Soul Stealer Character in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Soul Stealer

One of the most powerful and feared balters that ever lived. After bursting onto the scene in 800 from nowhere - without even a single amateur match, he obliterated all his rivals to take the heavyweight Imperial Balt League title in 803.   He continued his unstoppable charge to take the All Race League heavyweight belt just two years later. After defending his title for two years, crushing all-comers on a monthly basis, he relinquished the belt to move onto the ARL Open-weight title - At that time, held by the diminutive, yet fierce Intisar the Invincible.   Two more years of dominating victories followed before he was ready to face the new champion, Dreadnaught in what would later be classified as Fight of the Decade.   Thirty years before Cravus the Crippler ever became known for his ability to crush his opponent's bodies, Soul Stealer had built his name with a terrifying Sorce Ability that not only destroyed a balter's body but also ripped out their soul. The light he absorbed from his rival strengthened him yet weakened them to such an extent they were never the same again. He wasn't just destroying balters careers but also their lives. The Queen warned him to stop using his Sorce in the Tremena, for she believed it to be a dark abomination which had no place in the sacred arena of Light.   Soul Stealer and many fans believed he had done nothing wrong and was simply taking advantage of the God-given abilities the White Lord had blessed upon him. And so, it all came down to his epic encounter with the undefeated mountain of a Riktus - Dreadnaught, weighing three times more than Stealer.   It was a titanic back-and-forth battle until Dreadnaught's insurmountable strength started taking control. Stealer was heading for his first loss, but instead of accepting defeat, he went against the Queen's demand and summoned his Sorce to suck the light from his opponent's body. With the Riktus's will to fight crushed, he succumbed to a KO loss at Stealers' fists. Stealer became the new ARL champion. But repercussions were coming...   The furious Queen reacted to this arena atrocity by invoking her authority as the Imperial Guardian and banned him from ever appearing in the Arena again. Not even the might of the ARL authorities would go against the Queen over this matter so they didn't fight the ban. The Queen then took it one stage further by attempting to ban all Sorce abilities in all arenas, and the ARL did not accept this, but that is another story.   Soul Stealer was essence-locked from entering any arena, and in 810, he disappeared - never to be seen again.    

Abilities and favoured weapon:

  Aura powers:
His Aurae Abilities were unknown.
Sorce ability:
Although Stealer declined all interviews and refused to explain his Sorce ability, evidence taken from all his fights revealed its remarkable abilities. In 49 fights he used his Sorce 14 times and always against warrior class balters that came to attack him. He never used his powers against athletes or warriors who hadn't entered his half. People still argue today why this was the case.   I believe he had some code of honour that, unless you threatened him, he would fight you on equal footing without Auras. Whatever the reason it certainly made his fights an exciting spectacle as balter warriors had to decide if they risked taking him on face to face. After his 40th fight and 13th time, he used his Sorce all balters decided to keep their distance for fear of having their light taken - until Dreadnaught.  
When his hand glowed white, he was activating his power and by touching his opponent would consume their light. He never took enough to kill, but it was enough to rip the confidence and desire to fight from even the most formidable warrior. His following blows would lead to a quick KO.   Some people believe that even when he was punched or kicked, providing there was skin-to-skin contact, he could suck the light from that warrior. This, however, was never proved.
Soul Stealer activating his sorce.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Body Slam KO

  When not using his Sorce to win, he often finished his opponents with his KO speciality - the Divebomb. A move that defined his victories against all Athletes and more diminutive warriors. Fein were too nimble and Riktus too prominent to succumb to this move so he reverted to different Ko's for them.   Equipment:
Power glove: He occasionally wore a non-powered glove.
Weapon: When going against an offensive warrior, he made the unusual decision of refusing a blade. If taking on an athlete, he took the The Shovel and only used it to defend shots - never to hit the balt.      

Unanswered Questions:

  It was unknown if his unique silver skin colour was natural and derived from his Sorce or was painted onto his body.   Soul Stealer was also famous for revealing no emotions on his face, making it difficult for his opponents to read his feelings.   Even during his celebrations, his face remained expressionless. Some put this down to his supreme confidence to win, others claimed it was due to his Sorce that fed on his own light, sucking his enjoyment from all moments.   We shall never know.
Soul stealer emotionless celebration.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Soul Stealer's Record:

Class: Warrior     Record:
49 Wins (48 KO's) Losses: 0
1 no contest   Years Active: 802 - 809   Accolades:
- Turned Pro: 800
- Imperial Heavyweight Champion 803
- ARL Heavyweight Champion 805
- ARL Open-weight Champion 809
- ARL Fight of the Year:
Dreadnaught vs Soul Stealer 809
- Banned 809
Post career awards:
- ARL Fight of the Decade (Open-weight): Dreadnaught vs Soul Stealer 809
(Neither combatant available to claim award so trophy handed to Intisar and Grimlok for their 808 Open-weight final)
Soul Stealer celebration bak.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Stealer had no shame in showing off his larger-than-life physique and took great pride in the size of his posterior.

Soul Stealer Today:

  Nobody has seen him since his ban. Father Superior conducted an extensive search to find and recruit him into his Purity Knights - as the church had done with the Purity Knight Captain centuries earlier. He was not found, and his whereabouts remain a mystery.    

Legacy and impact:

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by Rastamust the Vanquisher
  When people talk about the GBAT (The greatest balter of all time), Soul Stealer never gets a mention - mainly because of his short career and the fact he never defended the ARL Open-weight championship. People also argue that the standard of balters he fought against was far inferior to previous generations and not comparable to the current standard of professional balters. They believe Soul Stealer defeated a bunch of nobodies and nothing more.   However, in my professional days, I fought epic contests against battle-hardened Riktus that Dreadnaught had crushed in mere seconds. They all told me Dread was the most potent and dangerous Riktus that ever existed and that he'd never lost a battle in the Riktus Balt League - known for its uncompromising brutality. Alpha Ashaborn, the Riktus Queen, was confident he would go on to become an unstoppable ARL champion and prove to the other races how superior the Riktus were.   And, in some ways, she was correct, for Dreadnaught battered all those in his path to lifting the ARL title (including Intisar the Invincible and then defended it for over a year with devastating KO performances but even he couldn't stop Stealer. It was said his humiliating loss took such a physical and mental toll on the Riktus champion that he ran off to live in the Tsarkos forest - rather than face the wrath of the Riktus Queen - Alpha Ashaborn.   I know it's just conjecture, but I believe if the Imperial Queen hadn't introduced the ban, Soul Stealer would have cemented his legacy as one of the top 5 GBAT. If he'd arrived on the balter scene now, his Sorce powers would be applauded, not frowned upon, and he'd become a living Imperial legend.   Unfortunately, for Soul Stealer, he just happened to be the wrong man, at the wrong time, in the wrong place with the wrong power and no matter how gifted his Sorce may have been - he could never hope to defeat the Queen Guardian of all Tenglan. The wrong woman.Soul Stealer's balter career  

Best Fan costume

  Now, years have passed, and there is no chance of retribution from Stealer's touch. People have created their own humorous costumes honouring the legend and the ridiculous costume he used to wear in the Tremena. My favourite was Seviline Spud's effort - The Best Grocer in the bronze quarters and the cheapest veggies essence can buy.
Circumstances of Death
Whereabouts Unknown - Presumed dead
6ft 2"

Written by Gertrus Rosine

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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher
Character Portrait image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher


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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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