx to the other cities via boats. With this, New Antuki has also developed a large rail system for transporting goods and people, with a depot in each city. Due to it having an abundance of forested areas, and high concentrations of iron and other ores, it is also the heart of the supply chain that builds homes and warships for the nation, among many other things. For Tourists, Sargon is also famous for the massive stadium which hosts its annual gladiatorial games among other things.


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