Brast Morgan Character in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Brast Morgan

AKA The Dream Taker (As ARL Champion)
AKA Thunder Thighs (During his IBL career)

One minute interview conducted by Ricardo Butler in 821AP before Brast's Imperial League Balt contest with the new balting sensation Jasarnus Riggs - The next great Imperial hope to take the All Race League title.

My 60 seconds with the well-known Imperial balter Brast was a speedy affair, even by one-minute standards! I managed a few questions but got little in the way of a response from the ugly, scar-ridden beast of a man. (Although, in truth, his Sorce will heal them within a month or two.) He refused my handshake, which gave me nothing to see beyond the few grunts he gave as answers.   Outside the arena, Brast was an expert on various hand-to-hand fighting weapons and was surprisingly agile for a man of his immense statue. He was known as thunder thighs for good reason.              

Brast loves:Brast hates
A waitress called Telin Soul Stealer
His Mother His Dad
Cooking Jasarnus Riggs

Biggest Regret: After asking this question, his hand twitched over a blade holstered on his waist. Several anxious moments passed before he responded, "I know what you are; touch me and die!"
I don't know what shocked me more: the fact a man twice my size threatened to kill me or that he knew about my abilities. Before I could react, Brast walked away just 42 seconds after the interview began, and I've never felt so relieved.   Final words: A robust Imperial specimen with an intensity that rivals any Riktus. I have not met Jasarnus Riggs yet, but it is clear Brast means to destroy the younger balting prodigy, and after today I'm not betting against him.

Brast's Balter Career

Written by Gertrus Rosinein 841AP.   What more can be said about Brast Morgan that hasn't already been said? He began his career as a sniper balter in 810, mere months after Soul Stealer had been banned from the Tremena. Interviews have since revealed this was Brast's biggest regret that he never got to avenge his dad's horrific defeat at Stealer's hands when Morgan was just a kid.   Brast didn't start out as a fan favourite, and his early career losses slowed his rise to stardom. To make enough Essence coin to allow his sick mum to live comfortably, he earned a reputation as a balter willing to fight anyone anywhere. Before his 30th birthday, he had already fought in over one hundred barbaric underground battles, earning him countless scars along the way.
  Outside the arena, Brast was an expert on a variety of different hand-to-hand fighting weapons and was surprisingly agile for a man of his immense size. Before he became known as the Dream Taker, he was called Thunder Thighs for good reason.
As Brast, his Imperial League days were impressive but nothing to shock the world and certainly never a contender to become an All Race League Champion, but that all changed once he won the Imperial League heavyweight title and finally revealed his Sorce. (The Queen's 809 Sorce ban had stopped him using it in the Imperial league).   During his Sorce-powered days in the All Race League, he became known as The Dream Taker and became a Warrior. Destruction was never so beautiful as watching the Taker shatter his opponents piece by piece and then finish them with a KO blow. A clinical finisher in every sense of the word and holds the record for the longest-defending ARL Open-weight champion. (8 years)  

Brast / Dream Taker's Record

  Class: Sniper during Imperial League, then Warrior for the ARL   Record:
Wins 143 (and near double that if you include his underground unlicensed fights)
6 Losses (All of them before becoming Dream Taker when he was known as Thunder Thighs)
5 no contests   Years active: 810 - 839   Accolades:
- Turned professional at 18 (810)
- Imperial Champion (822)
- ARL Heavyweight Rookie of the Year (823)
- ARL Heavyweight Champion (826)
- ARL Open-weight Champion (831)
- Defended belt for 8 years (A record for the ARL)
Brast's highly offensive style of fighting often led to many nasty injuries, but within a month, his Sorce powers healed him back to full health
Brast challenge.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher


The Dream Taker shocked the World when he retired in 839. People believe he became disillusioned with the lack of competition for his belt and, just like Soul Stealer 30 years previously, he vanished. And nobody has seen him since.   In 840, a survey was created for the fans to vote on their dream fantasy contest, choosing any balters from the last 50 years, and the winner was Soul Stealer vs Dream Taker for the Open-weight title. That would have been a match like no other in history.   Stealer's Touch: Final words come from Brast himself, taken from his unfinished autobiography. Found by his mum and given to me at my shop, Tornading Rhino - The one-stop resource for all balting memorabilia from the last century.
A wall that doubled as a barrier. Light shining bright. A frail, pasty white, ten-year-old boy, Brast, stands outside a Battle Balt arena, its transparent walls stop him from approaching. His dad, Crane, lies face down on the ground, blood pouring from his broken jaw. The fallen man scrambles to pick up several small white objects scattered on the floor - his dislodged teeth. Crane suffers from severe concussion as he drunkenly tries to lodge the teeth back in his mouth. Instead, they tumble to the floor.   A man of vast proportions, Soul Stealer, with a stocky build that would make a greggle Keg seem small in comparison. He pulls off his power glove and drops it to the floor like someone discarding rubbish. His silver translucent skin shimmered away, refracting the glaring arena lights as he began striding towards Crane.   “Father” is all the boy can say. A weak, useless plea. His hands stroked the glass barrier, willing it to disappear.   Soul Stealer’s balt-weathered hand glows white as it approaches his father’s head. The crowd screamed with excitement, chanting the name, “SOUL STEALER, SOUL STEALER...”   The glowing hand grabs the top of Crane’s head. The crowd roared their approval. Stealers’ Sorce, his finishing move about to be unleashed. Crane’s face turns bright white as his essence is sucked through his body and straight into Stealer’s glowing white hand and continuing through his muscular arm up into his face; his mouth twists open in delight at the meal he consumes.   The more Crane screams, the more Stealer grins, a manic intensity blazing across his eyes. The screaming man’s horrified face starts to turn grey, his previously dark blue eyes saturating as Stealer consumes Crane’s soul in front of thousands of cheering, adoring fans and one crying, frightened boy.   Nobody recovers from the Stealer’s touch.
— Extract from Nightmares of Brast (written by Brast Morgan)

Lost Love:

  His autobiography also revealed his deep love for Telin - a waitress from before he became Dream Taker. This picture was found inside his autobiography and dated 821 - The exact date as his Imperial title fight with Jasarnus Riggs.   Who knows? Maybe Brast finally rekindled his love and now lives out his life with Telin in some cottage away from Imperias City.   We can only hope for a dream ending, excuse the pun!  

Telin Portrait 2.png

by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Brast before receiving any nasty gashes from the arena's bloody menace.  As usual he loved practicing on the beach away from all the nut job fans.
Current Location
7 feet
325lbs (Heavyweight)

Written by Butler & Rosine

Battle Balt:

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by Adam Neve-Dunn


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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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