Marked Condition in Harmony | World Anvil


The Forces of the Universe have no consciousness of their own, and thus need to manifest form and will to reach what would be their ultimate goal. Cosmic law demands only one avatar of each force can exist at a time, incarnated as one of the many races of the observable universe. This avatar acts in a way that would empower their force. It is only natural then that the Avatar of Misery, representing a force whose goal is to erase existence through paradoxes, seeks to create more avatars.

A person magically marked by Misery has been chosen by the avatar to become a so-called lesser avatar, usually because they have a great potential for destruction (though it may also happen at random). To begin with, there is no way of knowing whether on is marked or not, especially since one of the first symptoms is forgetfulness. They will gradually lose more and more of themselves as Misery takes a hold of their minds. Memories will fade as amnesia sets in, skills may be lost, and madness might ensue.

There comes a point where the mark does not progress through the passive influence of Misery, and direct intervention by the avatar is required. If someone marked at this point stays in one place for too long, a magical signal will be sent to the avatar, alerting them of their location. Death will immediately trigger this signal. The avatar will then hunt the marked one, overpower their mind to erase it, at which point it will be an empty, but living husk. The empty husk is gradually filled with ambitions and desires aligned with the will of the avatar, creating a powerful (potentially undead) tool of destruction.

Being marked needn't be a lost cause. The avatar can only find you if you stand still. So run!

The progression of a mark can be halted indefinitely as long as you never settle. Staying no more than a night or two in one place before moving on to the next. A life of constant travel is exhausting, but safer than the alternative.

"Cured" Cases

Sutai Uul

See the article about King of Critters
Sutai Uul was a peasant turned into a lesser avatar at the end of the harmonicascension


One of the first lesser avatars, Eliyen served as handmaiden to the Avatar Cesciyb as a child. Aptly named "Handmaiden of Misery," she was marked through a ceremony of honor, and was allowed to keep her mind as the condition progressed. She served dutifully, doing all sorts of tasks ranging from cleaning the clothes of the avatar, to governing cities on her behalf.

Over the course of two millennia and some centuries, the Handmaiden grew a dislike for the concept of Misery. When she eventually had her first near-death experience at the hands of Fenrick Fraud and Cumbernauld MacBlutered, the mark lost its hold, and Eliyen left the observable universe to live in the Quiet World.

The Shitstains

The unfortunately named Shitstains were marked by Misery between 2120 and 2127 PGE, due to a pact made between a lesser avatar and Scab Grimsaw. Joining Scab the half-orc pirate at the wrong place to the wrong time, along came the svirfneblin Ōdnan Ref, the dwarf Atram, and the halfling Vinder Vlindoth.

The group was smart enough to keep on moving, and though some met ill fates, none let Misery take them. Ōdnan invoked the powers of Sawaarre to turn himself into a tree, a useless vessel for a lesser avatar. Vinder, growing too weary to continue his journey, was entrapped in stasis in the Quiet World by Silence. Scab and Atram, determined to find a cure, eventually located a portal to the realm of the King of Critters. With his divine help, they were given new bodies, disposing their old, marked bodies in a tar pit where they would likely be found by the avatar at some point.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

Known Cases

Below: The King of Critters, Sutai Uul, upon losing his mark and ascending to godhood.


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